English Dictionary

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 deck deck /ˈdɛk/


  1. () Any of various platforms built into a vessel  ( deck )
    any of various platforms built into a vessel
     The passengers enjoyed the view from the deck of the ship as they sailed into the sunset
    The passengers enjoyed the view from the deck of the ship as they sailed into the sunset
  2. () Street name for a packet of illegal drugs  ( deck )
    street name for a packet of illegal drugs
  3. () A pack of 52 playing cards  ( pack of cards , deck , deck of cards )
    a pack of 52 playing cards
     We played a game of poker with a pack of cards
    We played a game of poker with a pack of cards
  4. A porch that resembles the deck on a ship  ( deck )
    a porch that resembles the deck on a ship
     We enjoyed the evening breeze while sitting on the deck that overlooked the ocean.
    We enjoyed the evening breeze while sitting on the deck that overlooked the ocean.


  1. [Informal] Knock down with force  ( coldcock [Informal, N. American] , deck [Informal] , dump , floor , knock down )
    knock down with force
     He decked his opponent
    He decked his opponent
  2. Decorate  ( bedeck , bedight , deck )
     Deck the halls with holly
    deck the halls with holly
  3. Be beautiful to look at  ( adorn , beautify , deck , decorate , embellish , grace )
    be beautiful to look at
     Flowers adorned the tables everywhere
    Flowers adorned the tables everywhere