English Dictionary

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 collateral collateral /kəˈlætɝəl/


  1. Occurring with or following as a consequence  ( accompanying , attendant , collateral , concomitant , consequent , ensuant , incidental , resultant , sequent )
    occurring with or following as a consequence
     An excessive growth of bureaucracy, with attendant problems
    an excessive growth of bureaucracy, with attendant problems
     Snags incidental to the changeover in management
    snags incidental to the changeover in management
     Attendant circumstances
    attendant circumstances
     The period of tension and consequent need for military preparedness
    the period of tension and consequent need for military preparedness
     The ensuant response to his appeal
    the ensuant response to his appeal
     The resultant savings were considerable
    the resultant savings were considerable
     Collateral target damage from a bombing run
    collateral target damage from a bombing run
  2. Descended from a common ancestor but through different lines  ( collateral , indirect )
    descended from a common ancestor but through different lines
     Cousins are collateral relatives
    cousins are collateral relatives
     An indirect descendant of the Stuarts
    an indirect descendant of the Stuarts
  3. Situated or running side by side  ( collateral )
    situated or running side by side
     Collateral ridges of mountains
    collateral ridges of mountains
  4. Additional but secondary; auxiliary  ( collateral )
    additional but secondary; auxiliary
  5. Serving to support or corroborate  ( collateral , confirmative , confirmatory , confirming , corroborative , corroboratory , substantiating , substantiative , validating , validatory , verificatory , verifying )
    serving to support or corroborate
     Collateral evidence
    collateral evidence


  1. A security pledged for the repayment of a loan  ( collateral )
    a security pledged for the repayment of a loan