<h2 name="CHAPTER_VI">CHAPTER VI</h2>
<h4>Principles of
<p>Many people seem to regard letter-writing as a very simple and
easily acquired branch, but on the contrary it is one of the most
difficult forms of composition and requires much patience and labor
to master its details. In fact there are very few perfect
letter-writers in the language. It constitutes the direct form of
speech and may be called conversation at a distance. Its forms are
so varied by every conceivable topic written at all times by all
kinds of persons in all kinds of moods and tempers and addressed to
all kinds of persons of varying degrees in society and of different
pursuits in life, that no fixed rules can be laid down to regulate
its length, style or subject matter. Only general suggestions can
be made in regard to scope and purpose, and the forms of indicting
set forth which custom and precedent have sanctioned.</p>
<p>The principles of letter-writing should be understood by
everybody who has any knowledge of written language, for almost
everybody at some time or other has necessity to address some
friend or acquaintance at a distance, whereas comparatively few are
called upon to direct their efforts towards any other kind of
<p>Formerly the illiterate countryman, when he had occasion to
communicate with friends or relations, called in the peripatetic
schoolmaster as his amanuensis, but this had one
draw-back,—secrets had to be poured into an ear other than
that for which they were intended, and often the confidence was
<p>Now, that education is abroad in the land, there is seldom any
occasion for any person to call upon the service of another to
compose and write a personal letter. Very few now-a-days are so
grossly illiterate as not to be able to read and write. No matter
how crude his effort may be it is better for any one to write his
own letters than trust to another. Even if he should
commence,—"deer fren, i lift up my pen to let ye no that i
hove been sik for the past 3 weeks, hopping this will findye the
same," his spelling and construction can be excused in view of the
fact that his intention is good, and that he is doing his best to
serve his own turn without depending upon others.</p>
<p>The nature, substance and tone of any letter depend upon the
occasion that calls it forth, upon the person writing it and upon
the person for whom it is intended. Whether it should be easy or
formal in style, plain or ornate, light or serious, gay or grave,
sentimental or matter-of-fact depend upon these three
<p>In letter writing the first and most important requisites are to
be natural and simple; there should be no straining after effect,
but simply a spontaneous out-pouring of thoughts and ideas as they
naturally occur to the writer. We are repelled by a person who is
stiff and labored in his conversation and in the same way the stiff
and labored letter bores the reader. Whereas if it is light and in
a conversational vein it immediately engages his attention.</p>
<p>The letter which is written with the greatest facility is the
best kind of letter because it naturally expresses what is in the
writer, he has not to search for his words, they flow in a perfect
unison with the ideas he desires to communicate. When you write to
your friend John Browne to tell him how you spent Sunday you have
not to look around for the words, or study set phrases with a view
to please or impress Browne, you just tell him the same as if he
were present before you, how you spent the day, where you were,
with whom you associated and the chief incidents that occurred
during the time. Thus, you write natural and it is such writing
that is adapted to epistolary correspondence.</p>
<p>There are different kinds of letters, each calling for a
different style of address and composition, nevertheless the
natural key should be maintained in all, that is to say, the writer
should never attempt to convey an impression that he is other than
what he is. It would be silly as well as vain for the common street
laborer of a limited education to try to put on literary airs and
emulate a college professor; he may have as good a brain, but it is
not as well developed by education, and he lacks the polish which
society confers. When writing a letter the street laborer should
bear in mind that only the letter of a street-laborer is expected
from him, no matter to whom his communication may be addressed and
that neither the grammar nor the diction of a Chesterfield or
Gladstone is looked for in his language. Still the writer should
keep in mind the person to whom he is writing. If it is to an
Archbishop or some other great dignitary of Church or state it
certainly should be couched in terms different from those he uses
to John Browne, his intimate friend. Just as he cannot say "Dear
John" to an Archbishop, no more can he address him in the familiar
words he uses to his friend of everyday acquaintance and
companionship. Yet there is no great learning required to write to
an Archbishop, no more than to an ordinary individual. All the
laborer needs to know is the form of address and how to properly
utilize his limited vocabulary to the best advantage. Here is the
form for such a letter:</p>
<p>17 Second Avenue,<br/>
New York City.<br/>
January 1st, 1910.<br/>
Most Rev. P. A. Jordan,<br/>
Archbishop of New York.<br/>
Most Rev. and dear Sir:—<br/>
While sweeping the crossing at Fifth<br/>
Avenue and 50th street on last Wednesday<br/>
morning, I found the enclosed Fifty Dollar<br/>
Bill, which I am sending to you in the hope<br/>
that it may be restored to the rightful<br/>
I beg you will acknowledge receipt and<br/>
should the owner be found I trust you will<br/>
notify me, so that I may claim some reward<br/>
for my honesty.<br/>
I am, Most Rev. and dear Sir,<br/>
Very respectfully yours,<br/>
Thomas Jones.<br/></p>
<p>Observe the brevity of the letter. Jones makes no suggestions to
the Archbishop how to find the owner, for he knows the course the
Archbishop will adopt, of having the finding of the bill announced
from the Church pulpits. Could Jones himself find the owner there
would be no occasion to apply to the Archbishop.</p>
<p>This letter, it is true, is different from that which he would
send to Browne. Nevertheless it is simple without being familiar,
is just a plain statement, and is as much to the point for its
purpose as if it were garnished with rhetoric and "words of learned
length and thundering sound."</p>
<p>Letters may be divided into those of friendship,
acquaintanceship, those of business relations, those written in an
official capacity by public servants, those designed to teach, and
those which give accounts of the daily happenings on the stage of
life, in other words, news letters.</p>
<p><i>Letters of friendship</i> are the most common and their style
and form depend upon the degree of relationship and intimacy
existing between the writers and those addressed. Between relatives
and intimate friends the beginning and end may be in the most
familiar form of conversation, either affectionate or playful. They
should, however, never overstep the boundaries of decency and
propriety, for it is well to remember that, unlike conversation,
which only is heard by the ears for which it is intended, written
words may come under eyes other than those for whom they were
designed. Therefore, it is well never to write anything which the
world may not read without detriment to your character or your
instincts. You can be joyful, playful, jocose, give vent to your
feelings, but never stoop to low language and, above all, to
language savoring in the slightest degree of moral impropriety.</p>
<p><i>Business letters</i> are of the utmost importance on account
of the interests involved. The business character of a man or of a
firm is often judged by the correspondence. On many occasions
letters instead of developing trade and business interests and
gaining clientele, predispose people unfavorably towards those whom
they are designed to benefit. Ambiguous, slip-shod language is a
detriment to success. Business letters should be clear, concise, to
the point and, above all, honest, giving no wrong impressions or
holding out any inducements that cannot be fulfilled. In business
letters, just as in business conduct, honesty is always the best
<p><i>Official letters</i> are mostly always formal. They should
possess clearness, brevity and dignity of tone to impress the
receivers with the proper respect for the national laws and
<p>Letters designed to teach or <i>didactic letters</i> are in a
class all by themselves. They are simply literature in the form of
letters and are employed by some of the best writers to give their
thoughts and ideas a greater emphasis. The most conspicuous example
of this kind of composition is the book on Etiquette by Lord
Chesterfield, which took the form of a series of letters to his
<p><i>News letters</i> are accounts of world happenings and
descriptions of ceremonies and events sent into the newspapers.
Some of the best authors of our time are newspaper men who write in
an easy flowing style which is most readable, full of humor and
fancy and which carries one along with breathless interest from
beginning to end.</p>
<p>The principal parts of a letter are (1) the <i>heading</i> or
introduction; (2) the <i>body</i> or substance of the letter; (3)
the <i>subscription</i> or closing expression and signature; (4)
the <i>address</i> or direction on the envelope. For the
<i>body</i> of a letter no forms or rules can be laid down as it
altogether depends on the nature of the letter and the relationship
between the writer and the person addressed.</p>
<p>There are certain rules which govern the other three features
and which custom has sanctioned. Every one should be acquainted
with these rules.</p>
<h3>THE HEADING</h3>
<p>The <i>Heading</i> has three parts, viz., the name of the place,
the date of writing and the designation of the person or persons
addressed; thus:</p>
<p>73 New Street,<br/>
Newark, N. J.,<br/>
February 1st, 1910.<br/>
Messr. Ginn and Co.,<br/>
New York<br/>
<p>The name of the place should never be omitted; in cities, street
and number should always be given, and except when the city is
large and very conspicuous, so that there can be no question as to
its identity with another of the same or similar name, the
abbreviation of the State should be appended, as in the above,
Newark, N. J. There is another Newark in the State of Ohio. Owing
to failure to comply with this rule many letters go astray. The
<i>date</i> should be on every letter, especially business letters.
The date should never be put at the bottom in a business letter,
but in friendly letters this may be done. The <i>designation</i> of
the person or persons addressed differs according to the relations
of the correspondents. Letters of friendship may begin in many ways
according to the degrees of friendship or intimacy. Thus:</p>
<p>My dear Wife:<br/>
My dear Husband:<br/>
My dear Friend:<br/>
My darling Mother:<br/>
My dearest Love:<br/>
Dear Aunt:<br/>
Dear Uncle:<br/>
Dear George: etc.<br/></p>
<p>To mark a lesser degree of intimacy such formal designations as
the following may be employed:</p>
<p>Dear Sir:<br/>
My dear Sir:<br/>
Dear Mr. Smith:<br/>
Dear Madam: etc.<br/></p>
<p>For clergymen who have the degree of Doctor of Divinity, the
designation is as follows:</p>
<p>Rev. Alban Johnson, D. D.<br/>
My dear Sir: or Rev. and dear Sir: or more familiarly<br/>
Dear Dr. Johnson:<br/></p>
<p>Bishops of the Roman and Anglican Communions are addressed as
<i>Right Reverend</i>.</p>
<p>The Rt. Rev., the Bishop of Long Island. or<br/>
The Rt. Rev. Frederick Burgess, Bishop of Long Island.<br/>
Rt. Rev. and dear Sir:<br/></p>
<p>Archbishops of the Roman Church are addressed as <i>Most
Reverend</i> and Cardinals as <i>Eminence</i>. Thus:</p>
<p>The Most Rev. Archbishop Katzer.<br/>
Most Rev. and dear Sir:<br/>
His Eminence, James Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop of Baltimore.<br/>
May it please your Eminence:<br/></p>
<p>The title of the Governor of a State or territory and of the
President of the United States is <i>Excellency</i>. However,
<i>Honorable</i> is more commonly applied to Governors:—</p>
<p>His Excellency, William Howard Taft,<br/>
President of the United States.<br/>
His Excellency, Charles Evans Hughes,<br/>
Governor of the State of New York.<br/>
Honorable Franklin Fort,<br/>
Governor of New Jersey.<br/>
<p>The general salutation for Officers of the Army and Navy is
<i>Sir</i>. The rank and station should be indicated in full at the
head of the letter, thus:</p>
<p>General Joseph Thompson,<br/>
Commanding the Seventh Infantry.<br/>
Rear Admiral Robert Atkinson,<br/>
Commanding the Atlantic Squadron.<br/>
<p>The title of officers of the Civil Government is Honorable and
they are addressed as <i>Sir</i>.</p>
<p>Hon. Nelson Duncan,<br/>
Senator from Ohio.<br/>
Hon. Norman Wingfield,<br/>
Secretary of the Treasury.<br/>
Hon. Rupert Gresham,<br/>
Mayor of New York.<br/>
<p>Presidents and Professors of Colleges and Universities are
generally addressed as <i>Sir</i> or <i>Dear Sir</i>.</p>
<p>Professor Ferguson Jenks,<br/>
President of .......... University.<br/>
Sir: or Dear Sir:<br/></p>
<p>Presidents of Societies and Associations are treated as business
men and addressed as <i>Sir</i> or <i>Dear Sir</i>.</p>
<p>Mr. Joseph Banks,<br/>
President of the Night Owls.<br/>
Dear Sir: or Sir:<br/></p>
<p>Doctors of Medicine are addressed as <i>Sir: My dear Sir: Dear
Sir:</i> and more familiarly My dear Dr: or Dear Dr: as</p>
<p>Ryerson Pitkin, M. D.<br/>
Dear Sir:<br/>
My dear Dr:<br/></p>
<p>Ordinary people with no degrees or titles are addressed as Mr.
and Mrs. and are designed Dear Sir: Dear Madam: and an unmarried
woman of any age is addressed on the envelope as Miss So-and-so,
but always designed in the letter as</p>
<p>Dear Madam:<br/></p>
<p>The plural of Mr. as in addressing a firm is <i>Messrs</i>, and
the corresponding salutation is <i>Dear Sirs: or Gentlemen:</i></p>
<p>In England <i>Esq.</i> is used for <i>Mr.</i> as a mark of
slight superiority and in this country it is sometimes used, but it
is practically obsolete. Custom is against it and American
sentiment as well. If it is used it should be only applied to
lawyers and justices of the peace.</p>
<p>The <i>Subscription</i> or ending of a letter consists of the
term of respect or affection and the signature. The term depends
upon the relation of the person addressed. Letters of friendship
can close with such expressions as:</p>
<p>Yours lovingly,<br/>
Yours affectionately,<br/>
Devotedly yours,<br/>
Ever yours, etc.<br/></p>
<p>as between husbands and wives or between lovers. Such gushing
terminations as Your Own Darling, Your own Dovey and other pet and
silly endings should be avoided, as they denote shallowness. Love
can be strongly expressed without dipping into the nonsensical and
the farcical.</p>
<p>Formal expressions of Subscription are:</p>
<p>Yours Sincerely,<br/>
Yours truly,<br/>
Respectfully yours,<br/></p>
<p>and the like, and these may be varied to denote the exact
bearing or attitude the writer wishes to assume to the person
addressed: as,</p>
<p>Very sincerely yours,<br/>
Very respectfully yours,<br/>
With deep respect yours,<br/>
Yours very truly, etc.<br/></p>
<p>Such elaborate endings as</p>
<p>"In the meantime with the highest respect, I am yours to command,"<br/>
"I have the honor to be, Sir, Your humble Servant,"<br/>
"With great expression of esteem, I am Sincerely yours,"<br/>
"Believe me, my dear Sir, Ever faithfully yours,"<br/></p>
<p>are condemned as savoring too much of affectation.</p>
<p>It is better to finish formal letters without any such
qualifying remarks. If you are writing to Mr. Ryan to tell him that
you have a house for sale, after describing the house and stating
the terms simply sign yourself</p>
<p>Your obedient Servant<br/>
Yours very truly,<br/>
Yours with respect,<br/>
James Wilson.<br/></p>
<p>Don't say you have the honor to be anything or ask him to
believe anything, all you want to tell him is that you have a house
for sale and that you are sincere, or hold him in respect as a
prospective customer.</p>
<p>Don't abbreviate the signature as: <i>Y'rs Resp'fly</i> and
always make your sex obvious. Write plainly</p>
<samp>Yours truly,<br/>
<i>John Field</i></samp>
<p>and not <i>J. Field</i>, so that the person to whom you send it
may not take you for <i>Jane Field</i>.</p>
<p>It is always best to write the first name in full. Married women
should prefix <i>Mrs.</i> to their names, as</p>
<samp>Very sincerely yours,<br/>
<i>Mrs.</i> Theodore Watson.</samp>
<p>If you are sending a letter acknowledging a compliment or some
kindness done you may say, <i>Yours gratefully,</i> or <i>Yours
very gratefully,</i> in proportion to the act of kindness
<p>It is not customary to sign letters of degrees or titles after
your name, except you are a lord, earl or duke and only known by
the title, but as we have no such titles in America it is
unnecessary to bring this matter into consideration. Don't sign
<p>Sincerely yours,<br/>
Obadiah Jackson, M.A. or L.L. D.<br/></p>
<p>If you're an M. A. or an L.L. D. people generally know it
without your sounding your own trumpet. Many people, and especially
clergymen, are fond of flaunting after their names degrees they
have received <i>honoris causa</i>, that is, degrees as a mark of
honor, without examination. Such degrees should be kept in the
background. Many a deadhead has these degrees which he could never
have earned by brain work.</p>
<p>Married women whose husbands are alive may sign the husband's
name with the prefix <i>Mrs:</i> thus,</p>
<samp>Yours sincerely,<br/>
<i>Mrs.</i> William Southey.</samp>
<p>but when the husband is dead the signature should be—</p>
<samp>Yours sincerely,<br/>
<i>Mrs.</i> Sarah Southey.</samp>
<p>So when we receive a letter from a woman we are enabled to tell
whether she has a husband living or is a widow. A woman separated
from her husband but not a <i>divorcee</i> should <i>not</i> sign
his name.</p>
<p>The <i>address</i> of a letter consists of the name, the title
and the residence.</p>
<p>Mr. Hugh Black,<br/>
112 Southgate Street,<br/>
<p>Intimate friends have often familiar names for each other, such
as pet names, nicknames, etc., which they use in the freedom of
conversation, but such names should never, under any circumstances,
appear on the envelope. The subscription on the envelope should be
always written with propriety and correctness and as if penned by
an entire stranger. The only difficulty in the envelope inscription
is the title. Every man is entitled to <i>Mr.</i> and every lady to
<i>Mrs.</i> and every unmarried lady to <i>Miss</i>. Even a boy is
entitled to <i>Master</i>. When more than one is addressed the
title is <i>Messrs.</i> <i>Mesdames</i> is sometimes written of
women. If the person addressed has a title it is courteous to use
it, but titles never must be duplicated. Thus, we can write</p>
<p>Robert Stitt, M. D., but never<br/>
Dr. Robert Stitt, M. D, or<br/>
Mr. Robert Stitt, M. D.<br/></p>
<p>In writing to a medical doctor it is well to indicate his
profession by the letters M. D. so as to differentiate him from a
D. D. It is better to write Robert Stitt, M. D., than Dr. Robert
<p>In the case of clergymen the prefix Rev. is retained even when
they have other titles; as</p>
<p>Rev. Tracy Tooke, LL. D.<br/></p>
<p>When a person has more titles than one it is customary to only
give him the leading one. Thus instead of writing Rev. Samuel
MacComb, B. A., M. A., B. Sc., Ph. D., LL. D., D. D. the form
employed is Rev. Samuel MacComb, LL. D. LL. D. is appended in
preference to D. D. because in most cases the "Rev." implies a "D.
D." while comparatively few with the prefix "Rev." are entitled to
"LL. D."</p>
<p>In the case of <i>Honorables</i> such as Governors, Judges,
Members of Congress, and others of the Civil Government the prefix
"Hon." does away with <i>Mr.</i> and <i>Esq.</i> Thus we write Hon.
Josiah Snifkins, not Hon. Mr. Josiah Snifkins or Hon. Josiah
Snifkins, Esq. Though this prefix <i>Hon.</i> is also often applied
to Governors they should be addressed as Excellency. For
<p>His Excellency,<br/>
Charles E. Hughes,<br/>
N. Y.<br/></p>
<p>In writing to the President the superscription on the envelope
should be</p>
<p>To the President,<br/>
Executive Mansion,<br/>
Washington, D. C.<br/></p>
<p>Professional men such as doctors and lawyers as well as those
having legitimately earned College Degrees may be addressed on the
envelopes by their titles, as</p>
<p>Jonathan Janeway, M. D.<br/>
Hubert Houston, B. L.<br/>
Matthew Marks, M. A., etc.<br/></p>
<p>The residence of the person addressed should be plainly written
out in full. The street and numbers should be given and the city or
town written very legibly. If the abbreviation of the State is
liable to be confounded or confused with that of another then the
full name of the State should be written. In writing the residence
on the envelope, instead of putting it all in one line as is done
at the head of a letter, each item of the residence forms a
separate line. Thus,</p>
Sullivan County,<br/>
New York.<br/>
215 Minna St.,<br/>
San Francisco,<br/>
<p>There should be left a space for the postage stamp in the upper
right hand corner. The name and title should occupy a line that is
about central between the top of the envelope and the bottom. The
name should neither be too much to right or left but located in the
centre, the beginning and end at equal distances from either
<p>In writing to large business concerns which are well known or to
public or city officials it is sometimes customary to leave out
number and street. Thus,</p>
<p>Messrs. Seigel, Cooper Co.,<br/>
New York City,<br/>
Hon. William J. Gaynor,<br/>
New York City.<br/></p>
<p><i>Notes</i> may be regarded as letters in miniature confined
chiefly to invitations, acceptances, regrets and introductions, and
modern etiquette tends towards informality in their composition.
Card etiquette, in fact, has taken the place of ceremonious
correspondence and informal notes are now the rule. Invitations to
dinner and receptions are now mostly written on cards. "Regrets"
are sent back on visiting cards with just the one word
<i>"Regrets"</i> plainly written thereon. Often on cards and notes
of invitation we find the letters R. S. V. P. at the bottom. These
letters stand for the French <i>repondez s'il vous plait</i>, which
means "Reply, if you please," but there is no necessity to put this
on an invitation card as every well-bred person knows that a reply
is expected. In writing notes to young ladies of the same family it
should be noted that the eldest daughter of the house is entitled
to the designation <i>Miss</i> without any Christian name, only the
surname appended. Thus if there are three daughters in the Thompson
family Martha, the eldest, Susan and Jemina, Martha is addressed as
<i>Miss</i> Thompson and the other two as <i>Miss</i> Susan
Thompson and <i>Miss</i> Jemina Thompson respectively.</p>
<p>Don't write the word <i>addressed</i> on the envelope of a
<p>Don't <i>seal</i> a note delivered by a friend.</p>
<p>Don't write a note on a postal card.</p>
<p>Here are a few common forms:—</p>
<p>Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wagstaff request the<br/>
honor of Mr. McAdoo's presence on Friday<br/>
evening, June 15th, at 8 o'clock to meet the<br/>
Governor of the Fort.<br/>
19 Woodbine Terrace<br/>
June 8th, 1910.<br/></p>
<p>This is an invitation to a formal reception calling for evening
dress. Here is Mr. McAdoo's reply in the third person:—</p>
<p>Mr. McAdoo presents his compliments to<br/>
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wagstaff and accepts with<br/>
great pleasure their invitation to meet the<br/>
Governor of the Fort on the evening of June<br/>
215 Beacon Street,<br/>
June 10th, 1910.<br/></p>
<p>Here is how Mr. McAdoo might decline the invitation:—</p>
<p>Mr. McAdoo regrets that owing to a prior<br/>
engagement he must forego the honor of paying<br/>
his respects to Mr. and Mrs. Wagstaff and the<br/>
Governor of the Fort on the evening of June<br/>
215 Beacon St.,<br/>
June 10th, 1910.<br/></p>
<p>Here is a note addressed, say to Mr. Jeremiah Reynolds.</p>
<p>Mr. and Mrs. Oldham at home on Wednesday<br/>
evening October ninth from seven to eleven.<br/>
21 Ashland Avenue,<br/>
October 5th.<br/></p>
<p>Mr. Reynolds makes reply:—</p>
<p>Mr. Reynolds accepts with high appreciation<br/>
the honor of Mr. and Mrs. Oldham's invitation<br/>
for Wednesday evening October ninth.<br/>
Windsor Hotel<br/>
October 7th<br/></p>
<p>Mr. Reynolds regrets that his duties render<br/>
it impossible for him to accept Mr. and Mrs.<br/>
Oldham's kind invitation for the evening of<br/>
October ninth.<br/>
Windsor Hotel,<br/>
October 7th,<br/></p>
<p>Sometimes less informal invitations are sent on small specially
designed note paper in which the first person takes the place of
the third. Thus</p>
<p>360 Pine St.,<br/>
Dec. 11th, 1910.<br/>
Dear Mr. Saintsbury:<br/>
Mr. Johnson and I should be much pleased to<br/>
have you dine with us and a few friends next<br/>
Thursday, the fifteenth, at half past seven.<br/>
Yours sincerely,<br/>
Emma Burnside.<br/></p>
<p>Mr. Saintsbury's reply:</p>
<p>57 Carlyle Strand<br/>
Dec. 13th, 1910.<br/>
Dear Mrs. Burnside:<br/>
Let me accept very appreciatively your<br/>
invitation to dine with Mr. Burnside and you<br/>
on next Thursday, the fifteenth, at half past<br/>
Yours sincerely,<br/>
Henry Saintsbury.<br/>
Mrs. Alexander Burnside.<br/></p>
<p>Notes of introduction should be very circumspect as the writers
are in reality vouching for those whom they introduce. Here is a
specimen of such a note.</p>
<p>603 Lexington Ave.,<br/>
New York City,<br/>
June 15th, 1910.<br/>
Rev. Cyrus C. Wiley, D. D.,<br/>
Newark, N. J.<br/>
My dear Dr. Wiley:<br/>
I take the liberty of<br/>
presenting to you my friend, Stacy Redfern,<br/>
M. D., a young practitioner, who is anxious<br/>
to locate in Newark. I have known him many<br/>
years and can vouch for his integrity and<br/>
professional standing. Any courtesy and<br/>
kindness which you may show him will be very<br/>
much appreciated by me.<br/>
Very sincerely yours,<br/>
Franklin Jewett.<br/></p>
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