English Dictionary

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 tricky tricky /ˈtrɪki/


  1. Marked by skill in deception  ( cunning , dodgy [Informal, British] , foxy , guileful , crafty , knavish , slick , sly , tricksy , tricky , wily )
    marked by skill in deception
     Cunning men often pass for wise
    cunning men often pass for wise
     Deep political machinations
    deep political machinations
     A foxy scheme
    a foxy scheme
     A slick evasive answer
    a slick evasive answer
     Sly as a fox
    sly as a fox
     Tricky Dick
    tricky Dick
     A wily old attorney
    a wily old attorney
  2. Having concealed difficulty  ( catchy , tricky )
    having concealed difficulty
     A catchy question
    a catchy question
     A tricky recipe to follow
    a tricky recipe to follow
  3. Not to be trusted  ( slippery , tricky )
    not to be trusted
     How extraordinarily slippery a liar the camera is
    how extraordinarily slippery a liar the camera is