English Dictionary

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 ham ham /ˈhæm/


  1. () Meat cut from the thigh of a hog (usually smoked)  ( gammon , jambon , ham )
    meat cut from the thigh of a hog (usually smoked)
     Ham is a popular deli meat that is used in sandwiches and salads
    Ham is a popular deli meat that is used in sandwiches and salads
  2. An unskilled actor who overacts  ( ham , ham actor )
    an unskilled actor who overacts
  3. A licensed amateur radio operator  ( ham )
    a licensed amateur radio operator
     As a ham, he often spent evenings communicating with fellow radio enthusiasts.
    As a ham, he often spent evenings communicating with fellow radio enthusiasts.


  1. (dramaturgy) exaggerate one's acting  ( ham , ham it up , overact , overplay )
    (dramaturgy) exaggerate one's acting



    1. (Old Testament) son of Noah  ( Ham )
      (Old Testament) son of Noah
       Ham was one of Noah's three sons who survived the flood.
      Ham was one of Noah's three sons who survived the flood.