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 passing passing /ˈpæsɪŋ/


  1. () Lasting a very short time  ( fugacious , transient , transitory , here today and gone tomorrow [Informal] , here today gone tomorrow [Informal] , ephemeral , passing , short-lived )
    lasting a very short time
     The ephemeral joys of childhood
    the ephemeral joys of childhood
     A passing fancy
    a passing fancy
     Youth's transient beauty
    youth's transient beauty
     Love is transitory but it is eternal
    love is transitory but it is eternal
     Fugacious blossoms
    fugacious blossoms
  2. Hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough  ( passing , superficial , casual , cursory , perfunctory )
    hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough
     A casual (or cursory) inspection failed to reveal the house's structural flaws
    a casual (or cursory) inspection failed to reveal the house's structural flaws
     A passing glance
    a passing glance
     Perfunctory courtesy
    perfunctory courtesy
     In his paper, he showed a very superficial understanding of psychoanalytic theory
    In his paper, he showed a very superficial understanding of psychoanalytic theory
  3. (football) of advancing the ball by throwing it  ( pass , passing )
    (football) of advancing the ball by throwing it
     A team with a good passing attack
    a team with a good passing attack
     A pass play
    a pass play
  4. Allowing you to pass (e.g., an examination or inspection) satisfactorily  ( passing )
    allowing you to pass (e.g., an examination or inspection) satisfactorily
     A passing grade
    a passing grade


  1. To an extraordinary degree  ( passing , surpassingly )
    to an extraordinary degree
     She was a surpassingly beautiful woman
    she was a surpassingly beautiful woman
     I will mention only one particular aspect of the current mess because ... this one is surely something new and passing strange
    I will mention only one particular aspect of the current mess because ... this one is surely something new and passing strange


  1. () (American football) a play that involves one player throwing the ball to a teammate  ( passing game , passing play , pass , passing )
    (American football) a play that involves one player throwing the ball to a teammate
     The coach sent in a passing play on third and long
    the coach sent in a passing play on third and long
  2. () Euphemistic expressions for death  ( departure , exit , expiration , going , loss , passing , release )
    euphemistic expressions for death
     Thousands mourned his passing
    thousands mourned his passing
  3. Success in satisfying a test or requirement  ( pass , passing , qualifying )
    success in satisfying a test or requirement
     His future depended on his passing that test
    his future depended on his passing that test
     He got a pass in introductory chemistry
    he got a pass in introductory chemistry
  4. Going by something that is moving in order to get in front of it  ( overtaking , passing )
    going by something that is moving in order to get in front of it
     She drove but well but her reckless passing of every car on the road frightened me
    she drove but well but her reckless passing of every car on the road frightened me
  5. A bodily reaction of changing from one place or stage to another  ( passing , passage )
    a bodily reaction of changing from one place or stage to another
     The passage of air from the lungs
    the passage of air from the lungs
     The passing of flatus
    the passing of flatus
  6. The end of something  ( passing )
    the end of something
     The passing of winter
    the passing of winter
  7. The motion of one object relative to another  ( passage , passing )
    the motion of one object relative to another
     Stellar passings can perturb the orbits of comets
    stellar passings can perturb the orbits of comets