English Dictionary

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 activate activate /ˈækˌtɪveɪt/


  1. () Put in motion or move to act  ( spark off , trigger off , trip , activate , actuate , set off , spark , touch off , trigger )
    put in motion or move to act
     Trigger a reaction
    trigger a reaction
     Actuate the circuits
    actuate the circuits
  2. () Make active or more active  ( activate )
    make active or more active
     Activate an old file
    activate an old file
  3. Make (substances) radioactive  ( activate )
    make (substances) radioactive
  4. Aerate (sewage) so as to favor the growth of organisms that decompose organic matter  ( activate , aerate )
    aerate (sewage) so as to favor the growth of organisms that decompose organic matter
  5. Make more adsorptive  ( activate )
    make more adsorptive
     Activate a metal
    activate a metal