English Dictionary

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 ripple ripple /ˈrɪpəl/


  1. () A small wave on the surface of a liquid  ( riffle , rippling , wavelet , ripple )
    a small wave on the surface of a liquid
      The stone created ripples on the calm surface of the lake.
    The stone created ripples on the calm surface of the lake.
  2. () (electronics) an oscillation of small amplitude imposed on top of a steady value  ( ripple )
    (electronics) an oscillation of small amplitude imposed on top of a steady value


  1. () Stir up (water) so as to form ripples  ( cockle , riffle , ruffle , undulate , ripple )
    stir up (water) so as to form ripples
  2. () Flow in an irregular current with a bubbling noise  ( babble , bubble , burble , guggle , gurgle , ripple )
    flow in an irregular current with a bubbling noise
     Babbling brooks
    babbling brooks