English Dictionary

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 sheaf sheaf /ˈʃiːf/


  1. () A package of several things tied together for carrying or storing  ( sheaf , bundle )
    a package of several things tied together for carrying or storing
      He carried a bundle of firewood into the cabin.
    He carried a bundle of firewood into the cabin.

 sheave sheave /ʃiːv/


  1. A wheel having a groove in the rim for a rope to work in, and set in a block, mast, or the like; the wheel of a pulley  ( sheave )
    A wheel having a groove in the rim for a rope to work in, and set in a block, mast, or the like; the wheel of a pulley


  1. To gather and bind into a sheaf or sheaves  ( sheave )
    to gather and bind into a sheaf or sheaves