English Dictionary

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 wallop wallop /ˈwɑːləp/


  1. [Informal] A severe blow  ( wallop [Informal] )
    a severe blow
  2. [Informal] A forceful consequence; a strong effect  ( wallop [Informal] , impact )
    a forceful consequence; a strong effect
     The book had an important impact on my thinking
    the book had an important impact on my thinking
     The book packs a wallop
    the book packs a wallop


  1. () [Informal] Defeat soundly and utterly  ( wallop [Informal] )
    defeat soundly and utterly
     We'll wallop them!
    We'll wallop them!
  2. () [Informal] Hit hard  ( bash [Informal] , bonk [Informal] , bop [Informal] , wham [Informal] , belt , sock [Informal] , wallop [Informal] , whack [Informal] , whap [Informal, N. American] , whop [Informal] , boink [Informal, N. American] )
    hit hard
     The teacher whacked the boy
    The teacher whacked the boy