English Dictionary

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 previous previous /ˈpriːviːəs/


  1. () Just preceding something else in time or order  ( old , previous )
    just preceding something else in time or order
     The previous owner
    the previous owner
     My old house was larger
    my old house was larger
  2. () (used especially of persons) of the immediate past  ( late , former , previous )
    (used especially of persons) of the immediate past
     The former president
    the former president
     Our late President is still very active
    our late President is still very active
     The previous occupant of the White House
    the previous occupant of the White House
  3. Too soon or too hasty  ( premature , previous )
    too soon or too hasty
     Our condemnation of him was a bit previous
    our condemnation of him was a bit previous
     A premature judgment
    a premature judgment