English Dictionary

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 wits wits /ˈwɪts/


  1. The basic human power of intelligent thought and perception  ( marbles , wits )
    the basic human power of intelligent thought and perception
     He used his wits to get ahead
    he used his wits to get ahead
     I was scared out of my wits
    I was scared out of my wits
     He still had all his marbles and was in full possession of a lively mind
    he still had all his marbles and was in full possession of a lively mind

 wit wit /ˈwɪt/


  1. () A message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter  ( humour [Canadian, British] , witticism , wittiness , humor [American] , wit )
    a message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter
      The stand-up comedian entertained the audience with his witty humor.
    The stand-up comedian entertained the audience with his witty humor.
  2. () Mental ability  ( brainpower , learning ability , mental capacity , smarts [Informal, N. American, Australian] , brain , mentality , wit )
    mental ability
     He's got plenty of brains but no common sense
    he's got plenty of brains but no common sense
  3. A witty amusing person who makes jokes  ( card , wit , wag )
    a witty amusing person who makes jokes