English Dictionary

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 right right /ˈraɪt/


  1. () Free from error; especially conforming to fact or truth  ( correct , right )
    free from error; especially conforming to fact or truth
     The correct answer
    the correct answer
     The correct version
    the correct version
     The right answer
    the right answer
     Took the right road
    took the right road
     The right decision
    the right decision
  2. () Being or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the east when facing north  ( right )
    being or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the east when facing north
     My right hand
    my right hand
     Right center field
    right center field
     A right-hand turn
    a right-hand turn
     The right bank of a river is the bank on your right side when you are facing downstream
    the right bank of a river is the bank on your right side when you are facing downstream
  3. () Socially right or correct  ( correct , right )
    socially right or correct
     It isn't right to leave the party without saying goodbye
    it isn't right to leave the party without saying goodbye
     Correct behavior
    correct behavior
  4. () In conformance with justice, law or morality  ( right )
    in conformance with justice, law or morality
     Do the right thing and confess
    do the right thing and confess
  5. () Correct in opinion or judgment  ( correct , right )
    correct in opinion or judgment
     Time proved him right
    time proved him right
  6. () Appropriate for a condition, purpose, occasion or a person's character, needs  ( right , proper )
    appropriate for a condition, purpose, occasion or a person's character, needs
     Everything in its proper place
    everything in its proper place
     The right man for the job
    the right man for the job
     She is not suitable for the position
    she is not suitable for the position
  7. Precisely accurate  ( right , veracious )
    precisely accurate
     A veracious account
    a veracious account
  8. Most suitable or right for a particular purpose  ( right , ripe , good )
    most suitable or right for a particular purpose
     A good time to plant tomatoes
    a good time to plant tomatoes
     The right time to act
    the right time to act
     The time is ripe for great sociological changes
    the time is ripe for great sociological changes
  9. [Informal] Very; used informally as an intensifier  ( right [Informal] , one [Informal] )
    very; used informally as an intensifier
     That is one fine dog
    that is one fine dog
     A right fine day
    a right fine day
  10. (of the side of cloth or clothing) facing or intended to face outward  ( right )
    (of the side of cloth or clothing) facing or intended to face outward
     The right side of the cloth showed the pattern
    the right side of the cloth showed the pattern
     Be sure your shirt is right side out
    be sure your shirt is right side out
  11. (geometry) having the axis perpendicular to the base  ( right )
    (geometry) having the axis perpendicular to the base
     A right angle
    a right angle
  12. In accord with accepted standards of usage or procedure  ( right , correct )
    in accord with accepted standards of usage or procedure
     What's the right word for this?
    what's the right word for this?
     The right way to open oysters
    the right way to open oysters
  13. Intended for the right hand  ( right , right-hand )
    intended for the right hand
     A right-hand glove
    a right-hand glove
  14. Of or belonging to the political or intellectual right  ( right )
    of or belonging to the political or intellectual right
  15. In or into a satisfactory condition  ( right )
    in or into a satisfactory condition
     Things are right again now
    things are right again now
     Put things right
    put things right


  1. () Precisely, exactly  ( right )
    precisely, exactly
     Stand right here!
    stand right here!
  2. () Immediately  ( right )
     She called right after dinner
    she called right after dinner
  3. () Exactly  ( flop , right )
     He fell flop on his face
    he fell flop on his face
  4. () Toward or on the right; also used figuratively  ( right )
    toward or on the right; also used figuratively
     He looked right and left
    he looked right and left
     The party has moved right
    the party has moved right
  5. () An interjection expressing agreement  ( right on , right )
    an interjection expressing agreement
      She answered the question right, impressing her teacher with her knowledge.
    She answered the question right, impressing her teacher with her knowledge.
  6. () In the right manner; correctly; suitably  ( decently , decent , right , properly )
    in the right manner; correctly; suitably
     Please do your job properly!
    please do your job properly!
     Can't you carry me decent?
    can't you carry me decent?
  7. () To a complete degree or to the full or entire extent (whole' is often used informally for wholly')  ( whole , right , totally , altogether , all , completely , entirely , wholly )
    to a complete degree or to the full or entire extent (whole' is often used informally for wholly')
     He was wholly convinced
    he was wholly convinced
     Entirely satisfied with the meal
    entirely satisfied with the meal
     It was completely different from what we expected
    it was completely different from what we expected
     Was completely at fault
    was completely at fault
     A totally new situation
    a totally new situation
     The directions were all wrong
    the directions were all wrong
     It was not altogether her fault
    it was not altogether her fault
     An altogether new approach
    an altogether new approach
     A whole new idea
    a whole new idea
     She felt right at home
    she felt right at home
     He fell right into the trap
    he fell right into the trap
  8. () (Southern regional intensive) very; to a great degree  ( mightily , powerful , right , mighty )
    (Southern regional intensive) very; to a great degree
     The baby is mighty cute
    the baby is mighty cute
     He's mighty tired
    he's mighty tired
     It is powerful humid
    it is powerful humid
     That boy is powerful big now
    that boy is powerful big now
     They have a right nice place
    they have a right nice place
     They rejoiced mightily
    they rejoiced mightily
  9. () In accordance with moral or social standards  ( justly , right )
    in accordance with moral or social standards
     That serves him right
    that serves him right
     Do right by him
    do right by him
  10. In an accurate manner  ( aright [Dialect] , right , correctly )
    in an accurate manner
     The flower had been correctly depicted by his son
    the flower had been correctly depicted by his son
     He guessed right
    he guessed right


  1. () Affirmative responses indicating agreement, understanding, or acceptance.  ( OK , okay , right , right on [Informal] , okey-doke [Informal] , okey-dokey [Informal] , righto [Informal, British] , righty-ho [Informal, British] )
    Affirmative responses indicating agreement, understanding, or acceptance.


  1. () An abstract idea of that which is due to a person or governmental body by law or tradition or nature  ( right )
    an abstract idea of that which is due to a person or governmental body by law or tradition or nature
     They are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights
    they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights
     Certain rights can never be granted to the government but must be kept in the hands of the people
    Certain rights can never be granted to the government but must be kept in the hands of the people
     A right is not something that somebody gives you; it is something that nobody can take away
    a right is not something that somebody gives you; it is something that nobody can take away
  2. () Location near or direction toward the right side; i.e. the side to the south when a person or object faces east  ( right )
    location near or direction toward the right side; i.e. the side to the south when a person or object faces east
     He stood on the right
    he stood on the right
  3. () The piece of ground in the outfield on the catcher's right  ( right field , rightfield , right )
    the piece of ground in the outfield on the catcher's right
      She fought for what she believed was right.
    She fought for what she believed was right.
  4. () Those who support political, social or economic conservatism; those who believe that things are better left unchanged  ( right wing , right )
    those who support political, social or economic conservatism; those who believe that things are better left unchanged
  5. () A turn toward the side of the body that is on the south when the person is facing east  ( right )
    a turn toward the side of the body that is on the south when the person is facing east
     Take a right at the corner
    take a right at the corner
  6. () The hand that is on the right side of the body  ( right , right hand )
    the hand that is on the right side of the body
     He writes with his right hand but pitches with his left
    he writes with his right hand but pitches with his left
     Hit him with quick rights to the body
    hit him with quick rights to the body
  7. () Anything in accord with principles of justice  ( rightfulness , right )
    anything in accord with principles of justice
     He feels he is in the right
    he feels he is in the right
     The rightfulness of his claim
    the rightfulness of his claim
  8. (frequently plural) the interest possessed by law or custom in some intangible thing  ( right )
    (frequently plural) the interest possessed by law or custom in some intangible thing
     Mineral rights
    mineral rights
     Film rights
    film rights


  1. Make right or correct  ( rectify , right , correct )
    make right or correct
     Correct the mistakes
    Correct the mistakes
     Rectify the calculation
    rectify the calculation
  2. Regain an upright or proper position  ( right )
    regain an upright or proper position
     The capsized boat righted again
    The capsized boat righted again
  3. Put in or restore to an upright position  ( right )
    put in or restore to an upright position
     They righted the sailboat that had capsized
    They righted the sailboat that had capsized
  4. Make reparations or amends for  ( compensate , right , redress , correct )
    make reparations or amends for
     Right a wrongs done to the victims of the Holocaust
    right a wrongs done to the victims of the Holocaust