<h3 id="id00357" style="margin-top: 3em">SELF-RESPECT AND HONOR</h3>
<p id="id00358" style="margin-top: 3em">Beethoven is said to have been the first musician who compelled
respect for his craft,—he who, prouder than Goethe, associated
with royalties, and said of himself, "I, too, am a king!" Mozart
rose from a dependent position which brought him most grievous
humiliations; he was looked upon as a servant of the Archbishop
of Salzburg, and treated accordingly. At the time composers
and musicians had no higher standing. Mozart feels the
intolerableness of his position and protests against it on every
opportunity; he is conscious of his worth and intellectual
superiority. When he endures the grossest indignities from his
tormentor, Archbishop Hieronymus, it is for the sake of his
father whom he would save from annoyance. In all things else
he follows the example of his father, but in the matter of
self-respect he admonishes and encourages his parent. Although
Beethoven rudely rejected the condescending good will of the
great which would have made Mozart happy, and demanded respect
as an equal, it must be confessed that the generally manly
conduct of Mozart was an excellent preparation of the Viennese
<p id="id00359">120. "I only wish that the Elector were here; he might hear
something to his advantage. He knows nothing about me, knows
nothing about my ability. What a pity that these grand gentlemen
take everybody's word and are unwilling to investigate for
themselves! It's always the way. I am willing to make a test; let
him summon all the composers in Munich, and even invite a few
from Italy, Germany, England and Spain; I will trust myself in a
competition with them all."</p>
<p id="id00360">(Munich, October 2, 1777, to his father. Mozart had hoped to
secure an appointment in Munich, but was disappointed.)</p>
<p id="id00361">121. "I could scarcely refrain from laughing when I was
introduced to the people. A few, who knew me par renommee, were
very polite and respectful; others who know nothing about me
stared at me as if they were a bit amused. They think that
because I am small and young that there can be nothing great and
old in me. But they shall soon find out."</p>
<p id="id00362">(Mannheim, October 31, 1777, to his father.)</p>
<p id="id00363">122. "We poor, common folk must not only take wives whom we love
and who love us, but we may, can and want to take such because we
are neither noble, well-born nor rich, but lowly, mean and poor.
Hence we do not need rich wives because our wealth dies with us,
being in our heads. Of this wealth no man can rob us unless he
cuts off our heads, in which case we should have need of nothing
<p id="id00364">(Mannheim, February 7, 1778, to his father. Mozart had fallen in
love with Aloysia, daughter of the poor musician Weber.)</p>
<p id="id00365">123. "I will gladly give lessons to oblige, particularly if I see
that a person has talent and a joyous desire to learn. But to go
to a house at a fixed hour, or wait at home for the arrival of
some one, that I can not do, no matter how much it might yield
me; I leave that to others who can do nothing else than play the
clavier,—for me it is impossible. I am a composer and was born
to be a chapelmaster. I dare not thus bury the talent for
composition which a kind God gave me in such generous measure (I
may say this without pride for I feel it now more than ever
before), and that is what I should do had I many pupils. Teaching
is a restless occupation and I would rather neglect clavier
playing than composition; the clavier is a side issue, though,
thank God, a strong one."</p>
<p id="id00366">(Mannheim, February 7, 1778, to his father, who must have read
the words with sorrow, since he and his daughter Nannerl were
laboriously giving lessons and practicing economy to make
Mozart's journey possible and had to advance money to him.)</p>
<p id="id00367">124. "I know of a certainty that the Emperor intends to establish
a German opera in Vienna, and is earnestly seeking a young
conductor who understands the German language, has genius and is
capable of giving the world something new. Benda of Gotha is
seeking the place and Schweitzer is also an applicant. I believe
this would be a good thing for me,—but with good pay, as a
matter of course. If the Emperor will give me a thousand florins,
I will write a German opera for him, and if then he does not wish
to retain me, all right. I beg of you, write to all the good
friends in Vienna whom you can think of that I would do honor to
the Emperor. If there is no other way let him try me with an
<p id="id00368">(Mannheim, January 10, 1778, to his father.)</p>
<p id="id00369">125. "The greatest favor that Herr Grimm showed me was to lend me
15 Louis d'Or in driblets at the (life and) death of my blessed
mother. Is he fearful that the loan will not be returned? If so
he truly deserves a kick—for he shows distrust of my honesty
(the only thing that can throw me into a rage), and also of my
talent….In a word he belongs to the Italian party, is deceitful
and is seeking to oppress me."</p>
<p id="id00370">(Paris, September 11, 1778, to his father, who was on a friendly
footing with the French encyclopaedist Grimm since the first
artistic tour made with little Wolfgang in 1763, when he owed
many favors to Grimm. Apparently Mozart here does an injustice to
his patron, who, it is true, thought highly of the Italian
<p id="id00371">126. "On my honor, I can't help it; it's the kind of man I am.
Lately when he spoke to me rudely, foolishly and stupidly, I did
not dare to say to him that he need not worry about the 15 Louis
d'Or for fear that I might offend him. I did nothing but endure
and ask if he were ready; and then—your obedient servant."</p>
<p id="id00372">(Paris, September 11, 1778, to his father, at whose request Baron
Grimm had received the young artist in Paris, but at the same
time had exercised a sort of artistic guardianship over him.
Wolfgang had written to his father as early as August 27: "If you
write to him do not be too humble in your thanks;—there are
reasons." On another occasion: "Grimm is able to assist children,
but not adults. Do not imagine that he is the man he was.")</p>
<p id="id00373">127. "You know that I want nothing more than good employment,—
good in character and good in recompense, let it be where it will
if the place be but Catholic…; but if the Salzburgians want me
they must satisfy my desires or they will certainly not get me."</p>
<p id="id00374">(Paris, July 3, 1778, to his father, who wished to see his son in
the service of the archiepiscopal court at Salzburg.)</p>
<p id="id00375">128. "The Prince must have confidence either in you or me, and
give us complete control of everything relating to music;
otherwise all will be in vain. For in Salzburg everybody or
nobody has to do with music. If I were to undertake it I should
demand free hands. In matters musical the Head Court Chamberlain
should have nothing to say; a cavalier can not be a conductor,
but a conductor can well be a cavalier."</p>
<p id="id00376">(Paris, July 9, 1778.)</p>
<p id="id00377">129. "If the Archbishop were to entrust it to me I would soon
make his music famous, that's sure….But I have one request to
make at Salzburg, and that is that I shall not be placed among
the violins where I used to be; I'll never make a fiddler. I will
conduct at the clavier and accompany the arias. It would have
been a good thing if I had secured a written assurance of the
<p id="id00378">(Paris, September 11, 1778, to his father who had urged him to
return to Salzburg to receive an appointment to the
conductorship. Mozart seems to have a premonition of the
treatment which he received later from the Archbishop.)</p>
<p id="id00379">130. "I must admit that I should reach Salzburg with a lighter
heart if I were not aware that I have taken service there; it is
only this thought that is intolerable. Put yourself in my place
and think it over. At Salzburg I do not know who or what I am; I
am everything and at times nothing. I do not demand too much or
too little;—only something, if I am something."</p>
<p id="id00380">(Strassburg, October 15, 1778, to his father, while returning
from Paris filled with repugnance to the Archbishop. "For aside
from obeying a praiseworthy and beautiful motive" (he means
filial affection), "I am really committing the greatest folly in
the world," he writes in the same letter.)</p>
<p id="id00381">131. "The Archbishop can not recompense me for the slavery in
Salzburg! As I have said I experience great pleasure when I think
of visiting you again, but nothing but vexation and fear at the
thought of seeing myself at that beggarly court again. The
Archbishop must not attempt to put on grand airs with me as he
used to; it is not impossible, it is even likely that I would put
my fingers to my nose,—and I know full well that you would enjoy
it as much as I."</p>
<p id="id00382">(Mannheim, November 12, 1778, to his father.)</p>
<p id="id00383">132. "At 11 o'clock in the forenoon, a little too early for me,
unfortunately, we already go to table; we dine together,—the two
temporal and spiritual valets, Mr. the Controller, Mr. Zetti, the
Confectioner, Messrs. the two cooks, Ceccarelli, Brunetti and my
insignificance. N.B. The two valets sit at the head of the table;
I have at least the honor of sitting above the cooks. Well, I
simply think I am at Salzburg. At dinner a great many coarse and
silly jokes are cracked, but not at me, because I do not speak a
word unless of necessity and then always with the utmost
seriousness. As soon as I have dined I go my way."</p>
<p id="id00384">(Vienna, March 17, 1781, to his father. The Archbishop was
visiting Vienna and had brought with him his best musicians whom,
however, he treated shabbily. At length the rupture came; Mozart
was dismissed—literally with a kick.)</p>
<p id="id00385">133. "Believe me, best of fathers, that I must summon all my
manhood to write to you what reason commands. God knows how hard
it is for me to leave you; but if beggary were my lot I would no
longer serve such a master; for that I shall never forget as long
as I live,—and I beg of you, I beg of you for the sake of
everything in the world, encourage me in my determination instead
of trying to dissuade me. That would unfit me for what I must do.
For it is my desire and hope to win honor, fame and money, and I
hope to be of greater service to you in Vienna than in Salzburg."</p>
<p id="id00386">(Vienna, May 12, 1781, to his father.)</p>
<p id="id00387">134. "I did not know that I was a valet de chambre, and that
broke my neck. I ought to have wasted a few hours every forenoon
in the antechamber. I was often told that I should let myself be
seen, but I could not recall that this was my duty and came
punctually only when the Archbishop summoned me."</p>
<p id="id00388">(Vienna, May 12, 1781.)</p>
<p id="id00389">135. "To please you, best of fathers, I would sacrifice my
happiness, my health and my life; but my honor is my own, and
ought to be above all else to you. Let Count Arco and all
Salzburg read this letter."</p>
<p id="id00390">(Vienna, May 19, 1781. It was Count Arco who had dismissed Mozart
with a kick. The father was thrown into consternation at the
maltreatment of his son and sought to persuade Mozart to return
to Salzburg. Mozart replied: "Best, dearest father, ask of me
anything you please but not that; the very thought makes me
tremble with rage.")</p>
<p id="id00391">136. "You did not think when you wrote this that such a back-step
would stamp me as one of the most contemptible fellows in the
world. All Vienna knows that I have left the Archbishop, knows
why, knows that it is because of my injured honor, of an injury
inflicted three times,—and I am to make a public denial,
proclaim myself a cur and the Archbishop a noble prince? No man
could do the former, least of all I, and the second can only be
done by God if He should choose to enlighten him."</p>
<p id="id00392">(Vienna, May 19, 1781, to his father, who had asked him to return
to the service of the Archbishop.)</p>
<p id="id00393">137. "If it be happiness to be rid of a prince who never pays
one, but torments him to death, then I am happy. For if I had to
work from morning till night I would do it gladly rather than
live off the bounty of such a,—I do not dare to call him by the
name he deserves,—I was forced to take the step I did and I can
not swerve a hair's breadth from it; impossible."</p>
<p id="id00394">(Vienna, May 19, 1781.)</p>
<p id="id00395">138. "Salzburg is nothing now to me except it offer an
opportunity to give the Count a kick…even if it were in the
public street. I desire no satisfaction from the Archbishop, for
he is not in a position to offer me the kind that I want and must
have. Within a day or two I shall write to the Count telling him
what he can confidently expect to receive from me the first time
I meet him, be it where it may, except a place that commands my
<p id="id00396">(Vienna, June 13, 1781, to his father. Count Arco's offence has
been mentioned. On June 16 Mozart wrote: "The hungry ass shall
not escape my chastisement if I have to wait twenty years; for as
soon as I see him he shall come in contact with my foot, unless I
should be so unfortunate as to see him in the sanctuary." [The
reader will probably guess that the translator is resorting to
euphemisms in rendering Mozart's language. H.E.K.])</p>
<p id="id00397">139. "It is the heart that confers the patent of nobility on man;
and although I am no count I probably have more honor within me
than many a count. Menial or count, whoever insults me is a cur.
I shall begin by representing to him, with complete gravity, how
badly he did his business, but at the end I shall have to assure
him in writing that he is to expect a kick…and a box on the
ear from me; for if a man insults me I have got to be revenged,
and if I give him no more than he gave me, it is mere retaliation
and not punishment. Besides I should thus put myself on a level
with him, and I am too proud to compare myself with such a stupid
<p id="id00398">(Vienna, June 20, 1781, to his father. These expressions, called
out by the insulting treatment received from the Archbishop and
Count Arco, are in striking contrast to Mozart's habitual
<p id="id00399">140. "I can easily believe that the court parasites will look
askance at you, but why need you disturb yourself about such a
miserable pack? The more inimical such persons are to you the
greater the pride and contempt with which you should look down
upon them."</p>
<p id="id00400">(Vienna, June 20, 1778, to his father, who fears that some of the
consequences of his son's step may be visited upon him.)</p>
<p id="id00401">141. "I do not ask of you that you make a disturbance or enter
the least complaint, but the Archbishop and the whole pack must
fear to speak to you about this matter, for you (if compelled)
can without the slightest alarm say frankly that you would be
ashamed to have reared a son who would have accepted abuse from
such an infamous cur as Arco; and you may assure all that if I
had the good luck to meet him today I should treat him as he
deserves, and that he would have occasion to remember me the
rest of his life. All that I want is that everybody shall see
in your bearing that you have nothing to fear. Keep quiet; but
if necessary, speak, and then to some purpose."</p>
<p id="id00402">(Vienna, July 4, 1781, to his father.)</p>
<p id="id00403">142. "I may say that because of Vogler, Winter was always my
greatest enemy. But because he is a beast in his mode of life,
and in all other matters a child, I would be ashamed to set down
a single word on his account; he deserves the contempt of all
honorable men. I will, therefore, not tell infamous truths rather
than infamous lies about him."</p>
<p id="id00404">(Vienna, December 22, 1781, to his father, to whose ears Peter<br/>
Winter, a composer, had brought slanderous reports concerning<br/>
Mozart and his Constanze. Winter was a pupil of Abbe Vogler. See<br/>
No. 66.)<br/></p>
<p id="id00405">143. "He is a nice fellow and a good friend of mine; I might
often dine with him, but it is a custom with me never to take pay
for my favors; nor would a dish of soup pay them. Yet such people
have wonderful notions of what they accomplish with one….I am
fond of doing favors for people but they must not plague me. She
(the daughter) is not satisfied if I spend two hours every day
with her, but wants me to loll about the whole day; yet she tries
to play the well behaved one."</p>
<p id="id00406">(Vienna, August 22, 1781, to his father. Mozart is writing about
a landlord and his daughter concerning whom favorable reports had
reached the ears of the father. Mozart explains matters and soon
thereafter announces a change of lodgings.)</p>
<p id="id00407">144. "I beg of you that when you write to me about something in
my conduct which is displeasing to you, and I in turn give you my
views, let it always be a matter between father and son, and
therefore a secret not to be divulged to others. Let our letters
suffice and do not address yourself to others, for, by heaven, I
will not give a finger's length of accounting concerning my
doings or omissions to others, not even to the Emperor himself. I
have cares and anxieties of my own and have no use for petulant
<p id="id00408">(Vienna, September 5, 1781, to his father, who lent a willing ear
to gossips and was never chary of his reproaches. Mozart was
already twenty-five years old.)</p>
<p id="id00409">145. "If I were Wiedmer I would demand the following satisfaction
from the Emperor: he should endure 50 strokes at the same place
in my presence and then he should pay me 6,000 ducats. If I could
not obtain this satisfaction I should take none, but thrust a
dagger through his heart at the first opportunity. N.B. He has
already had an offer of 3,000 ducats on condition that he does
not come to Vienna, but permits the matter to drop. The people of
Innsbruck say of Wiedmer: he who was scourged for our sake will
also redeem us."</p>
<p id="id00410">(Vienna, August 8, 1781, to his father. Herr von Wiedmer was a
nobleman and theatre director, who, without cause, had been
sentenced to a whipping by the president, Count Wolkenstein, on
the complaint of another nobleman. [Mozart's bloodthirstiness was
probably due to memories of Arco's kick still rankling in his
heart. It was only after long solicitation from his father that
he abandoned his plan to send Arco the threatened letter.
<p id="id00411">146. "You perhaps already know that the musico Marquesi—
Marquesius di Milano—was poisoned in Naples; but how! He was
in love with a duchess and her real amant grew jealous and sent
three or four bravos to Marquesi and left him the choice of
drinking poison or being massacred. He chose the poison. Being a
timid Italian he died alone and left his gentlemen murderers to
live in rest and peace. Had they come into my room, I would have
taken a few of them with me into the other world, as long as some
one had to die. Pity for so excellent a singer!"</p>
<p id="id00412">(Munich, December 30, 1780, to his father. Mozart, on the whole,
was one of the most peaceable men on earth, but he was not
wanting in personal courage, and he could fly into transports of
<p id="id00413">147. "If you were to write also to Prince Zeil I should be glad.
But short and good. Do not by any means crawl! That I can not
<p id="id00414">(Mannheim, December 10, 1777, to his father. Count Ferdinand von
Zeil was Prince Bishop of Chimsee and favorably disposed towards
Mozart, who was hoping for an appointment in Munich. "If he wants
to do something he can; all Munich told me that." Nothing came of
<p id="id00415">148. "Whoever judges me by such bagatelles is also a scamp!"</p>
<p id="id00416">(Mozart wrote many occasional pieces for his friends,—fitting
them to the players' capacities. Mozart said that the publisher
who bought some of these "bagatelles" and printed them without
applying to him was a scamp (Lump), but took no proceedings
against him.)</p>
<p id="id00417">149. "Very well; then I shall earn nothing more, go hungry and
the devil a bit will I care!"</p>
<p id="id00418">(Mozart's answer to Hofmeister, the Leipsic publisher, who had
said: "Write in a more popular style or I can neither print nor
pay for anything of yours.")</p>
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