<p id="id04263">pains and penalties</p>
<p id="id04264">painstaking and cumbersome</p>
<p id="id04265">pale and anxious</p>
<p id="id04266">palpable and plain</p>
<p id="id04267">paltry and inglorious</p>
<p id="id04268">pampered and petted</p>
<p id="id04269">parade and display</p>
<p id="id04270">parched and dry</p>
<p id="id04271">partial and provisional</p>
<p id="id04272">particularly and individually</p>
<p id="id04273">parties and sects</p>
<p id="id04274">passion and prejudice</p>
<p id="id04275">passive and indifferent</p>
<p id="id04276">pastimes and diversions</p>
<p id="id04277">patent and pertinent</p>
<p id="id04278">pathos and terror</p>
<p id="id04279">patience and perseverance</p>
<p id="id04280">patriotism and reverence</p>
<p id="id04281">pattern and exemplar [exemplar = worthy of imitation]</p>
<p id="id04282">peaks and pinnacles</p>
<p id="id04283" style="margin-left: 0%; margin-right: 0%">pedagogue and pedant
[pedant = exhibits learning or scholarship ostentatiously]</p>
<p id="id04284">pedantries and affectations</p>
<p id="id04285">pedigree and genealogy</p>
<p id="id04286">peevishness and spleen</p>
<p id="id04287">pellucid and crystal [pellucid = transparently clear]</p>
<p id="id04288">penetrating and insidious</p>
<p id="id04289">penned and planned</p>
<p id="id04290">peppery and impetuous</p>
<p id="id04291">perception and recognition</p>
<p id="id04292">peremptorily and irrevocably [peremptorily = not allowing contradiction]</p>
<p id="id04293">perilous and shifting</p>
<p id="id04294">permanent and unchangeable</p>
<p id="id04295">permeate and purify</p>
<p id="id04296">pernicious and malign</p>
<p id="id04297">perplexity and confusion</p>
<p id="id04298">persistent and reiterated</p>
<p id="id04299">personal and specific</p>
<p id="id04300">perspicuous and flowing [perspicuous = clearly expressed]</p>
<p id="id04301">perturbed and restless</p>
<p id="id04302">perverted and prejudicial</p>
<p id="id04303">pessimistic and disenchanted</p>
<p id="id04304">pestilence and famine</p>
<p id="id04305">petted and indulged</p>
<p id="id04306">pettiness and prudence</p>
<p id="id04307">petulance and acrimony</p>
<p id="id04308" style="margin-left: 0%; margin-right: 0%">pharisaical and bitter
[pharisaical = hypocritically self-righteous and condemnatory]</p>
<p id="id04309">pictorial and dramatic</p>
<p id="id04310">picturesque and illustrative</p>
<p id="id04311">pilgrim and crusader</p>
<p id="id04312">pillage and demolish</p>
<p id="id04313">piquant and palatable [piquant = agreeable pungent taste]</p>
<p id="id04314">pith and brevity</p>
<p id="id04315">pitiful and destitute</p>
<p id="id04316">place and power</p>
<p id="id04317">plagued and persecuted</p>
<p id="id04318">plainness and severity</p>
<p id="id04319">plaintive and mournful</p>
<p id="id04320">plans and projects</p>
<p id="id04321">plastic and ductile</p>
<p id="id04322">plausibility and humbug</p>
<p id="id04323">pleasant and pungent</p>
<p id="id04324">pleasurable and wholesome</p>
<p id="id04325">pliant and submissive</p>
<p id="id04326">plot and verisimilitude</p>
<p id="id04327">plunder and sacrilege</p>
<p id="id04328">poetical and pastoral</p>
<p id="id04329">pointless and ineffective</p>
<p id="id04330">polite and elegant</p>
<p id="id04331">political and sociological</p>
<p id="id04332">pomp and pageantry</p>
<p id="id04333">ponderous and unwieldy</p>
<p id="id04334">poor and barren</p>
<p id="id04335">possession and dominion</p>
<p id="id04336">potent and prevailing</p>
<p id="id04337">power and luxury</p>
<p id="id04338">praise and commend</p>
<p id="id04339">precedence and usage</p>
<p id="id04340">precision and efficiency</p>
<p id="id04341">preference and prejudice</p>
<p id="id04342">pregnant and suggestive</p>
<p id="id04343">prejudice and predilection [predilection = preference]</p>
<p id="id04344">presence and address</p>
<p id="id04345">present and tangible</p>
<p id="id04346">prestige and authority</p>
<p id="id04347">presumptuous and futile</p>
<p id="id04348">pretentious and inept</p>
<p id="id04349">pretty and enchanting</p>
<p id="id04350">pride and indignation</p>
<p id="id04351">primary and essential</p>
<p id="id04352">priority and predominance</p>
<p id="id04353">probity and candor [probity = integrity; uprightness]</p>
<p id="id04354">prodigal and careless</p>
<p id="id04355">profile and outline</p>
<p id="id04356">profound and philosophical</p>
<p id="id04357">profuse and tearful</p>
<p id="id04358">prolix and tedious [prolix = prolonged; wordy]</p>
<p id="id04359">prominence and importance</p>
<p id="id04360">promise and performance</p>
<p id="id04361">promptitude and dispatch</p>
<p id="id04362">proneness and readiness</p>
<p id="id04363">pronounced and diversified</p>
<p id="id04364">proof and illustration</p>
<p id="id04365">propensity and desire</p>
<p id="id04366">proportion and consistency</p>
<p id="id04367">propriety and delicacy</p>
<p id="id04368">prostration and loss</p>
<p id="id04369">protection and safety</p>
<p id="id04370">protesting and repelling</p>
<p id="id04371">protracted and fruitless</p>
<p id="id04372">provincialism and vulgarity</p>
<p id="id04373">prudent and sagacious [sagacious = keenly discerning]</p>
<p id="id04374">puerile and sickly [puerile = immature; childish]</p>
<p id="id04375">puffy and dissipated</p>
<p id="id04376">puissant and vigorous [puissant = with power, might]</p>
<p id="id04377">punctilious and severe [punctilious = precise; scrupulous]</p>
<p id="id04378">purity and simplicity</p>
<p id="id04379">purpose and intention</p>
<p id="id04380">pusillanimous and petty [pusillanimous = cowardly]</p>
<p id="id04381">puzzled and affected</p>
<h4 id="id04382" style="margin-top: 2em">Q</h4>
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