dose dose /ˈdoʊs/


  1. () A measured portion of medicine taken at any one time  ( dosage , dose )
    a measured portion of medicine taken at any one time
      The doctor prescribed a daily dose of medication.
    The doctor prescribed a daily dose of medication.
  2. () The quantity of an active agent (substance or radiation) taken in or absorbed at any one time  ( dose , dosage )
    the quantity of an active agent (substance or radiation) taken in or absorbed at any one time
     The pharmacist explained the correct dosage for the medication
    The pharmacist explained the correct dosage for the medication
  3. [Slang] Street name for lysergic acid diethylamide  ( acid , back breaker [Slang] , battery-acid [Slang] , dose [Slang] , dot , Elvis [Slang] , loony toons [Slang] , Lucy in the sky with diamonds [Slang] , pane [Slang] , superman [Slang] , window pane [Slang] , Zen )
    street name for lysergic acid diethylamide
  4. A communicable infection transmitted by sexual intercourse or genital contact  ( Cupid's disease , Cupid's itch , dose , sexually transmitted disease , social disease , STD , VD , venereal disease , venereal infection , Venus's curse )
    a communicable infection transmitted by sexual intercourse or genital contact
     A sexually transmitted disease, also known as an STD, is an infection that is spread through sexual contact
    A sexually transmitted disease, also known as an STD, is an infection that is spread through sexual contact


  1. () Treat with an agent; add (an agent) to  ( dose )
    treat with an agent; add (an agent) to
     The ray dosed the paint
    The ray dosed the paint
  2. Administer a drug to  ( dose , drug )
    administer a drug to
     They drugged the kidnapped tourist
    They drugged the kidnapped tourist