<p id="id03778">gaiety and grace</p>
<p id="id03779">gallant and proud</p>
<p id="id03780">galling and humiliating</p>
<p id="id03781">gaunt and ghastly</p>
<p id="id03782">gay and genial</p>
<p id="id03783">general and universal</p>
<p id="id03784">generosity and prodigality</p>
<p id="id03785">generous and humane</p>
<p id="id03786">genial and refreshing</p>
<p id="id03787">genius and reputation</p>
<p id="id03788">gentle and amiable</p>
<p id="id03789">genuine and infectious</p>
<p id="id03790">germ and root</p>
<p id="id03791" style="margin-left: 0%; margin-right: 0%">gesticulation and emphasis
[gesticulation = deliberate, vigorous motion or gesture]</p>
<p id="id03792">ghastly and inconceivable</p>
<p id="id03793">gifts and graces</p>
<p id="id03794">gigantic and portentous</p>
<p id="id03795">glamour and fascination</p>
<p id="id03796">glare and pretension</p>
<p id="id03797">glib and loquacious [loquacious = very talkative]</p>
<p id="id03798">glitter and glamour</p>
<p id="id03799">gloomy and morose</p>
<p id="id03800">glorious and gorgeous</p>
<p id="id03801">glowing and exaggerated</p>
<p id="id03802">glum and grim</p>
<p id="id03803">goodness and rectitude</p>
<p id="id03804">goodwill and merriment</p>
<p id="id03805">gorgeousness and splendor</p>
<p id="id03806">gossiping and grumbling</p>
<p id="id03807">govern and overrule</p>
<p id="id03808">grace and dignity</p>
<p id="id03809">gracious and generous</p>
<p id="id03810">gradual and progressive</p>
<p id="id03811">graft and dishonesty</p>
<p id="id03812">grand and sublime</p>
<p id="id03813">grandeur and massiveness</p>
<p id="id03814">grandiose and oracular [oracular = solemnly prophetic; obscure]</p>
<p id="id03815">graphic and gorgeous</p>
<p id="id03816">gratification and enjoyment</p>
<p id="id03817">gratitude and generosity</p>
<p id="id03818">gratuitous and ungracious</p>
<p id="id03819">grave and stately</p>
<p id="id03820">graveyards and solitudes</p>
<p id="id03821">greatness and stability</p>
<p id="id03822">greed and covetousness</p>
<p id="id03823">grief and remorse</p>
<p id="id03824">grim and sullen</p>
<p id="id03825">grimaces and gesticulations</p>
<p id="id03826">grope and fumble</p>
<p id="id03827">grossness and brutality</p>
<p id="id03828">grotesque and monstrous</p>
<p id="id03829">grouped and combined</p>
<p id="id03830">growth and development</p>
<p id="id03831">guesses and fancies</p>
<p id="id03832">guidance and inspiration</p>
<p id="id03833">gush and hysteria</p>
<p id="id03834">gusto and effect</p>
<h4 id="id03835" style="margin-top: 2em">H</h4>
<p id="id03836">habits and humors</p>
<p id="id03837">habitual and intuitive</p>
<p id="id03838">hackneyed and tawdry</p>
<p id="id03839">haggard and pale</p>
<p id="id03840">handsome and amiable</p>
<p id="id03841">haphazard and dangerous</p>
<p id="id03842">happiness and pleasantness</p>
<p id="id03843">harass and pursue</p>
<p id="id03844">hard and unsparing</p>
<p id="id03845">hardships and indignities</p>
<p id="id03846">harmony and beauty</p>
<p id="id03847">harsh and austere</p>
<p id="id03848">hasty and unwarranted</p>
<p id="id03849">hateful and loathsome</p>
<p id="id03850">haughtiness and arrogance</p>
<p id="id03851">hauteur and disdain [hauteur = arrogance]</p>
<p id="id03852">hazard and peril</p>
<p id="id03853">hazy and indefinite</p>
<p id="id03854">headstrong and foolish</p>
<p id="id03855">healthy and vigorous</p>
<p id="id03856">hearth and shrine</p>
<p id="id03857">heartless and hypocritical</p>
<p id="id03858">heat and impatience</p>
<p id="id03859">heaviness and weariness</p>
<p id="id03860">hecklings and interruptions</p>
<p id="id03861">hectic and pitiful</p>
<p id="id03862">heretics and schismatics</p>
<p id="id03863">heritage and privilege</p>
<p id="id03864">heroism and wisdom</p>
<p id="id03865">hesitation and irresolution</p>
<p id="id03866">hideous and grotesque</p>
<p id="id03867">high and conscientious</p>
<p id="id03868">hilarity and mirth</p>
<p id="id03869">hints and suggestions</p>
<p id="id03870">history and tradition</p>
<p id="id03871">hither and thither</p>
<p id="id03872">hoarse and rumbling</p>
<p id="id03873">hobbies and eccentricities</p>
<p id="id03874">hollowness and unreality</p>
<p id="id03875">holy and prayerful</p>
<p id="id03876">homeliness and simplicity</p>
<p id="id03877">honestly and confessedly</p>
<p id="id03878">honors and emoluments [emoluments = compensation]</p>
<p id="id03879">hooted and mobbed</p>
<p id="id03880">hopes and prospects</p>
<p id="id03881">horror and ghastliness</p>
<p id="id03882">hospitality and magnificence</p>
<p id="id03883">hubbub and confusion</p>
<p id="id03884">huge and unwieldy</p>
<p id="id03885">humane and sympathetic</p>
<p id="id03886">humility and devoutness</p>
<p id="id03887">humors and singularities</p>
<p id="id03888">hurry and bustle</p>
<p id="id03889">hushed and still</p>
<p id="id03890">husks and phantoms</p>
<p id="id03891">hypocrisy and impudence</p>
<h4 id="id03892" style="margin-top: 2em">I</h4>
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