English Dictionary

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 adrift adrift /əˈdrɪft/


  1. Afloat on the surface of a body of water  ( adrift )
    afloat on the surface of a body of water
     After the storm the boats were adrift
    after the storm the boats were adrift
  2. Aimlessly drifting  ( adrift , directionless , planless , afloat , aimless , rudderless , undirected )
    aimlessly drifting


  1. Off course, wandering aimlessly  ( adrift )
    off course, wandering aimlessly
     There was a search for beauty that had somehow gone adrift
    there was a search for beauty that had somehow gone adrift
  2. Floating freely; not anchored  ( adrift )
    floating freely; not anchored
     The boat was set adrift
    the boat was set adrift