welter welter /ˈwɛltɝ/


  1. () A confused multitude of things  ( clutter , fuddle , mare's nest , jumble , muddle , smother , welter )
    a confused multitude of things
      The children's toys were scattered in a chaotic jumble across the room.
    The children's toys were scattered in a chaotic jumble across the room.


  1. Be immersed in  ( welter )
    be immersed in
     Welter in work
    welter in work
  2. Roll around  ( welter , wallow )
    roll around
     Pigs were wallowing in the mud
    pigs were wallowing in the mud
  3. Toss, roll, or rise and fall in an uncontrolled way  ( welter )
    toss, roll, or rise and fall in an uncontrolled way
     The shipwrecked survivors weltered in the sea for hours
    The shipwrecked survivors weltered in the sea for hours