English Dictionary

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 retard retard /riːˈtɑːrd/


  1. [Offensive] A person of subnormal intelligence  ( changeling [Archaic] , cretin [Offensive] , half-wit [Informal] , moron [Informal] , idiot , imbecile [Informal] , retard [Offensive] , eejit [Dialect, UK, Irish] , thickie [Informal, British] , thicko [Informal] )
    a person of subnormal intelligence
      The town considered him an idiot due to his foolish and nonsensical behavior.
    The town considered him an idiot due to his foolish and nonsensical behavior.


  1. () Cause to move more slowly or operate at a slower rate  ( retard )
    cause to move more slowly or operate at a slower rate
     This drug will retard your heart rate
    This drug will retard your heart rate
  2. Lose velocity; move more slowly  ( retard , slow up , decelerate , slow down , slow )
    lose velocity; move more slowly
     The car decelerated
    The car decelerated
  3. Slow the growth or development of  ( delay , retard , check )
    slow the growth or development of
     The brain damage will retard the child's language development
    The brain damage will retard the child's language development
  4. Be delayed  ( retard )
    be delayed