English Dictionary

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 go around go around /ɡoʊ əˈraʊnd/


  1. () Become widely known and passed on  ( go around , circulate , spread )
    become widely known and passed on
     The rumor spread
    the rumor spread
     The story went around in the office
    the story went around in the office
  2. () Be sufficient  ( go around )
    be sufficient
     There's not enough to go around
    There's not enough to go around
  3. Avoid something unpleasant or laborious  ( go around , short-circuit , get around , bypass )
    avoid something unpleasant or laborious
     You cannot bypass these rules!
    You cannot bypass these rules!
  4. Turn on or around an axis or a center  ( go around , revolve , rotate )
    turn on or around an axis or a center
     The Earth revolves around the Sun
    The Earth revolves around the Sun
     The lamb roast rotates on a spit over the fire
    The lamb roast rotates on a spit over the fire
  5. Go around the flank of (an opposing army)  ( go around , outflank )
    go around the flank of (an opposing army)