English Dictionary

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 brooding brooding /ˈbruːdɪŋ/


  1. () Deeply or seriously thoughtful  ( broody , musing , pondering , brooding , contemplative , meditative , pensive , reflective , ruminative )
    deeply or seriously thoughtful
     Byron lives on not only in his poetry, but also in his creation of the Byronic hero' - the persona of a brooding melancholy young man
    Byron lives on not only in his poetry, but also in his creation of the Byronic hero' - the persona of a brooding melancholy young man


  1. () Persistent morbid meditation on a problem  ( pensiveness , brooding )
    persistent morbid meditation on a problem
  2. () Sitting on eggs so as to hatch them by the warmth of the body  ( incubation , brooding )
    sitting on eggs so as to hatch them by the warmth of the body
      The hen was brooding over her eggs, keeping them warm until they hatched.
    The hen was brooding over her eggs, keeping them warm until they hatched.