English Dictionary

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 oath oath /ˈoʊθ/


  1. () Profane or obscene expression usually of surprise or anger  ( curse word , cuss [Informal] , swearword , cussword [Informal, N. American] , expletive , swearing , curse , oath )
    profane or obscene expression usually of surprise or anger
     Expletives were deleted
    expletives were deleted
  2. () A commitment to tell the truth (especially in a court of law); to lie under oath is to become subject to prosecution for perjury  ( swearing , oath )
    a commitment to tell the truth (especially in a court of law); to lie under oath is to become subject to prosecution for perjury
  3. A solemn promise, usually invoking a divine witness, regarding your future acts or behavior  ( oath )
    a solemn promise, usually invoking a divine witness, regarding your future acts or behavior
     They took an oath of allegiance
    they took an oath of allegiance