English Dictionary

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 intoxication intoxication /ˌɪnˌtɑːksəˈkeɪʃən/


  1. Excitement and elation beyond the bounds of sobriety  ( intoxication )
    excitement and elation beyond the bounds of sobriety
     The intoxication of wealth and power
    the intoxication of wealth and power
  2. A temporary state resulting from excessive consumption of alcohol  ( inebriation , inebriety , insobriety , drunkenness , intoxication , tipsiness )
    a temporary state resulting from excessive consumption of alcohol
  3. The physiological state produced by a poison or other toxic substance  ( intoxication , poisoning , toxic condition )
    the physiological state produced by a poison or other toxic substance
     He was admitted to the hospital after suffering from food poisoning
    He was admitted to the hospital after suffering from food poisoning