English Dictionary

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 tidy tidy /ˈtaɪdi/


  1. [Informal] Large in amount, extent or degree  ( goodish , goodly , healthy , hefty , respectable , sizable , sizeable , tidy [Informal] )
    large in amount, extent or degree
     It cost a considerable amount
    it cost a considerable amount
     A goodly amount
    a goodly amount
     Received a hefty bonus
    received a hefty bonus
     A respectable sum
    a respectable sum
     A tidy sum of money
    a tidy sum of money
     A sizable fortune
    a sizable fortune
  2. Marked by order and cleanliness in appearance or habits  ( tidy )
    marked by order and cleanliness in appearance or habits
     A tidy person
    a tidy person
     A tidy house
    a tidy house
     A tidy mind
    a tidy mind
  3. (of hair) neat and tidy  ( kempt , tidy )
    (of hair) neat and tidy
     A nicely kempt beard
    a nicely kempt beard


  1. Receptacle that holds odds and ends (as sewing materials)  ( tidy )
    receptacle that holds odds and ends (as sewing materials)


  1. Put (things or places) in order  ( neaten , straighten out , tidy , declutter , clean up , square away [ N. American] , straighten , tidy up )
    put (things or places) in order
     Tidy up your room!
    Tidy up your room!