warn warn /ˈwɔrn/


  1. () Notify of danger, potential harm, or risk  ( warn )
    notify of danger, potential harm, or risk
     The director warned him that he might be fired
    The director warned him that he might be fired
     The doctor warned me about the dangers of smoking
    The doctor warned me about the dangers of smoking
  2. () Advise or counsel in terms of someone's behavior  ( monish , admonish , discourage , warn )
    advise or counsel in terms of someone's behavior
     I warned him not to go too far
    I warned him not to go too far
     I warn you against false assumptions
    I warn you against false assumptions
     She warned him to be quiet
    She warned him to be quiet
  3. Notify, usually in advance  ( warn )
    notify, usually in advance
     I warned you that I would ask some difficult questions
    I warned you that I would ask some difficult questions
  4. Ask to go away  ( warn )
    ask to go away
     The old man warned the children off his property
    The old man warned the children off his property