English Dictionary

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 beyond beyond /ˌbiːˈɔnd, bɪˈɔnd/


  1. () Farther along in space, time or degree  ( beyond )
    farther along in space, time or degree
     Through the valley and beyond
    through the valley and beyond
     To the eighth grade but not beyond
    to the eighth grade but not beyond
     Will be influential in the 1990s and beyond
    will be influential in the 1990s and beyond
  2. () On the farther side from the observer  ( beyond )
    on the farther side from the observer
     A pond with a hayfield beyond
    a pond with a hayfield beyond
  3. In addition  ( beyond )
    in addition
     Agreed to provide essentials but nothing beyond
    agreed to provide essentials but nothing beyond


  1. () Not within the limits, scope, or range of.  ( beyond , outside )
    Not within the limits, scope, or range of.