English Dictionary

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 saltbox saltbox /ˈsɔltˌbɑːks/


  1. [ N. American] A type of house built in New England; has two stories in front and one behind  ( saltbox [ N. American] )
    a type of house built in New England; has two stories in front and one behind
     They moved into a historic saltbox house in Massachusetts.
    They moved into a historic saltbox house in Massachusetts.

 mitochondrion mitochondrion /ˌmaɪtəˈkɑːndriːən/


  1. An organelle containing enzymes responsible for producing energy  ( chondriosome , mitochondrion )
    an organelle containing enzymes responsible for producing energy

 cyanite cyanite /ˈsaɪənaɪt/


  1. A grey or greenish-blue mineral consisting of aluminum silicate in crystalline form; occurs in metaphoric rock, used as a refractory  ( cyanite , kyanite )
    a grey or greenish-blue mineral consisting of aluminum silicate in crystalline form; occurs in metaphoric rock, used as a refractory

 genus Vaccinium genus Vaccinium /ˈdʒiːnəs vəˈkɪniəm/


  1. Evergreen or deciduous berry-bearing shrubs of Northern Hemisphere: cranberries; blueberries  ( genus Vaccinium , Vaccinium )
    evergreen or deciduous berry-bearing shrubs of Northern Hemisphere: cranberries; blueberries