English Dictionary

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 wisent wisent /ˈwiːzənt/


  1. European bison having a smaller and higher head than the North American bison  ( aurochs , Bison bonasus , wisent )
    European bison having a smaller and higher head than the North American bison

 Francesco Petrarca Francesco Petrarca /frænˈtʃɛskoʊ pɛˈtrɑːrkə/


  1. An Italian poet famous for love lyrics (1304-1374)  ( Francesco Petrarca , Petrarca , Petrarch )
    an Italian poet famous for love lyrics (1304-1374)

 coeducation coeducation /koʊˌɛdʒʊˈkeɪʃən/


  1. Education of men and women in the same institutions  ( coeducation )
    education of men and women in the same institutions
     The university practices coeducation, allowing both men and women to study together.
    The university practices coeducation, allowing both men and women to study together.

 luciferin luciferin /luːˈsɪfərɪn/


  1. Pigment occurring in luminescent organisms (as fireflies); emits heatless light when undergoing oxidation  ( luciferin )
    pigment occurring in luminescent organisms (as fireflies); emits heatless light when undergoing oxidation
     The glow emitted by fireflies is due to the oxidation of luciferin.
    The glow emitted by fireflies is due to the oxidation of luciferin.