English Dictionary

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 occur occur /əˈkɝː/


  1. () (of an event) come to pass (in time, so that it is real and actual at some time)  ( fall out , hap [Archaic] , pass off , come about , pass , go on , take place , occur , happen )
    (of an event) come to pass (in time, so that it is real and actual at some time)
     What is happening?
    What is happening?
     The meeting took place off without an incidence
    The meeting took place off without an incidence
     Nothing occurred that seemed important
    Nothing occurred that seemed important
  2. () Come to one's mind; suggest itself  ( come , occur )
    come to one's mind; suggest itself
     It occurred to me that we should hire another secretary
    It occurred to me that we should hire another secretary
     A great idea then came to her
    A great idea then came to her
  3. To be found to exist  ( occur )
    to be found to exist
     Sexism occurs in many workplaces
    sexism occurs in many workplaces
     Precious stones occur in a large area in Brazil
    precious stones occur in a large area in Brazil