<SPAN name="startofbook"></SPAN>
<p><span class="pagenum" id="Page_97">97</span></p>
<h1> AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL.<br/> <br/> <span class="table bb bt"> <span class="large">EDITED AND PUBLISHED BY SAMUEL WAGNER, WASHINGTON, D. C.</span><br/> <span class="medium">AT TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE.</span><br/> </span><br/> <span class="table bb w100"> <span class="tcell tdl small smcap w33">Vol. VI.</span> <span class="tcell tdc medium w33">NOVEMBER, 1870.</span> <span class="tcell tdr small smcap w33">No. 5.</span> </span></h1>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p class="author">
[For the American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="Cure_of_Foulbrood">Cure of Foulbrood.</h2>
<p>Mr. <span class="smcap">Editor</span>:—I promised, (vol. V., page 187,)
to report how my refrigerator wintered its colony.
The frames were covered with a piece of old
carpeting, and the whole space outside the inner
hive packed with straw and shavings. This
spring it was in splendid condition, and it was
found necessary to remove brood and cut out
queen cells as early as the 20th of May; and, for
this locality, the surplus would have been large,
if I had not been obliged to break up the colony
on account of <i>foulbrood</i>.</p>
<p>You can imagine my disappointment when my
apiarian friend, Mr. Sweet of West Mansfield,
pointed out to me this loathsome disease in my
choicest Italian colony, early in June, when up
to that time I had supposed that everything was
prosperous with my twelve colonies. After a
thorough examination I found six hives more or
less affected, and according to high authority,
should be condemned to death. The other six
appeared free from disease at this time, although
three more subsequently became diseased.</p>
<p>This is my second summer of bee-keeping, and
all the duties pertaining to an apiary were entered
into with the enthusiasm, and shall I confess
it, the ignorance and carelessness of a novice.
Yes, ignorance and culpable carelessness, for in
gathering empty combs from various quarters,
the disease was introduced and spread among my
pets. One hive, in particular, of empty comb
had the peculiar odor, perforated cells, and brown
viscid fluid, with which I have since become so
familiar this summer; and it seems unaccountable
to me, how any person with the Bee Journal
wide open and Quinby’s instructions before him,
could be so careless as to give such combs to his
<p>But such was the fact, and foulbrood spreading
right and left. What shall be done to get rid of
it? Shall Quinby be followed, purify the hive
and honey by scalding, and treat the colony as a
new swarm; or shall the heroic treatment of
Alley be adopted; bury or burn bees and hive,
combs and all? The latter has sent me some
fine queens; but the former has always given reliable
advice, and I shall follow his instructions
with two colonies which are past all cure, and
reserve the others for treatment, hoping that I
may find some cure, or at least palliative for the
disease, and add my mite of experience, and,
perhaps, useful knowledge to our Bee Journal.</p>
<p>Accordingly, June 8th, the combs of the two
condemned colonies were melted into wax, the
honey drained over and scalded, and the bees,
after a confinement of forty hours, were treated
like new swarms; and now, September 18th, are
perfectly healthy and in fine condition for winter.</p>
<p>I will not occupy your valuable space with all
the details of my experiments and fights (which
lasted through three months) with the trials of
doses of different strengths and kinds, with old
comb and new, with young queens and old ones,
and with no queen at all, and how, in doing this,
I was obliged to keep up the strength of the
colony for fear of robbers and of spreading the
disease to my neighbors. Suffice it to say, that
after two months I had made no apparent headway,
although still determined to “fight it out
on this line, if it took all summer” and my last
hive. In fact, I devoted my apiary to the study
of this disease, and, perhaps, death.</p>
<p>Starting with, and holding to the theory that
foulbrood is contagious only by the diffusion of
living germs of feeble vitality, (and I was
strengthened in my conjecture in microscopical
examinations, by finding the dead larvæ filled
with nucleated cells,) I determined to try those
remedies which have the power of destroying the
vitality of these destructive germs, these living
organisms. And no remedies seemed to me more
potent than carbolic acid and hyposulphite of
soda. At first I used both, making one application
of each, with an interval of one day, and
with apparent benefit. But, attributing the
improvement to the more powerful of the two, I
abandoned the hyposulphite and used the carbolic
acid alone, and I was so infatuated with the
idea of its superiority, that I did not give it up
until three of the four hives had become so hopelessly
diseased, that the combs were destroyed
and the colonies treated to new combs (as it was
late in the season,) and freely fed with sugar and
water. These are now in good condition for
<p>The fourth hive was carried a mile away, the
queen caged, and the colony strengthened with
a medium sized second swarm. After all the
brood, which was advanced, had left the cells, I
transferred the colony to a clean hive; thoroughly
<span class="pagenum" id="Page_98">98</span>
sulphured the old hive with burning sulphur,
and stored it away in a safe place for future experiments.
I now thought my apiary free from
the pest; but on thoroughly examining the whole,
three new cases of foulbrood were found—one
very badly affected, and two slightly so, with
perhaps twenty to forty cells diseased and perforated.</p>
<p class="caption">
Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1870, by Samuel Wagner, in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at
<p>This was about the 1st of August, and again
hyposulphite of soda was selected for the trial;
and from the first application I have had the
disease under control. Three days ago I examined
the three colonies thoroughly, and found
no new cells diseased in the two which had been
the least affected; and in the almost hopelessly
diseased one (as much diseased, in fact, as any
of those that I destroyed,) an entire brood had
been raised, with not over fifty or sixty diseased
and perforated cells with dead larvæ remaining,
most on one comb, and nearly all the cells contained
a new supply of eggs; this colony is certainly
convalescent, and I think now, from the
recent and second application of the hyposulphite
of soda, is entirely cured. Still, I should not
be surprised to find two or three, or even more,
perforated cells after this second crop of brood
has hatched, as the whole hive, honey, and comb,
had been for so long a time so thoroughly saturated
with the disease, and at least two-thirds of
the cells had, before the <i>medicine</i> was used, been
filled with putrid larvæ. If so, I shall treat it
to a third dose.</p>
<p>Now, Mr. Editor, as it is frequently of as much
practical importance to tell how to administer a
remedy, as it is to know its name, I will ask your
indulgence a little longer, hoping that others may
improve upon my remedy or at least test it, if
they are so unfortunately ignorant and careless
as I was, in bringing “the wolf home to the
<p>The solution of hyposulphite of soda which I
used, was one ounce to half a pint of rain water.
With this I thoroughly washed out every diseased
cell with an atomizer, after opening the cap; also
spraying over the whole of the combs and the
inside of the hive. The instrument I use is a
spray producer, invented by Dr. Bigelow of
Boston, and sold by Codman & Shurtleff of that
city. There are two small metallic tubes, a few
inches long, soldered together; and by placing
the point of exit of the spray at the lower part
of the cell, the whole of the contents of the cell
is instantly blown out upon the metallic tubes.
With a very little practice there is no necessity
for polluting the comb with the putrid matter.
Place the comb perfectly upright or a little leaned
towards you, and there is no difficulty; yet, if a
drop should happen to run down the comb, it
would do no harm, but had better be carefully
absorbed with a piece of old dry cotton cloth.
I quite frequently do this with the bees on the
comb, as it does them no harm, to say the least,
to get well covered with the vapor.</p>
<p>It is not at all injurious to the larvæ, after they
are two or three days old, though it may be before
that time, as I have noticed that after using the
hyposulphite where there are eggs and very
young larvæ, the next day the cells are perfectly
<p>There are many interesting points which have
come up during my summer’s fight, which I
would speak of; but I have already gone beyond
all reasonable bounds in this communication.</p>
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">Edward P. Abbe.</span></p>
<p><i>New Bedford, Mass.</i>, Sept. 18, 1870.</p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p class="author">
[Translated from the Bienenzeitung,<br/>
For the American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="Queen_Breeding">Queen Breeding.</h2>
<p>To obtain not only purely fertilized queens,
but fine, bright yellow ones, I have for some
years proceeded thus:</p>
<p>As all Italian queens do not produce equally
fine drones, I mark those stocks in the course of
the summer which contain queens producing the
choicest of these. Then, in the following spring,
when I desire to have a plentiful supply of prime
Italian drones early, and before common drones
make their appearance in neighboring apiaries,
insert in the hives thus selected and marked,
combs of worker brood taken from other colonies.
I do this in order to make those colonies very
populous, so as to induce drone-egg-laying; for a
queen will always be disposed to commence doing
so, if she is in a strong colony well supplied with
honey, or is well fed. As soon as I find that
those colonies are becoming populous under this
management, I insert some empty drone comb
in the centre of the brooding space. These the
queen, stimulated by liberal feeding, will speedily
supply with eggs; and when the drone brood
so produced is nearly mature, I subdivide these
combs and insert pieces in nuclei previously furnished
with young bees, worker brood, and eggs,
taken from the colonies containing the choice
queens from which I design to breed, and which
are known to produce the largest, most active,
and best marked workers.</p>
<p>As the drones form the brood thus introduced
mature several days sooner, than the young
queens bred in the same nuclei, there is a strong
probability that the latter will be fertilized by
them and consequently produce fully marked
choice progeny, as it is certain that queens will
almost invariably be fertilized early if they and
the drones are bred in the same hive or nucleus,
since that secures the simultaneous flight of
both and obviates the necessity of a wide range
in their excursions. I adopt this process also,
because if the Italian drones of the colonies,
which contain the young queens, are poorly
marked and dark yellow in color, we cannot reasonably
look for bright and handsomely marked
<p>At about ten o’clock in the morning of a calm,
clear day, when the young queen is at least two
days old, I feed the bees of the nucleus with diluted
honey. Drones and queens will then almost
invariably issue at the same time, and before
common drones from other colonies or neighboring
apiaries are on the wing. Thus both
disappointment and delay are in a great measure
precluded. I do not stimulate the bees of
the nucleus by feeding either on the first or the
second day after a young queen has left her cell,
because she is then yet too feeble to make an
<span class="pagenum" id="Page_99">99</span>
excursion with safety. But I have frequently
succeeded in having fertilization effected on the
third or fourth day, in favorable weather, when
the nucleus thus stimulated contained both drones
and queen; and in many cases the queens began
to lay on the third or fourth day thereafter. In
this way, I not only obtain many (I do not
say all) purely fertilized queens; but also very
superior ones, large, vigorous, and prolific, producing
both workers and drones well marked
and brightly colored.</p>
<p>I do not indeed claim that this process gives
us absolute certainty, but only a very great
probability, that the queens we rear will be
purely fertilized. Other bee-keepers too, who
employed it long before the Kœhler method was
promulgated, regard it as furnishing the most
likely means of assuring success. Thus, for
instance, the President of the Bee-keeper’s Union
of Moravia, Dr. Ziwanski, who is not a blind
imitator of others, but a careful and indefatigable
inquirer, never recommending aught for
adoption till he has himself tested it with success,
found my method worthy of adoption five
years ago already, for his annual report for
1865 contains the following passage:—</p>
<p>“I made five nuclei this year, with fresh brood
from pure original Italians. When fitting them up,
I recollected a suggestion of the Rev. Mr. Stahala,
and inserted both drone and worker brood
in four of them, omitting the drone brood in the
fifth. The queens of the first four mentioned
were purely fertilized, while the one in the fifth
nucleus mated with a common drone. This
result induces me to invite your attention to the
fact, for it is reasonable to presume that queens
making their excursions will be more likely to
mate with drones from their own hives flying
simultaneously, than with drones from other
and distant hives. The queen usually makes
such excursions only at periods when drones are
flying, and there is then generally great commotion
in the hive, as though there was much eagerness
to get abroad and enjoy the genial air. Still,
too much must not be expected from this suggestion
and its adoption. It is not supposed that any
preliminary arrangements or appointments are
made by drones or queens, before the excursion
is undertaken; but merely that there is a much
greater probability that parties flying at the same
time and necessarily in close proximity, will
mate, than those starting from remoter points.
Hence since it can do no possible harm to
supply our nuclei with drone and drone-brood in
this manner, the plan should by no means be
disregarded when preparing to Italianize an
<p>By means of this process, having selection to
a great degree in my power, I frequently obtain
queens nearly entirely yellow, having black
only at the extremity of the abdomen. I have
procured queens for breeding from both Dzierzon
and Mona. The young queens breed from
Dzierzon’s stock were at first handsomer than
those bred from Mona’s. But in later years,
since using the method I now recommend, I
obtain equally fine queens from the latter’s stock.
The drones from Mona’s queens were, from the
start yellower than those from Dzierzon’s, which
were only faintly tinged with yellow on the sides,
and had dark orange bands. Observing this, I
then took worker brood and queen cells from the
Dzierzon’s queens, with drones and drone-brood
from the Mona queens, to furnish the same nucleus,
and thus obtained regularly very handsome
queens, bright workers, and very fine drones.</p>
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">J. Stahala</span>, <i>Pastor</i>.</p>
<p><i>Dolein, near Olmutz</i>, Feb. 5., 1870.</p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p class="author">
[For the American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="Purity_of_Italian_Queens">Purity of Italian Queens.</h2>
<p>Your correspondent, E. L. Briggs, in the
August number of the Journal, has stirred up
the bee-keepers a little; and for fear they will
not discuss the point which most interests me,
I drop you a line, hoping that those who have
had more experience may be able to settle the
<p>It is a fact which I think no one will deny,
that it would be for the interest of every one
selling queens, to send only such as are purely
fertilized. It being as easy to rear queens from
pure eggs as from any other, we may look to
some other cause than selfishness or cheapness
of the price for the difficulty. I have managed
my apiary under the impression that the Dzierzon
theory is correct, that the drones from a pure
queen which had mated with a black drone,
were pure.</p>
<p>I have failed in keeping my stock pure enough
to breed from; and in my opinion, other bee-keepers
who have reared queens in the same way,
are as badly off as myself. If we wish to improve
the Italian bee, we may do so by selecting the
best of its race, both male and female, to breed
from; not by crossing with the black bee. The
type of the Italian bee should be so fixed, that
the bees all show the same marking. We may
fix the type of any admixture of the German and
Italian bees, so that they will have similar markings.
The crossing has been so recent in many
cases, that there is no uniformity of color.
Breeders of choice stock look as much to the
quality and purity of the male as the female
parent. It is my present belief that bees are as
much subject to the rule, as the animal creation
<p>I look for higher results than any yet attained,
when we control (as we soon shall) the mating
of our queens; and the low priced ones have
given me the most satisfaction so far.</p>
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">L. C. Whiting.</span></p>
<p><i>East Saginaw, Mich.</i></p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p class="author">
[For the American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="Italian_Queens">Italian Queens.</h2>
<p><span class="smcap">Mr. Editor</span>:—Since so much has been said of
late about Italian queens, (especially cheap ones,)
I feel it my duty, in justice to Mr. Alley, to say,
that I purchased one of his $2.50 queens last
June and have bred sixteen queens from her,
besides a host of drones and workers; and the
facts are, first, her progeny are all three-banded;
<span class="pagenum" id="Page_100">100</span>
second, she is the most prolific queen in my
apiary; third, her workers are very industrious;
fourth and last, I am not at all out of patience
because she cost me only $2.50. Five dollars will
not buy her to-day; and if I have the good luck to
keep her till next June (supposing she is young,
as claimed by Mr. Alley), I shall not want to
part with her for two fives. All who have seen
her and her workers, pronounce them beauties;
and Italian bees are nothing new in these parts.</p>
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">James Heddon.</span></p>
<p><i>Dowagiac, Mich.</i>, Sept., 1870.</p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p class="author">
[For the American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="Novice">Novice.</h2>
<p>Mr. <span class="smcap">Editor</span>:—Sometime ago, in one of our
articles, we mentioned that we considered the
“Apiary” department in the “<i>Rural New Yorker</i>”
of more real worth than some of the periodicals
specially devoted to bees.</p>
<p>We had then seen about half a dozen of the
“Rurals” that contained some very good articles,
from the pens of intelligent bee-keepers who
were well up to the times. Since then, however,
we have seen so much else there so greatly
behind the times, that we must think our decision
then a little hasty. For instance last week
a bee-keeper takes the trouble to inform the public
that “hives should be moved in the night
<i>when the bees are all in</i>, for he had just moved
some in the day time and a large number that
were out, never found their hive on their return.
So take notice everybody, always move your bees
at night!” As this was given as a piece of valuable
information, we looked in vain for some note
from the editors, cautioning their readers against
falling into the same error, and pointing it out.
And then we wondered if the editors knew any
better, or anything about bees at all, for many of
their articles seem to imply that they are uninformed
and publish anything they come across,
indiscriminately, truth and error, without note
or comment.</p>
<p>The editor of the Apiculturist thought it the
height of absurdity because we seemed to consider
him in any way responsible for what his
correspondent wrote. We certainly <i>were</i> so innocent
as to suppose that an editor <i>knew</i> what he
was going to publish, and that should a correspondent
send him an article containing a very
gross error, calculated to lead beginners astray,
he would tell such correspondent his mistake,
without using his article; or if it contained something
else good and valuable, and he decided to
publish it, he would kindly mention the mistake
or error, in a little note somewhere, and give his
readers confidence by letting them know that
some one <i>was</i> “running the machine” “somewhere.”</p>
<p>There are a large number of good farmers who
refuse to read agricultural papers, because they
say, and with considerable reason, that more than
half that is written is “impracticable nonsense.”
We believe the American Agriculturist and the
American Bee Journal are at least two noble exceptions.
None of their readers can fail to know
that each of those papers is <i>edited</i> by some one
who is fully posted, and is <i>at home</i> too <i>every time</i>.</p>
<p>The Apiculturist intimates that we think no
one else has a right to <i>start</i> a bee journal. So far
from that we would be glad to subscribe this
minute for half a dozen more; if they were in
charge of competent men and had the broad platform
before them that our own Journal has—namely,
the advancement of bee culture for the
nation at large.</p>
<p>We should have replied to the Apiculturist before,
but he “called names,” and when we were
a small boy we used to make it a principle
that when our comrades called us names, we
“wouldn’t play any more,” and we feel just so
<p>We, too, Mr. Editor, noticed the mention in
the “Scientific American,” of the chicken roost
bee arrangement to stop moths, and felt pained
to think that anything, so far behind the times,
should be found in that paper. Then, again, we
noticed shortly after where they advised a correspondent
to <i>chop</i> up his combs and strain the
honey out, and mentioned too that it <i>was said</i>
that the outside combs contained the nicest honey!
Have Munn & Co., too, been sleeping in Rip Van
Winkle style, or do they think us Bee Journal
people not to be depended on?</p>
<p>We have had many letters from highly intelligent
people, even professors in colleges, asking
about the melextractor and inquiring whether
there was no serious objection to such unnatural
treatment of bees?</p>
<p>“Unnatural treatment,” indeed! About the
25th of last June, a farmer called on us to know
where he could sell his honey best. On asking
him how he had got it so early, he coolly informed
us that he had <i>taken it up</i>, as <i>it seemed full</i>! But
how about the brood? He didn’t know what we
meant by brood, but had thrown away the young
bees and did not think that they were of any
use! Murdered thousands of young innocents
before the end of June! Of course such treatment
is perfectly <i>natural</i> and right. He didn’t
get much for his honey.</p>
<p>Mr. Editor, we are getting hoarse in trying to
explain, and all we tell inquirers now is to get
the “<i>American Bee Journal</i>.” Yet many, many
times they can’t afford it, and many more times
don’t get time to read it. Yet the same persons
will say—“Why, Novice, your forty-six hives of
bees have been worth more to you than any hundred
acre farm in Medina county,” and go home
quite excited.</p>
<p>We have had a few weeks’ drouth, the first
this season, and it soon stopped the honey from
autumnal wild flowers.</p>
<p>Since Mr. Tillinghast suggested our being
called “Expert” (or some such foolishness), we
think we could hardly be honest without confessing
some of our work this fall. For instance,
we removed queen from No. 23, August 9th, and
ten days after cut out thirty-two (32) queen cells.
We have mentioned before that we tried hatching
some of them in cages, and the rest were put
in hives from which we had removed hybrid
queens. We were such an <i>expert</i> at the business
that we hatched about one-half the thirty-two,
and after they were hatched, we <i>bungled</i> the life
<span class="pagenum" id="Page_101">101</span>
out of <i>every one</i>—some by artificial fertilization
experiments; and the rest wouldn’t lay and
finally died their “own selves.”</p>
<p>Well, (we have considerable patience,) we tried
again; removed queen from No. 16, August 28,
and cut out twenty-one (21) cells ten days after.
Of these we <i>did</i> raise five laying queens; and
most of the other cells were destroyed by laying
them on the top of the frames when the weather
was too cool. In fact we have had more cells
destroyed this fall than ever before, and only
saved five by inserting them carefully in place of
one <i>cut out</i>. Now, Mr. Editor, we should have
felt somewhat better at this result, had we not
discovered that the original queen removed from
No. 16 had been killed, and only a miserable,
small, black queen reared in her place. She was
put in a hive in which we had a caged, unfertile
queen, and we neglected to look whether they
had raised any more. <i>Inexcusable carelessness</i>,
we call it.</p>
<p>To shorten the matter, we sent Mr. Grimm
fifty dollars on Monday morning, and received
twenty-five nice queens (or a part of them at
least) on Saturday afternoon. Is not that pretty
<p>Now, Mr. Editor, we are going to take this
queen raising business up next spring just where
we left off; and if we can’t do better, and at
least raise enough for our own apiary, we shall
call ourself something worse than</p>
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">Novice.</span></p>
<p><i>October 10, 1870.</i></p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p class="author">
[For the American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="Natural_prolific_and_hardy_Queens">Natural, prolific, and hardy Queens.<br/> <span class="large smcap">Part 3.</span></h2>
<p>Answer to Charles Dadant and Willard J.
Davis, in September number of the American
Bee Journal, pages 60 and 61.</p>
<p>To commence with Mr. Dadant. He says,
first, that “we are all disposed to regard our own
ideas as indisputable.”</p>
<p><i>Answer.</i> Prove all things; then hold fast to the
true. Do not condemn before trial. I have been
several years experimenting and am satisfied
with my method, as a means of procuring natural,
prolific, hardy and long-lived queens—far,
far ahead of any yet given to the public. It
having relieved me from the disappointment and
losses heretofore experienced in artificial swarming,
with forced or artificial queens, I have freely
given my mode to the public, for adoption or
rejection, as they see fit. Those who are <i>set</i> in
their way, are under no obligation to either adopt
or even try my mode; but there are those who
are not satisfied with their present light, and
who will be benefited by the knowledge of an
improved process, and to them my communications
are addressed.</p>
<p>He says, second, that I “condemn all artificially
raised queens.”</p>
<p><i>Answer.</i> I do: as against nature, reason, and
common sense. I see a difference in a provision
of nature, by means of which a swarm, accidentally
deprived of its queen, can temporarily
replace her, till one can be raised in a more
natural way, and the way men in their <i>wisdom</i> are
running the race out. You yourself prove my
position by almost every line of your article, if
you would only place your trials, troubles, vexations,
and losses to their right account—<i>forced or
artificially raised queens</i>. New brood may seemingly
save you for a time; but when all breeders
have the <i>cholorosis</i> stamped on the product of
their apiaries, like will beget like.</p>
<p>He says, in the third place—“why does friend
Price imagine that artificial queens are not as
good as natural ones?”</p>
<p><i>Answer.</i> Because convinced by years of experiment
and careful comparison (not hard to see, I
assure you) of natural with forced queens raised
by the means you have mentioned in your article,
and by others not mentioned. Even now I am
trying the experiment of raising forced queens
from the brood of a pure Italian queen received
last spring from a celebrated breeder. But so
far I have only succeeded in raising cripples,
drone layers, and non-egg-hatching queens. Most
of them <i>play out</i> before commencing to lay; yet
I have raised them from the egg—not one of them
hatching before the sixteenth day.</p>
<p>He says, fourth, after giving away or getting
queens from the egg, “I guess this method is as
good as, and more simple than, that of friend
<p><i>Answer.</i> You would go through every motion
that I do, and get two or three queens, worthless
in comparison with natural ones; while I would
secure from ten to sixty natural ones. If you
followed your own method, you would have to
divide almost every hive in your apiary, if you
got through swarming in any season; while by
my method<SPAN name="FNanchor_1" href="#Footnote_1" class="fnanchor">1</SPAN> one hive would furnish all the
natural queen cells that would be wanted in the
largest apiary in the time of natural swarming.</p>
<p>He says, fifth, “a queen hatched from grubs
three or four days old is just as good as any.”</p>
<p><i>Answer.</i> To sell!</p>
<p>Sixth, he says, “many bee-keepers find the
half-blood Italian bees are better than pure
ones”—his reason being that in and in breeding
is broken up.</p>
<p><i>Answer.</i> Those that receive them, let them
swarm naturally; thus the forcing is at an end,
and nature again asserts her superiority.</p>
<p>He says, seventh, “In good seasons the queens
raised in small nuclei are as good as those raised
in full stocks.”</p>
<p><i>Answer.</i> He admits that they cannot at all
times raise good ones. He had better have
attributed it to the lack of a natural instinct to
raise good ones. A swarm on the eve of swarming,
broken up into nuclei, would probably raise
pretty fair queens—say half as good as natural
ones. As well might you hire a rough wood
chopper or ditcher to make a watch, as to set a
nucleus of bees not having the swarming instinct,
to raise a first rate chronometer balanced queen.</p>
<p>Mr. W. J. Davis says that he does not know
what effect my Revolvable, Reversible, Double-cased,
Sectional Bee-hive may have had on the
tender life of a young queen, <i>forced or artificial</i>.</p>
<p>As I have only used my old Langstroth hives
<span class="pagenum" id="Page_102">102</span>
for nuclei; <i>my</i> hive has of course not had any
influence on them, for good or evil. But my
twenty young natural queens, raised by my
method, are without exception hardy, prolific,
and have every promise of being long-lived. Had
they been forced queens two-thirds of them
would have been played out before this time.
They are as prolific as any of my old “natural”
queens which I bought of those who practice
natural swarming only. My R. R. D. C. S. B.
Hive has a good effect on the life of natural
queens; and as Mr. Dadant says his bees in my
hive have done better than in any other, and he
has of several patents, and as he says he has
only raised forced queens, my R. R. D. C. S. Bee-hive
most probably saved him.</p>
<p><i>Secondly</i>, after reading all his conditions of
age, weather, season, stock, nuclei, time, and
egg, that have to be consulted to insure a good
queen by the forcing process, I have an idea that
his queens are natural ones. Do you not bring
your bees up to swarming and then secure their
cells Gallup fashion? Gallup calls such natural
queens. I should. Otherwise why not have
good queens from March to October?</p>
<p><i>Thirdly</i>, Mr. Davis says that “if Mr. Price <i>or
any other</i> man will, upon examination, decide
correctly, by size or fertility (amount of brood),
which are of the former and which are of the
latter class, he may pick out ten as large and
yellow queens as he <i>ever saw</i>, and I will make
him a present of the same.”</p>
<p><i>Answer.</i> I have only one artificial queen laying,
my pure <i>prolific</i> Italian. I will guarantee
any of my black, “young or old,” or other
natural queens, to fill five frames with brood
quicker than she can fill one; and if you, or
“any other man,” cannot see any difference
between my forced queens<SPAN name="FNanchor_2" href="#Footnote_2" class="fnanchor">2</SPAN> and my natural ones,
you must be deficient in the organs of size and
weight, and would not be able to tell a Shetland
pony from an elephant.</p>
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">John M. Price.</span></p>
<p><i>Buffalo Grove, Iowa.</i></p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p class="author">
[For the American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="Introducing_Queens">Introducing Queens.</h2>
<p>Dr. H. C. Barnard in the June number of the
A. B. Journal, gave directions for introducing
queens by fumigating with tobacco smoke. I
had introduced them by means of the queen
cage, and sprinkling them with sweetened water
scented with the essence of peppermint. But
as this seemed to be a better plan, I thought I
would try it. I caged the queen to be introduced,
and followed his directions to the letter, but
what do you think I had? A laying queen in
twelve hours? Nay, verily, but a dead queen,
and half the bees dead and driven from the hive.
Now, Mr. Editor, I think a great deal of my
bees, and when, in opening a hive, I carelessly
kill one, I am always sorry; but then to see them
slaughtered by wholesale, was very cruel to say
the least. All the next day, whenever I passed
that way, the well bees were driving off those
that were crippled or had lost the use of their
legs or wings. Besides this, while they were in
no condition to repel an attack, the robber bees
came in for a share, and I came very near losing
them. They were not so drunk but that most
of them could crawl round, and only a few of
them fell to the bottom of the hive.—Dr. Barnard
said, “if they all fell to the bottom it would do
no harm.” Now what was the cause of this
failure? I could not have smoked them too
much, according to his instructions, for nearly
all of them could crawl round, when I first
opened the hive to let the smoke out; yet it
destroyed fully half of them. I do not write this
by way of fault-finding, but so that nobody as
green as I was, should undertake the same process,
and have a like failure.</p>
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">G. M. Doolittle.</span></p>
<p><i>Borodino, N. Y.</i>, Sept., 1870.</p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p class="author">
[For the American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="The_Looking-Glass_Once_More">The Looking-Glass Once More.</h2>
<p><span class="smcap">Mr. Editor</span>:—I cannot think, as Mr. Nesbit
does on pages 80, 81 of the last number of the
Journal, that either one of his suppositions in
regard to the old woman’s bees, would do to
rely upon. It is not at all likely that a queen
so defective as to be unable to fly a distance of
two hundred and fifty yards, would ever have
been found where this one was.—And as to there
being two or more young queens with the swarm,
that may be true; but that they went with that
swarm in sufficient numbers to divide them on
the apple tree, is positively an erroneous idea.
The swarm was followed from the apple tree on
which a portion of them was first discovered, to
the one on which they clustered last, and they
did not seek a place so hidden from view as to
make it difficult even for me to see that they
selected a bare limb on which to settle. They
were hived without difficulty, but proved to be
bent on pitching their tent in some other section,
by leaving the old box hive unobserved the next
<p>As to the “knot” theory, I have nothing
more to say—than that, if tried right, it will
prove equally true with the <i>inverted glass theory</i>.
But as to the looking-glass having nothing to do
with stopping a decamping swarm of bees, it is
a grand mistake. In conclusion, I append a
portion of two letters which are before me, showing
that I am not the only man that places some
confidence in a good thing.</p>
<p class="author">
“<span class="smcap">Bellefontaine</span>, <i>Ohio, June 25</i>.</p>
<p>“At the time of swarming, I never allow noise
of any kind, and have never had a swarm that
did not settle. If the apiarian sees his bees rise
high and act as though they were going to leave,
the reflection of a mirror thrown in among them,
is the most efficient means that I know of to
make them alight.”
<span class="pagenum" id="Page_103">103</span></p>
<p class="author">
“<span class="smcap">Winchester</span>, <i>Ohio, June 21</i>.</p>
<p>“If the apiarian finds that they will not settle,
all that is necessary is for him to take a looking-glass
and place it in such a position that it will
reflect the rays of the sun among the bees, and
they will generally settle immediately.”</p>
<p>I write for the American Bee Journal for a
purpose different from the object of a teacher,
and when I appear as such, will be willing to
wear a garb that will not fit <i>Ignoramus</i>. But,
at the same time, if anything from me serves the
purpose of teaching, it will be all right with
your brother in bee-culture best known as
<span class="author smcap">Ignoramus.</span></p>
<p><i>Sawyersville, N. C.</i>, Oct. 1, 1870.</p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p class="author">
[For the American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="More_About_the_Looking-Glass">More About the Looking-Glass.</h2>
<p>I see on pages 34 and 35, Vol. VI of the A. B.
Journal, that Mr. H. Nesbit seems to doubt
the efficacy of the looking-glass for stopping a
swarm of bees. I would like to tell him an
instance, and see if he doubts longer. A near
neighbor of mine was at work for me one day,
when his wife called him, for the bees were
swarming. We went to his house and the bees
were just clustering on a tree near by. He got
a hive and was going to hive them, when they
started to go off. He took a large looking-glass
and ran to get up with them, for by this time
they had got fifteen or twenty rods from where
they had clustered. He reflected the rays of the
sun upon them, and they soon began to think of
lighting. As there were no trees near by, they
began to cluster on his hat; and he, being somewhat
afraid of bees, made good time for the
house, I assure you. They then settled on a post in
the fence near by, and were hived. In about an
hour they concluded to try for the woods again;
but the looking-glass brought them down once
more, and they were hived a second time. In
two hours after they started the third time. It
being cloudy at the time, they made their escape,
as the looking-glass would not work without the
sun. Now, was the queen tired or defective, or
was it the looking-glass that proved efficient?
There were several persons, nearly a mile distant,
who saw the reflected rays of the sun, their attention
being called from their work by the
brightness of the reflection. I am inclined to
think it was the looking-glass, instead of the
queen being tired or defective. I have since
tried it, and never failed to stop a swarm when
the sun shone.</p>
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">G. M. Doolittle.</span></p>
<p><i>Borodino, N. Y.</i>, Sept. 13, 1870.</p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p>Pösel says that if a colony has suffered from
hunger for twenty-four hours, the fertility of the
queen will be greatly impaired, and never be recovered.</p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p>All futures are possible to Young Samson.
The lion in his path he throttles, turning his
carcass into a bee-hive.</p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p class="author">
[For the American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="The_Hive_Question">The Hive Question.</h2>
<p>This question has again been revived for discussion
in the Journal, and several of our patentees
and vendors have made pretty free use
of its columns for “blowing” their particular
inventions and wares. Prominent among them
is Mr. J. H. Thomas; and as I have had some
experience with his hive, I wish to have my say
about it in particular, and other hives in general.
Mr. T. has gotten up a neat and substantial hive,
and has admirably adapted the use of frames to
the old form of the common box-hive—tall in
proportion to its length and breadth. The frames
are fixed in their relation to each other, but are
as easily moved laterally, when desired, as the
frames of any other hive. As there are only
eight frames, they can be taken out and examined,
when looking for queens, &c., quicker than
can be done with hives containing a greater
number of frames, and this seems to be considered
by some as of great importance. But I do
not consider facilities for looking up queens, the
most important requisite of a good hive; and I
find in the fact of its having so few frames a
very serious objection. In order to have the
proper number of square inches of comb in a
few frames, they have to be made comparatively
large, which is the case with these. The frames
are so large that, in very hot weather, when the
hive is exposed to the sun, and the combs are
full of honey, they break down and fall out of
the frames, making a very undesirable muss in
the hive. I have had this to happen repeatedly,
even in his “double wall self protecting hive,”
so called, with all the ventilation that could be
given it. By the way, he has lately made a
change in the ventilation, by enlarging the
entrance (an improvement) and by closing the
inch and hole covered with wire cloth, in the
bottom board, and making another in the back
and about an inch above the bottom board. I
do not know which is according to “scientific
principles,” and whether an improvement or
not. It is true this breaking down of combs
might be prevented by shading the hive; but
the “best hive in America” ought not to require
this, as we do not always want our hives shaded.
There are several other minor objections to
Mr. T.’s hives, but a still more important one
will be mentioned presently.</p>
<p>Five years ago Mr. T.’s hive might have been
considered a very good one, but “the world
moves,” and no single department has made
greater strides of progress in the last ten years
than apiculture. His, and all similar hives, lack
one important feature to make it adapted to the
present wants of all progressive bee-keepers.
No hive should now claim perfection without
being easily provided with extra frames for surplus
honey to be used in the honey extractor,
and these frames should be of the same size as
those in the body of the hive. It should be well
adapted to the use of the division board, with
room at side or ends for surplus frames, or be
easily and conveniently converted into a two-story
hive, with frames in the upper story the
<span class="pagenum" id="Page_104">104</span>
same size as below.—Tall hives with large frames
are not well adapted to this purpose. The two-story
Langstroth works well. Mr. Gallup’s and
Mr. Truesdell’s style of hives can be easily
arranged with additional frames at each end, or
on top, or both. Now, I do not say that any
and every hive thus arranged is perfect, but that
no hive should lay claim to being the most perfect
hive made, without being adapted to such
an arrangement; for it is important to give for
the breeding capacity of the queen, and to furnish
a sufficient amount of empty combs for the
accumulated workers, and thereby obtain the
greatest yield of honey with the extractor, or
without it.</p>
<p>Besides “puffs” of particular hives, we have
numerous articles on general principles to be
observed in their construction—some approving
and some condemning the shallow form of the
Langstroth hive. In the August number, Mr.
J. W. Seay pitches into the shallow hives on
general principles and preconceived theories.
Now, theories do well enough for fine talk, and
are good when substantiated by facts. But facts
are the things for the practical man, and one
fact is worth a dozen theories. Mr. S.’s theory and
deductions therefrom, in regard to the production
of early brood, I do not find confirmed in my
experience and observation; and the facts of the
case warrant a very different conclusion. A tall
hive is thought best for wintering out doors, for
we know the bees will place their stores above
them when there is room. We know, also, that
they do not cluster on the honey, but below it,
and the heat from them ascends and makes their
stores more accessible in cold weather. But how
is it with the breeding early in the season? Mr.
S. says, “the bees in order to hatch brood as the
weather becomes warm in the spring, will cluster
at the larvæ end of said combs, &c. Now
what he means by the “larvæ” end of the
comb, I do not exactly know. If he intends to
say that they cluster at the bottom of the brood
comb, so that the heat will ascend and warm up
the upper part of the brood comb for the extension
of brood, facts do not warrant the assertion;
for it is well known that bees do not commence
breeding at the lower end of the comb,
except in a very rare case, when they have had
the hive full of honey and have consumed none
or only very little during the winter. As a general
thing, they commence breeding near the
centre, and frequently in the upper part of the
hive. I have known them, in the Thomas’ hive,
to commence breeding within two inches of the
top bar, with plenty of honey at the sides. Now,
when breeding is commenced near the top, the
extension of brood in a tall hive must be chiefly
downward—away from the heat generated in
the cluster, instead of towards it. And for this
reason, as the warmth of the cluster will be diffused
laterally more readily than it will extend
downwards, more rapid breeding will be induced
in the shallow hive than in the deep one. This
accords exactly with the facts of the case. If
Mr. S. only means that the bees cluster on the
larvæ and around it, he is correct; but this does
not alter the conclusion. In stating that the
bees will cluster and commence breeding in one
end of the low hives, leaving the other end
empty and cold, Mr. S. does not fairly state the
case. They generally cluster near the centre of
the hive, and the heat will radiate towards both
<p>But, we have had enough of theory. How
stand the facts? I have had Mr. Thomas’ hive—one
of the best of the tall ones, and the Langstroth
hive, side by side, for several years. Last
winter I prepared eight of each kind for wintering
on their summer stands, somewhat similar
to the plan recommended by Mr. Langstroth.
In the latter part of the winter one colony in a
Langstroth hive was lost, not from any fault of
the hive, but from my carelessness. At the
opening of the spring, a thorough examination
was made of each hive, with the following comparison:
<i>First</i>—loss of honey was about alike in
each kind; some of each had nearly exhausted
their stores, while others of each kind had more
than enough, so that when equalized all had
plenty. <i>Second</i>—loss of bees: In the Langstroth
hives this was light. In four of them a spoonful
of dead bees could not be found. The other three
had a few dead bees. In one of the Thomas’
hives no dead bees were found. In two others
not a great many, but more than in the worst of
the Langstroth hives. The other five had a great
many dead bees. The colonies were much reduced—one
to a mere handful, with frames and hive
badly soiled with their discharges, had to unite
it with another hive. The T. hive that had no
dead bees, was in a fence corner, nearly buried
in snow all winter. <i>Third</i>—mould on combs.
In all the Thomas’ hives there was more or less
mould, except one. No mould in any of the
Langstroth hives. <i>Fourth</i>—quantity of brood.
<i>Decidedly the most in the Langstroth hives, at the
time of the examination, and it increased faster,
and they swarmed earlier than the tall hives.</i> My
first swarms came from the flat hives every season.
It may be said that the colonies in the
flat hives, having lost only few bees in the winter,
were stronger and would generate heat and
naturally increase faster, and swarm earlier
from this cause. I grant it; but one of the tall
hives lost no bees, and was very strong, and yet
did not breed as rapidly as the other.—I make
this statement without favor or partiality. I
expected a different result. I have no hives—patented
or unpatented, no territory, or interest
in any patent, to sell.</p>
<p>I have made a hive on the plan of Mr. Gallup
and Mr. Truesdell; which I believe possesses
many advantages, and is capable of being used
more ways, with the same size frame for all the
different styles, than any hive I have seen described.
The brood apartment is the plain box
of Mr. Gallup—eleven inches wide, fourteen
inches deep, eighteen inches long, or as much
longer as may be desired. The frames are hung
across the narrow way. I have given greater
depth and less width than my model, because
I wanted to winter out-doors, and because I
wanted to use the same frames-in a non-swarmer,
with two tiers of boxes at sides. We can use
this hive—1st. as a simple frame hive, with
large room on top for surplus boxes.—2d. By
extending the length to any desired number of
<span class="pagenum" id="Page_105">105</span>
frames, frames for surplus honey may be put in
each end, for emptying with the extractor.—3d.
It can be easily made a two-story hive, with
frames in the upper story the same size as in
the lower one.—4th. By having movable side-boards,
it may be made a non-swarmer on Mr.
Quinby’s and Mr. Alley’s principle, and piles
of honey boxes may be put on the sides and top.
I have one made this way with thirteen frames,
sixteen five pound boxes form the sides, and
three twelve pound boxes on top, all enclosed in
a suitable case. This is made somewhat like
Mr. Alley’s hive; but I think is better than his.
To avoid one extreme—the flat form, he has
gone to the other, and has his hive too tall and
too narrow. From all that I have read from
our best German and American writers on the
subject, I think I have hit the “golden mean”
of width and depth. The great beauty of it is
that the same frame can be used in all the different
styles; and that we may have a variety
of hives with but one size of frame.</p>
<p>I call this hive, with its non-swarming and
box arrangement, the “<span class="smcap">Quinqueplexal-Duplex-Combination-Non-patented-Superfluous-Honey-producing-hive</span>.”
It is said “there
is nothing in a name,” but if I could only get
friend Price’s “<i>Reversible-Revolvable</i>” attachment,
with the privilege of adding the name,
there would be considerable improvement in
adopting this compellation for the modified
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">Thaddeus Smith.</span></p>
<p><i>Pelee Island, Ontario</i>, Sept. 10, 1870.</p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p class="author">
[For the American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="The_Thomas_Hive">The Thomas Hive.</h2>
<p>Mr. <span class="smcap">Editor</span>:—I wish, with your permission,
to correct some few errors which have appeared
in the Journal with regard to the Thomas hive
in Canada.</p>
<p>Mr. J. H. Thomas, in the July number of the
Journal, says—“It is the principal hive in use
in Canada.” Again, in the correspondence of
the Bee Journal, September No., page 71, Mr.
H. Lipset says—“The Thomas hive is all the go
in Ontario.” How is it that men will make such
extravagant statements? Now for a few facts,
as the bee-men say.</p>
<p>One of my neighbors, an intelligent and scientific
bee-keeper, having been bred to the business,
received a hive from Mr. Thomas, and after giving
it four or five years’ trial, says he would not
use the hives if he could get them for nothing.</p>
<p>A Mr. Conger, of this county, whose son was
an agent for the Thomas hive, told me lately
that he had thrown the Thomas hive aside, in
favor of a hive similar to Langstroth’s shallow
<p>Mr. Walter Taylor, of Fitzroy Harbor, Ontario,
formerly an agent for the Thomas hive,
wrote me last winter that he would get his bees
out of the Thomas hive as soon as possible, as
he had found the shallow Langstroth hive was
“just the thing.”</p>
<p>I know of no person, making bee-keeping a
“business,” who uses the Thomas hive. After
all, the Canadian bee-keepers ought to feel proud
of having a man among them who has produced
the “best bee hive in America.” Where are Dr.
Conklin, D. L. Adair, and J. M. Price with his
revolvable, reversible—and so on to the end of the
chapter? Echo answers—nowhere!</p>
<p>This has been a good year for bees in this part
of Ontario. Yet a man living five miles from
here, and using the Thomas hive, says it has
been a very bad season.</p>
<p>I commenced in the spring with forty-five
hives, several of them being very weak from want
of honey. I now have eighty-seven good stocks
and sixteen hundred (1600) pounds of box honey,
besides about ten frames full. Two stocks that
did not swarm produced eighty-five (85) pounds
each, of box honey. My first swarm of the season,
which came off June 13th and was put in
an empty hive, stored sixty-six (66) pounds of
honey in boxes, besides losing a frame of honey
which melted down with the extreme heat which
prevailed this summer.</p>
<p>The foregoing, of course, does not come up to
the big stories we read in the Journal; but it is
very good for this section of Ontario, and pays
very well.</p>
<p>My hives contain nine frames, 16¾ inches long
and 8½ inches deep, inside. The frames run
from front to rear. The hive is similar in shape
to Langstroth’s shallow form. I obtain earlier
swarms and more surplus honey than any other
person in these parts using a deeper form of
hive. While I put boxes on the top I would not
use any other form of hive. I think that Alley’s
new style of Langstroth hive is the best for obtaining
surplus honey in boxes that was ever invented.
I constructed two hives last year, as an
experiment, similar to Mr. Alley’s. One of
these gave me the sixty-six pounds before mentioned.</p>
<p>W. Baker, in the September correspondence of
the Journal, says that his bees swarmed without
making any preparation. Many of mine did the
same thing this summer. In opposition to this,
on examining a hive five days after a swarm left
it, I found a laying queen, and from the number
of eggs I saw, I should think she had been laying
twenty-four hours at least.</p>
<p>In looking over the Bee Journal, I am surprised
to see that so many bee-keepers still use a
pan of chips, old rags, rotten wood, &c., with
which to smoke their bees. I use a pipe, which
for convenience and efficiency, I think cannot be
surpassed, notwithstanding Mr. Thomas to the
contrary. It consists of a tin tube, six inches
long and one inch in diameter, having a funnel
soldered to the inside, about 1½ inches from one
end, as shown in the annexed figure:</p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/i020.jpg" alt="" /></p>
<p>The funnel or cone is punched full of small holes.
Into each end of the tube a bored plug, <i>a</i> and <i>b</i>,
is nicely fitted. The plug <i>b</i> is cut so as to be
easily held between the teeth. To get the smoke,
draw out the plug <i>b</i>, fill the space <i>c</i> with some
<span class="pagenum" id="Page_106">106</span>
combustible material, then with the plug <i>a</i> in
the mouth, it may be lighted with a match, like
a common pipe. When lighted, insert the plug
<i>b</i> in its place, and blow away. I have used cut
tobacco till lately, but now find dry corn silk
much better. The advantage of this pipe is,
that it can be held in the mouth, and the smoke
directed where it is wanted, while the hands are
free to operate with. This is a great convenience,
especially in taking off boxes.</p>
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">George Cork.</span></p>
<p><i>Bloomfield, Ontario.</i></p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p class="author">
[For the American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="Shallow_Hives_or_Deep">Shallow Hives, or Deep?</h2>
<p>Mr. <span class="smcap">Editor</span>:—In the September number of
the Journal, Dr. B. Puckett criticises an article
of mine in the July number, and asks me to explain
wherein the shallow Langstroth hive is
<p>When I wrote the article referred to, my object
was to show that the shallow hive could be altered
to a different form, and that those who
were using it, and considered it too shallow, need
not throw their hives away. I said it was <i>not</i> a
good hive for wintering in the open air, or for
early spring. I did not think it necessary to give
my reasons in detail, why it was not good; for
that matter I considered had been already fully
discussed in the Journal. But as Dr. P. requests
it, I will explain.</p>
<p>For wintering in a cellar, the hive is perhaps
good enough. But I do not want to be <i>obliged</i>
to house my bees. Sometimes I have plenty of
room in the cellar, and sometimes not. If the
hives are of suitable form for wintering in the
open air, I can let them remain out, when it is
not convenient to carry them in. But the great
objection to them is in early spring. Dr. P. asks
if it is the fault of the hive that the <i>old</i> bees die
off, or that bees are destroyed by cold winds?
Of course it is not. But if a swarm is not breeding
enough to make up that loss, there must be a fault
somewhere. When we take bees from the cellar,
we expect that they will have brood in all stages,
from the egg just laid to young bees just gnawing
out. We expect too that the queen will continue
to deposit eggs, even more rapidly, because
of the excitement produced by the bees flying,
and especially if they are fed rye meal, as mine
always are. I said, after they had been out <i>a
month</i>, there appeared to be fewer bees than
when first carried out. We expect a loss the
first day or two after taking them out, but soon
afterward, the bees should be increasing; and at
the end of a month, which brings it into April,
there should be a decided increase. In deeper
hives, according to my experience, it is so; and
the deeper the hive the greater the increase.</p>
<p>The reason why the shallow hive is not good
for early spring, as I understand, is this: as soon
as severe weather is past, we want to confine the
animal heat as much as possible to the hive, that
the bees may breed rapidly. Consequently we
shut off all upward ventilation. The coldest
part of a hive is near the entrance and so along the
bottom board. The farther the bees get from
the bottom, the warmer they find the temperature.
These hives being so low, before the bees
get out of the way of the cold air coming in at
the entrance, they are bumping their heads
against the top. And, instead of spreading the
brood in a circle, which is the best form to economise
heat, they are obliged to carry it along
horizontally, and after all work at a disadvantage.</p>
<p>In a tall hive they can draw up and get well
out of the way of the cold air from the entrance.
The top of the hive being small, <i>the animal heat</i>,
<i>brood</i>, and bees are all compact, and in the best
condition for rapid breeding. The faster they
breed, the faster they can breed, as there are
more bees to keep up the heat; and as it
naturally ascends, the smaller the hive is across
the top, the more compact the heat will be kept.</p>
<p>A friend, who for some years has been using a
very tall hive, after trying for a long time to persuade
me to use some of them, finally gave me one
in the spring of 1868, and requested me to put a
swarm into it. Says he—“You may let it stand
anywhere through the winter; the bees will be
sure to do well.” I have used it, and found that
the bees increase in it nearly twice as fast in
April and May, as in the shallow hive. The result
is the same in his apiary.</p>
<p>Mr. Alley, who at one time so vigorously advocated
the shallow hive, has since become convinced
of his error, and invented what he calls
the new style Langstroth hive. The shallow
frames are set up endwise, which gives it extreme
depth. In the September number of the Journal,
1869, page 54, he says—“I examined fifty stocks
of bees in shallow hives last spring (and many
of these were larger colonies than any I had);
but none of them had as much sealed brood as
<p>When he first got up this hive, and before any
of them had been used, a friend of his had one,
and was requested by Mr. A. to show it to me
and get my opinion upon it, not letting me know
where it came from. I refused to express an
opinion, except on the point of wintering, in
which I considered it could not be beat.</p>
<p>The great depth of combs, together with the
protection given by the outer case, makes it one
of the best hives for wintering that I have seen.
It has a large amount of box room for surplus
honey, which is needed for a swarm that has
been well wintered, and that has increased well
during the spring. But let him just turn the
frames down to a horizontal position, making it
a shallow hive, and I will guarantee that one-half
of the box room will be ample.</p>
<p>I have attempted to explain wherein the shallow
hive is lacking, and now have a favor to ask
of Dr. P. He says: “The Langstroth hive
could be made deeper very easily, without Mr.
R.’s patchwork.” Will he tell us how it can be
done, and still retain about the same number of
cubic inches?</p>
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">Calvin Rogers.</span></p>
<p><i>West Newberry, Mass.</i>, September 10, 1870.</p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p>Honey is the most elaborate of all vegetable
<span class="pagenum" id="Page_107">107</span></p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p class="author">
[For the American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="Wintering_Bees">Wintering Bees.</h2>
<p>We republish the following from the A. B. J.,
Vol. IV., page 109, at the request of a number of
new subscribers. We regard it as probably the
least troublesome and most successful mode of
out-door wintering yet devised.</p>
<p>It is settled beyond a doubt in my own mind,
by the experience of others as related in the
<span class="smcap">Bee Journal</span>, and by my own experience for
several years in the apiary, that bees to winter
well, must have sufficient ventilation to carry
off the excessive moisture which accumulates in
well stocked hives. This moisture arises partly
from the exhalations from the bodies of the
bees, but mostly, I think, from the surrounding
atmosphere, which constantly holds in suspense
a greater or less amount of moisture, according
as its temperature is higher or lower. The
warm atmosphere of the hive is capable of holding
a considerable quantity, until it is condensed
by coming in contact with the cold walls of the
hive, at some distance from the cluster of bees.
There it condenses, first into minute drops of
moisture, and afterwards, if the cold increases,
into frost. The constant accumulation of the
quantity, by repeated thawing and freezing in
a hive that has no efficient means of ventilation,
gradually encroaches on the space occupied by
the bees, finally reaching those on the outside
of the cluster. These grow benumbed, cease to
eat, lose their vitality, grow cold, the frost
forms on their bodies, and they die where they
stand. The frost continues to penetrate the
cluster, if the cold weather is prolonged, until
finally the last bee dies covered with frost.
The warm days of spring then melt this frost,
and on examination, the whole mass of bees are
found dead and as wet as if just dipped from a
basin of water. I found one hive in that condition
last spring. The entrance to this hive
was left open, but the honey-board was left on
tight, without any upward ventilation, as an
experiment. All my other colonies wintered
well on their summer stands, having their entrances
open three or four inches wide, and the
front and rear openings in the honey-boards
(half an inch wide, and extending the whole
length of the hive) uncovered, but the middle
opening closed.</p>
<p>For the coming winter I have adopted Mr.
Langstroth’s plan with some modifications. I
shall omit the outside covering of the hive, believing
that it is better to have the hive of a single
thickness of board, say seven-eighths of an
inch, in order that the heat of the sun may
easily penetrate it, and warm up the hive almost
daily, thus giving the bees an opportunity
to bring to the central part of the hive fresh
supplies of food from the outer combs. This
plan <i>may</i> lead to a somewhat greater consumption
of honey; but if a swarm of bees will give
its owner from fifty to one hundred pounds of
surplus honey in a season, as mine have done
the past summer, he ought to be entirely willing
to have them eat all they need during the
winter. At all events, one of two things must
be done, to winter bees successfully, in addition
to their having a supply of food and thorough
ventilation—they must either be kept in a repository
where frost cannot enter, as a cellar,
trench, ice-house, or the like; or they must be
put where the sun can warm them up occasionally.</p>
<p>I have removed all the honey-boards, placed
two one-half or three-quarter inch strips across
the frames, and covered the whole top of the
frames with any old woollen garments that
could be found about the house.<SPAN name="FNanchor_3" href="#Footnote_3" class="fnanchor">3</SPAN> These need
no cutting or fitting. Pack them in as you
would pack a trunk, (the roof or cover of my
top box is movable, and I like it much better
than the old plan of having it nailed on,) two,
three, or half a dozen thicknesses will make no
difference. The moisture will pass through as
readily as the insensible perspiration of our
bodies will pass through our bed covering. The
hives will remain dry and the bees warm. I
have no fear of losing a single swarm the coming
winter, although several new ones which I
bought are quite weak, owing to the sudden
close of the honey harvest a month earlier than
last year, in consequence of the drought.</p>
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">R. Bickford.</span></p>
<p><i>Seneca Falls, N. Y.</i>, Oct., 1868.</p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p class="author">
[For the American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="Upward_Ventilation">Upward Ventilation.</h2>
<p><span class="smcap">Mr. Editor</span>:—I once found a bee-tree, with
an excellent swarm in it. I cut it down Gallup-fashion,
and moved it home, in the month of
February. The entrance was a hole, about three
inches in diameter, just at the top of the cavity.
The tree was a green butternut. I sawed it off,
short enough to handle easy, and set it up in
the yard. The combs were bright and clean,
and there were not over a dozen dead bees in it
when found. It swarmed twice in June following,
and next winter I stopped up the entrance
at the top, and made another within six inches
of the bottom, by boring a two-inch hole through
the side. All this time I kept the top closed
tight. The following winter I came near losing
them with dampness and dysentery. Next winter,
I closed up the auger hole, and opened the
top entrance again. They wintered as nice as a
pin—no dampness or dysentery. In April I
thought I could still better their condition, by
making the entrance smaller, and reduced the
entrance to one inch in diameter. Within six
days after, I came near losing them with dampness
and mould. Experimenting still further, I
noticed that the fanners or ventilating bees
would, in hot weather, be arranged in this manner—one
set at the lower edge of the entrance,
<span class="pagenum" id="Page_108">108</span>
with their heads outward; the other set at the
top of the entrance, facing inward, driving out
the hot air. I then reduced the size of the entrance
still more, and found that in a very short
time nearly the entire swarm would issue and
cluster on the outside of the log or gum. Enlarging
the hole to three inches again, the bees
would soon return inside and resume work. I
kept that log hive four years, and then sold it to
a neighbor. Whenever I wintered it with the
natural entrance open, there was no dysentery
and no unnatural distention of the abdomen;
and on their first flight in the spring, they would
not even speck the snow.</p>
<p>In wintering bees in the Wellhuysen hive,
made of willows and plastered with cow manure,
they would never have the dysentery—not
the least sign of it. The combs were always
bright and clean, and the bees always in as good
condition as they were in midsummer. I have
wintered bees in Canada, in the old-fashioned
straw hive, with the entrance, summer and winter,
a two-inch hole in the centre at top; and
they always wintered well, without the least
sign of dysentery, even when they would not
leave the hive from the 10th of October to the
1st of May—nearly eight months. In that climate
they are nearly always confined from the
1st of November to the 10th or 20th of April, or
about five months. When I lived there, there
was scarcely ever any honey stored after the
15th of August, yet bee-keeping pays in that
climate. To encourage our northern bee-keepers,
I will say that, according to my experience,
there and in the West, I think the flowers
secrete more honey, in the same length of time,
there than here. Our atmosphere is rather dry,
while theirs is moist and humid—just right for
the secretion of honey.</p>
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">Elisha Gallup.</span></p>
<p><i>Orchard, Iowa.</i></p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p class="author">
[For the American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="Alleys_Improved_Langstroth_Hive">Alley’s Improved Langstroth Hive.</h2>
<p><span class="smcap">Mr. Editor</span>:—For twenty years I have had
experience in bee-keeping, and had within that
time as many different styles of bee-hives in my
apiary; but, taking everything into consideration,
the advantages derived from Mr. Alley’s,
proves it to be the best I have yet seen. It has
the best shape, the greatest amount of animal
heat for wintering bees, and as for storing honey,
it allows as much room for surplus honey as the
largest stock would need.</p>
<p>These are only two among the many advantages
it presents. Many more might be mentioned.
I simply state these, as I consider them
the most important. Brother bee-keepers, who
are about to purchase, should not fail to give it
a trial.</p>
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">Levi Fish.</span></p>
<p><i>Danvers, Mass.</i>, Sept. 10, 1870.</p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p>Intelligent practice is very different from blind
practice; or, in other words, practice preceded
by a sound theory is evidently far superior to
practice without theory.—<span class="smcap">Talbot.</span></p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p class="author">
[For the American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="Ventilating_the_Gallup_Hive_in_a_Damp_Cellar">Ventilating the Gallup Hive in a Damp Cellar.</h2>
<p>The cellar of my house is nearly underground.
Its size is 38 × 28 × 7 feet, inside measure. The
temperature during the winter is usually 38° F.,
with occasional extremes of 35° and 41°. It is
damp, and not specially ventilated. A stairway
from the porch and one from the kitchen, furnish
all the air; the latter being very much used during
winter time. In this cellar I have usually wintered
some of my bees, for many years—trying
various methods and different kinds of hives, with
the result always, till last winter, of more or less
mouldy combs. I then had among the lot four
strong stocks and Gallup hives. These I had setting
up three feet from the ground, with caps and
honey-boards removed, and the loose top cover
laid directly on the hives; and by means of hard
wood wedges pushed in between the lower edges
of the hives and the bottom-boards, and also between
the upper edges and the top covers, I gave
them one-eighth of an inch air all round the hives,
above and below, except six inches in length at
the entrance, where I gave them one-fourth of an
inch, so that the bees could get out. In this condition
the hives were left all winter. The bees
remained very quiet, humming almost inaudibly,
and paying little attention to the light of a candle
which was carried in many times a day.
Scarcely any came out to die; and not over half
a teacupful died in each hive. They consumed
comparatively little honey, and when the hives
were examined after being set out in the spring,
the combs were all dry and free from mould. In
my experience absorbents used on a hive in a
cellar have always caused combs to mould. Who
would think of laying on top of his hives a damp
straw mat, or a pile of damp corncobs? And yet
it is all about the same thing. Give the proper
amount of air, and let it pass off unobstructed.
I shall try a larger number of hives the coming
winter. Many thanks to Gallup.</p>
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">Henry Crist.</span></p>
<p><i>Lake P. O., Stark county, Ohio</i>, Oct. 4, 1870.</p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p class="author">
[For the American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="Bee_Hives_and_Shipping_Honey_in_Frames">Bee Hives, and Shipping Honey in Frames.</h2>
<p>There has been much said on hives in the
columns of the Bee Journal. Some are said to
be too deep, and others too shallow. But after
all, profit in dollars and cents is the great
object; and to secure this in the shape of surplus
honey, three things are requisite—<i>first</i>,
strong colonies of bees; <i>second</i>, a good season
with plenty of pasturage; and, <i>third</i>, the
placing your surplus honey boxes or frames as
near as possible to the brood in the main body
of the hive. There are two ways to accomplish
this: <i>first</i>, by using the shallow form of hive,
with frames say seven or eight inches in depth;
and, <i>second</i>, by using the side gathering or
storing hive. I prefer the latter, with frames
twelve inches deep; and this for three reasons.
<i>First</i>, if the apiarian has no repository for
winter quarters, his bees are right in these for
<span class="pagenum" id="Page_109">109</span>
wintering in the open air. <i>Second</i>, the brood
and cards of honey can be so adjusted as to
bring the former next to your honey boxes, if
necessary; as we never want more than one full
frame of honey between the brood and the surplus
honey boxes or frames. <i>Third</i>, in the
manipulation of colonies there is no comparison
between the side storing hive, and the top
storing. With the former, when the lid is
removed, we have access to the frames, without
the intervention of surplus honey or other boxes.
Top-storing hives are now behind the age.</p>
<p>Those using shallow frames must, in this latitude
and climate, have a house for wintering their
colonies, and when bees are removed to their
summer stands in the spring, the lid that covers
the second-story or surplus honey chamber,
should fit on the brood chamber, that the honey
chamber may be left off till the time comes for
placing surplus honey boxes on your hives. By
this means all the heat rising from the bees is
secured and diffused through the main hive or
brooding chamber for hatching the eggs; and
the bees multiply as rapidly for aught I can see,
and swarm as early as in the twelve inch frames.
I have used one hundred shallow hives, with
frames eight inches in depth, for three years;
and when I suffer them to throw off natural
swarms, they swarm as early, sending off as
many and as large swarms as taller hives.</p>
<p>In 1869, I had gathered six thousand pounds
of fine surplus honey in frames in the top
receptacles of my shallow hives. A large proportion
of this I shipped, in the frames, to C. O.
Perrine & Co., Chicago, Ills. They paid me
twenty-five cents per pound for it, frames and
all. Should any honey raisers in the West wish to
sell to a good man, I should recommend them to
Mr. Perrine. I have trusted him with quite
large amounts at a time, and always found all
right at settlement day.</p>
<h3><span class="smcap">Shipping Honey in Frames.</span></h3>
<p>To do this properly and safely make the box
or case in which you ship only wide enough to
receive the length of the top bar of your frames,
and one and a half inch deeper than the depth
of the frame. Make the case tight and pitch
the inside with rosin and bees wax, so that the
leakage of the combs will not be lost.</p>
<p>In packing the frame honey, first pierce the
projection of the frames through with an awl,
invert it and place in the holes one inch finishing
nails, then place the top of the frame down and
crossways in the case, and with a tack hammer
drive your nails. Place the next frame by the
side of this first, corresponding as built in the
hive, if it can be; and place them so as slightly
to touch. In filling the last end of the case,
place an iron rod on the head of the nail to
drive it, as you cannot play the hammer.</p>
<p>When the case is full, take two strips (common
lath) just long enough and wide enough to
fill the case tightly from end to end, and cover
the ends of the frames and fit tightly against
the sides of the case; drive an inch nail through
the strips in the end piece of each frame, and
the frames will be perfectly solid.</p>
<p>I shipped from one to two hundred pounds in
a case, in this manner, and Mr. Perrine tells me
the average was not over two frames broken
down per case, and no loss from leakage, the
boxes being pitched inside.</p>
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">A. Salisbury.</span></p>
<p><i>Camargo, Ills.</i>, Sept. 6, 1870.</p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p class="author">
[For the American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="The_New_Smoker">The New Smoker.</h2>
<p>I introduce to the notice of bee-keepers a new
smoker for bees, believing it will be pronounced
the best, until a better one is found.</p>
<p>It will be found the best for ease of lighting,
and to retain fire, and as burning with equal
facility, rotten wood, old rags, or a combination
of wood and rags; and it will not annoy the
operator every few minutes by going out.</p>
<p>To make one, procure a piece of wove wire;
I use very fine wire cloth, but suppose that a
coarser article will answer. The piece should be
twelve inches wide and from twelve to eighteen
inches long. Take of old rags a sufficient
quantity to make a roll about 2 or 2½ inches
thick and twelve inches long. Roll the rags
evenly and firmly together, and then lay them
at one end of the sheet of wove wire, and roll
the wove wire over them pretty tightly, and
bind with wire. Light at one end with a match;
and your smoker, if nicely made, will burn from
two to four hours. Or if it be only half filled
with rags, then fill out lightly with damp rotten
wood, and you will have a big smudge.</p>
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">John M. Price.</span></p>
<p><i>Buffalo Grove, Iowa.</i></p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p class="author">
[For the American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="Reply_to_Mr_Worthingtons_Inquiry">Reply to Mr. Worthington’s Inquiry.</h2>
<p><span class="smcap">Mr. Editor</span>:—I see in the June number,
page 264, Mr. Worthington asks how to examine
bee stores, &c., in the American hive. Here is the
way I do. Remove the cap and honey box; blow
a little smoke through the slot in the top bar of
frames, to quiet the bees; remove the movable
side, and with your pocket knife, you can easily
run the blade between the top bars, loosening
them; lift out the frames, placing them in a
skeleton frame made to hold them; and in this
way you see <i>exactly</i> the condition of your bees.
In returning the frames to the hive, you have
only one place to watch to prevent killing bees,
that is the top.</p>
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">J. W. Sallee.</span></p>
<p><i>Pierce, Mo.</i></p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p>If asked how much such contrivances against
the moth will help the careless bee-man, I answer
not one iota; nay, they will positively furnish
him greater facilities for destroying his
bees. Worms will spin and hatch, and moths
will lay their eggs, under the blocks, and he will
never remove them. Thus, instead of traps, he
will have most beautiful devices for giving effectual
aid and comfort to his enemies.—<i>Langstroth’s
“Hive and Honey Bee.”</i>
<span class="pagenum" id="Page_110">110</span></p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p class="author">
[For the American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="Bees_in_Bennington_Vermont">Bees in Bennington, Vermont.</h2>
<p><span class="smcap">Mr. Editor</span>:—The season in Bennington has
been very good for bees, that is, considering
that they were in poor condition last spring.
Many colonies died last winter in this town, and
I should think it safe to say that one half our
bees then perished for want of honey. I was
not at home in February to attend to mine, and
lost five colonies before I was aware of their
being so short of supplies, which I discovered
only after losing my best stock of Italians. It
was quite warm in January, and one day was so
like spring that I carried my hives all out, and
for a couple of hours it seemed like swarming
time. The weather was so mild that my bees
began to breed considerable, and so used up their
honey. When I removed the dead bees from
one of my hives, I found brood in three combs
sealed over, a spot as large as my hand in each,
besides eggs and larvæ.</p>
<p>February was very cold, and a terror to light
swarms. I set my hives out again the last of
March, and had then only fifteen stocks. Three
of these I united with others, thus reducing the
number to twelve. One of these got discouraged,
and tried to form a partnership with another
colony, but got killed in the operation. Thus,
by the first of May, I had only eleven colonies
remaining, and they were very weak. I fed
them every day till I began to see they were getting
stronger. Then, thanks to the Bee Journal,
I knew enough to double their feed as they increased
in numbers and the hives in weight of
brood, for they could not of course get much
honey till the first trees blossomed. The weather
then became warm and pleasant, and the bees
got a good start in life, so that when clover and
red raspberries bloomed, they were soon ready
to march out and take a limb of a tree on their
own account. I soon had twenty-five swarms
and began to think hives and all would swarm.
Besides those we hived, four swarms took the
wings of the morning. By the way, a great
number of swarms ran away this year to the
woods. I found a small swarm about three miles
away from home. They came over a barn I was
painting, and clustered near by. I hived them in
a powder keg, and carried them home at night.</p>
<p>I have taken two hundred and twenty-five
(225) pounds of box honey from my bees, besides
ten six pound boxes partly filled, of which
I take no account. I have twenty-one hives to
winter. They are very heavy, too heavy, I fear,
to winter well; but hope for the best. Bees
within half a mile of mine have not done anything
at all; because they had no care or feeding
in the spring, and when summer came they were
merely ready to begin their spring’s work. I
think it pays to feed bees as well as other stock.</p>
<p>I have only two swarms of black bees, and
some hybrids, the rest are pure Italians. I received
two queens from Mr. Cary this season,
and inserted them all right. They were, to all
appearance, accepted and owned for four or five
weeks, when one day I found one of them thrown
out dead on the bottom board; and if it had not
been for the Bee Journal on the superseding of
queens, I should not have known what the trouble
was. The other is all right so far, and the
young bees from both queens are beauties. I
never saw finer, and am well satisfied with them.
My bees are all descendants of Mr. Cary’s stock,
and another year I shall get some more from
him and other breeders, to avoid breeding in
and in.</p>
<p>I have never yet seen a honey extractor at
work, but there is one within a few miles of me
and I am going to see it. If it proves to be the
one thing needful in my case, I shall go for one
another year.</p>
<p>I have procured some of the Rocky Mountain
bee plant seed from Mr. Green, and if it is good,
as I have no reason to doubt it will be, I shall let
you know all about it.</p>
<p>The season has been quite favorable here, not
as dry as it was in some places; and our crops
are very good, with an abundance of fruit. Taking
every thing into consideration, I am well
satisfied with my bees and their labors last summer.
When I bought my bees, a man in the
same business blowed a good deal and said it
would not be a great while before I would run
out with my Italian bees and wintering in the
house. Last year (1869) he had in the summer
sixty-six colonies. He fed two barrels of sugar
this spring, as he says, and now has twenty or
twenty-one colonies. Who has run out? I fed
half a barrel or one hundred and twenty-five
pounds of sugar. He don’t “fool away his money
for Bee Journals, nor Italian queens.”</p>
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">C. H. Bassett.</span></p>
<p><i>North Bennington, Vt.</i>, Oct. 5, 1870.</p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p class="author">
[For the American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="The_Season_in_Massachusetts">The Season in Massachusetts.</h2>
<p>After reading the various accounts in the Journal
as to how bees have done in other parts of
the country, I think it will not be out of place
to let its readers know what has been going on
in Massachusetts, or rather in a part of that
<p>About May 20th our bees commenced to collect
honey rapidly, and from that time to June
7th, honey was very abundant, and I never saw
bees put into the hives and surplus boxes faster.
From June 7th until July 1st they did very little.
In fact we had then ten days in succession when
no honey was collected; and by the 1st of July
pasturage failed altogether, as it generally does
here in New England. I never knew bees to put
honey into boxes later than July 12th, and that
for only one year, since I have kept bees.</p>
<p>Perhaps it will be new to some of the readers
of the Journal to know the fact that bees do not
collect honey here, in Essex county, as a general
thing, later than the first week in July; and
this season they did not work later than the last
day of June. Very little honey was put into
boxes between June 7th and July 1st. Had the
season held out as it gave promise in May, honey
would have been plenty in Massachusetts.</p>
<p>I have a few hives that did very well, considering
how short the honey harvest was, and to let
<span class="pagenum" id="Page_111">111</span>
some of your readers know that Alley can raise
honey as well as queen bees, I enclose a short
report that was intended to be shown to the
“Honey Committee,” at the Essex County Fair;
but as I was the only person who exhibited bees
or honey (except four small boxes by Mr. Gould,
of Ipswich,) I did not submit it. Of course Alley
got the highest “premium,” under such circumstances.
I suppose if I say that the stock that
did best was in one of Alley’s hives, some one
will think that this article is meant only for an
advertisement. Well, I cannot help that; so
here goes for the report, and all who do not want
to believe it, can accommodate themselves in that
line, and I will find no fault. I do not, myself,
believe more than only just what I think is true,
even when I see it in the A. B. J.:</p>
<p><span class="smcap">Hive</span> No. 1, filled sixty-eight 2½lb. boxes, and
cast one small swarm. The honey was sold at
thirty-five cents per pound, box and all. Weight
of boxes and honey 170lbs.; weight of the sixty-eight
boxes empty 34lbs.; net amount of honey
stored 136lbs., which, at 35 cents per pound,</p>
<td class="tdr">$47 60</td>
<td>One young swarm</td>
<td class="tdr">3 00</td>
<td class="tdc">Whole amount</td>
<td class="tdr bt">$50 60</td>
<p><span class="smcap">Hive</span> No. 2. This was a stock transferred from
a box hive to a movable comb hive, May 26th,
1870. It filled thirty 3lb. boxes, and the honey
was sold at thirty-five cents a pound, without including
the boxes. Net amount of honey stored
75lbs.; which, at 35 cents per pound, is $26 25</p>
<p><span class="smcap">Hive</span> No. 3, filled two 15lb. boxes, and cast
two swarms. The first of these swarms filled a
new hive, from which I have taken twenty-five
pounds of honey, and it now has enough to winter
on, without feeding. The second swarm I
used to rear queens, and it was worth five dollars
to me.</p>
<td>Value of first swarm</td>
<td class="tdr">$7 00</td>
<td>Value of second swarm</td>
<td class="tdr">5 00</td>
<td>55lbs. of honey at 35 cents per pound</td>
<td class="tdr">19 25</td>
<td class="tdc">Whole profit from Hive No. 3</td>
<td class="tdr bt">$31 25</td>
<p>The profit from these three hives is one hundred
and eight (108) dollars.</p>
<p>I omitted to say that I took twenty-five pounds
of honey from Hive No. 2, as late as August
20th. That hive now has honey enough to winter
<p>Since September 20th, the bees have put in a
considerable amount of honey, but not in surplus
boxes. Even my nucleus hives put in enough
from September 20th, to keep them—making a
saving to me of twenty-five (25) dollars.</p>
<p>If other bees in this vicinity have done as well
as mine, few colonies will starve in this county
next winter. My article is getting long. I will
stop just here.</p>
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">H. Alley.</span></p>
<p><i>Wenham, Mass.</i>, Oct. 3, 1870.</p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p>Virgil recommends the hollowed trunk of the
cork tree as a hive, than which no material
would be more admirable, if it could only be
easily and cheaply procured.</p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p class="author">
[For the American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="Bees_at_Binghamton_N_Y">Bees at Binghamton, N. Y.</h2>
<p><span class="smcap">Mr. Editor</span>:—Having gained so much instruction
and pleasure from the perusal of your valuable
paper, I think it no more than right to send
you a report of the season’s operations here. But
there are so many of your contributors so much
more successful, that my account will appear
tame in comparison; yet when compared with
what has been done by my box and Kidder hive
neighbors, it seems to be quite a success.</p>
<p>The season has been favorable in this locality,
though rather dry for many crops, yet honey
was more or less abundantly yielded all through
the season. The weather has been such that the
bees could gather honey almost every day, from
the first of May until the present time.</p>
<p>We placed ten (10) swarms in the cellar in the
fall of 1869, all of which wintered in good condition
and came out strong in the spring. Four
of them were Italians, and six blacks, seven in
movable frames and three in box hives. Those
in the box hives were transferred in April; the
black queen killed about the first of June, and
young, fertile Italian queens of my own raising
substituted for them. One hive was broken up
into nuclei in May, and also the first swarm. We
have run from six to ten nuclei all through the
season, to obtain, if possible, a pure queen for
every hive; but we have not succeeded in getting
all full marked workers in more than half of the
stocks, as our box hive neighbors kept us flooded
with common drones.</p>
<p>We have taken this season, as surplus, eleven
hundred (1100) pounds of honey—eight hundred
(800) pounds being comb or box honey, and three
hundred (300) pounds extracted; and have increased
our stock to fifteen (15) full swarms.
Besides the surplus, we have forty Langstroth
frames filled with comb and honey, averaging
two pounds each. This is not counted as surplus,
but reserved for next season’s operations.</p>
<p>After transferring last spring, and cutting out
drone combs, our hives lacked from one to two
frames each, from a full complement. Having
constructed a <i>slinger</i> this season, we are enabled
to lay by a goodly store of combs for future use.</p>
<p>Our best stock gave us twenty-four six pound
boxes, weighing one hundred and forty-four (144)
pounds, and twenty-five (25) pounds of extracted
honey; besides ten frames of brood and honey,
taken from the body of the hive at different times
in the season and replaced with empty frames.
It is now in good condition.</p>
<p>This is the first season that we have practiced
non-swarming on the true principle of making
box honey, and had we had the knowledge and
experience that we now have, we are confident
we could have attained still more favorable results.
We are no friend to increase, and would
never increase more than is absolutely necessary.
Nor can we understand how some men are so
well satisfied with a large increase and a small
amount of surplus. Yet we have not seen any
feasible plan put forth whereby a large amount
of surplus can be made without a slight increase.</p>
<p>After having tried both kinds to our entire satisfaction,
<span class="pagenum" id="Page_112">112</span>
we think we can get as much profit, and
far more pleasure, from one Italian swarm in a
Langstroth hive, than we can from twenty-five
(25) swarms of black bees in box hives.</p>
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">J. P. Moore.</span></p>
<p><i>Binghamton, N. Y.</i>, Oct. 3, 1870.</p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p class="author">
[For the American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="Bee_Report_from_Champaign_Co_Ills">Bee Report from Champaign Co., Ills.</h2>
<p><span class="smcap">Mr. Editor</span>:—I write to let you know how
bees have done here, this season. I had last
spring fifty-one (51) stocks, nearly all in my
own hive with frames, and on the top four glass
boxes, holding ten pounds each, box and all. I
sold two stocks for thirty-six dollars, and they
earned for the man who bought them one hundred
(100) dollars, in swarms and honey.</p>
<p>During the blooming of the trees in the spring,
bees had a week to gather honey. Then they did
not get any more until the white cover blossomed,
and we had a rain on the 10th of June.
From that time until the 25th of June bees did
splendid; but after that to the 1st of August,
they did not collect as much as they consumed.
Then we had the fall flowers, and they have
done very well.</p>
<p>I bought ten swarms on the 23d of June, but
before they commenced work forage failed. I
fed them and four of my own late swarms; one
hundred pounds of sugar and two gallons of
honey. I then stopped until the first of September.
Then I fed them over one hundred
pounds more of sugar, doubled up three colonies
and broke up two. So I now have seventy-two
(72) stocks, all of which I think will winter.</p>
<p>My bees have made about 800 or 900 lbs. of
honey. To strengthen the weak ones, I took off
boxes full of honey and bees, and gave them to
weak swarms. Thus they got bees and honey
at the same time. In doubling swarms, I open
both hives and take five of the lightest frames
from one, and five of the best from the other,
put them in and brush all the bees out, and they
will not fight.</p>
<p>Bees have done better in the country than in
the village, as our village is nearly overstocked.
The Spanish Needle is a good honey-producing
plant; also a tall flower called Wild Artichoke.—It
has been very dry here; but rains
have gone in streaks. Two or three rains come
in the right time, would have been worth a
thousand dollars to me. The white clover dried
up early. The bees visited the groceries and
were lost by thousands. My bees are nearly all
Italians, which I consider the best.</p>
<p>I gave a description of my hive in the Journal,
last year. Every one uses it here. It costs
about four dollars, and can be made for a little
<p>We have had no frost yet, and the bees are
collecting honey still, and will do so as long as
the Wild Artichoke lasts. I feed my bees by
taking off one of the boxes, and put on a saucer
with some pieces of comb in it. Then dissolve
sugar and fill the comb and saucer. They
will take it up every night. Feed till you get
them heavy enough.</p>
<p>I divided ten swarms, and they did well,
though I divided them too late in the season.
If one is going to divide, it should be done
<p>Last year was a splendid season for honey.
Thirty-two weak stocks gave eighteen swarms,
and twenty-six hundred pounds of honey.</p>
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">Dr. H. Chaffee.</span></p>
<p><i>Tolono, Ills.</i>, Oct. 3, 1870.</p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p class="author">
[For the American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="White_Clover_crop_Buckwheat_yielding_no">White Clover crop.—Buckwheat yielding no Honey.</h2>
<p><span class="smcap">Mr. Editor</span>:—I once more take up my pen
to advocate bee-keeping. As I said in my last
article that my apiary was increasing, I have
now ten new swarms from eleven old colonies,
and I am every day expecting some second swarms
to issue, as queens in the hives that sent out
swarms, can be distinctly heard uttering the
word “peep! peep!” and according to more
able apiarians than myself, that is the true sign
that second swarms will issue in a few days, if
the weather be favorable.</p>
<p>The other morning I was out where my bees
are. I suppose you have a strong idea of what I
saw, when I raised up one of my stands. There
were a half dozen of the fattest full grown moth
worms almost any one ever saw. They were
lying back in all their glory, after gorging themselves
with the rich feast on which they no
doubt had luxuriated. I made short work of
them, however. Those round, plump, greasy-looking
fellows seem to think, from all appearance,
that they are lords of creation. But I
soon dislodged them from their snug quarters,
by means of a sharp-pointed iron bar made for
the purpose. “They slept rather late that morning,
and were caught up with.”</p>
<p>The piping of the young queen was something
new to me. I told some of my bee-raising friends
of it, and they hooted at me, calling me a deceiver
and impostor. I referred them to Mr.
Langstroth’s book, and Mr. Quinby’s, and told
them that they should subscribe for the American
Bee Journal, or even read it, and they would
find that what I said in regard to the young
queen’s piping, was strictly correct. My friend
Mr. K. (whom I converted) in a conversation
with Mr. S., asked him why he did not take the
American Bee Journal. “Why,” replied he,
“they can print anything in a paper, and there
are fools enough to believe it.” I have known
Mr. S. for about fourteen years, and know that
he has had bees all that time. Yet he has not
any more stands now, than he had ten years ago.
(It is no wonder.)</p>
<p>The honey product of this season seems to be
good. Bees are storing great quantities of surplus
honey. The weather has been very favorable
for honey-gathering, for the past six weeks.
White clover has been in bloom for the last fifteen
days, and will probably continue till the
middle of July. From it the best honey is
gathered. In the spring the early flowers were
cut off by sleet, which fell about the 18th of
<span class="pagenum" id="Page_113">113</span></p>
<p>I am now preparing to sow a large field with
buckwheat, exclusively for my bees, though
some writers in different papers state that the
bees do not get any honey from this plant.
Whether it is a honey-producing plant or not,
the bees seem to visit it as regularly when in
bloom, as if there was something about it they
are very fond of. Perhaps I can throw some
light on this subject. Last fall I had three hives
of bees, that came late, while nearly all the other
flowers were exhausted, and buckwheat was
their only resource for supplies for winter. They
worked like white-heads, as long as the blossoms
lasted; and after that went through the
winter safely, though they were weak the following
<p>I will now give my opinion on ventilation, for
the benefit of Mr. A. Green. My mode is as follows:
I leave the summer entrance open, and
also upward ventilation all winter. I have always,
heretofore, wintered my bees in the open air. If
Mr. Green uses hives with movable caps, he can
close the summer entrance and take off the surplus
honey-boxes, substitute straw or fine shavings
in their stead, and replace the cap as before.
This is the best way that I have yet tried. I intend
this for winter. In summer I give them
all the ventilation needed—that is, I leave all
the ventilators open.</p>
<p>I have drawn out this article longer than I intended,
and close with greeting to all bee-keeping
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">T. H. Woody.</span></p>
<p><i>Pleasant Valley, Mo.</i>, June 18, 1870.</p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p class="author">
[For the American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="Honey-producing_Plants">Honey-producing Plants.</h2>
<p><span class="smcap">Mr. Editor</span>:—Not having much to do, at
present, I thought I would give your readers an
account of my observation and trial of the different
kinds of honey-plants around us here. It
may be of some service to new beginners, as I
have tried all kinds I could hear of and procure,
that were reputed valuable for producing honey.</p>
<p>Among the best are Alsike clover, Melilot
clover, White Dutch clover, Borage, and Buckwheat.
These, with us, just fill out the season
from June to October.</p>
<p>The plants named in the following list, I do
not consider of any account here, for honey,
viz.: White Mustard, Black Mustard, Rape,
Chicory, Mignonette, Lucerne Clover, and the
Rocky Mountain Plant. Kale did not come into
blossom, and I cannot speak of its value as a
honey-yielding plant.</p>
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">R. Miller.</span></p>
<p><i>Rochelle, Ill.</i></p>
<p>👉 Some of the plants named as of no value
for bees, are highly praised, in other localities.—<span class="smcap">Ed.</span></p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p>I once met with an individual whose breath,
shortly after he was stung, had the same odor
with the venom of the enraged insect.—<i>L. L.
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p class="author">
[For the American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="The_Rocky_Mountain_Bee_Plant">The Rocky Mountain Bee Plant.<br/> (<span class="large smcap">Polanisia purpurea.</span>)</h2>
<p><span class="smcap">Mr. Editor</span>:—About the middle of August,
by invitation of Mr. Alfred Green, of Amesbury,
a friend and myself visited his place to
see the bees work on the Rocky Mountain bee
plant. We arrived there about eight o’clock in
the morning, and found the plants swarming
with bees; one, two, and in some cases three
bees upon the same flower.</p>
<p>Mr. Green informed us that they were still
at work on it, the day before, at seven o’clock
in the evening. It was amusing to see them
gather pollen from it while on the wing, the
stamens extending so far out that they could
not reach them after alighting on the flower.</p>
<p>The plant was growing on a rather light soil,
not highly manured, and stood from two to
three feet high, branching out in all directions.
Planted in the spring, it comes into blossom
soon after the white clover disappears and continues
until killed by the frost. If planted in
the fall, as Mr. G. says it can be, it would blossom
much earlier. I think this is the best
plant to cultivate for bees, as it fills a vacancy,
(in this locality) between the white clover and
the fall flower.</p>
<p>Alsike clover I have raised, commencing in
1860; and find that, on my soil, bees prefer it
to white clover. But as it begins and ends blossoming
at the same time with white clover, it is
not of so much value for bees, as it would be if
it came a month or so later.</p>
<p>As the seed of the Rocky Mountain bee plant
is valuable for poultry, and probably for swine
and other farm stock, when made into meal, it
would perhaps pay to raise it for the seed alone.</p>
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">Calvin Rogers.</span></p>
<p><i>West Newbury, Mass.</i>, Sept. 12, 1870.</p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p class="author">
[For the American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="Silk_Weed_or_Milk_Weed">Silk Weed or Milk Weed.</h2>
<p>Well, Mr. Editor, I saw in the Bee Journal for
July something concerning the injuriousness of
the silk weed or milk weed. After reading the
article it struck me that there was some of this
weed in the vicinity of my apiary, and next day
set about to search for it. On going out west,
on the low ground on the prairie, I found ten
flowering stems of this weed, and seven of the ten
had bees fastened on them. Some of these bees
were dead, and some still living, though they
could not leave the flowers, being fastened in
them by their hind legs. The bees seemed to
have been gathering honey.</p>
<p>Last Monday, as I was going to a neighbor’s, I
saw one of these flowers, three quarters of a
mile from my home. I stopped to see if I could
find any bees on it, and found an Italian just
alive. I am glad there are not many of this species
of plants in this neighborhood.</p>
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">R. Miller.</span></p>
<p><i>Rochelle, Ills.</i>
<span class="pagenum" id="Page_114">114</span></p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p class="author">
[For the American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="Honey_Dew">Honey Dew.</h2>
<p><span class="smcap">Mr. Editor</span>:—I have at last caught the chaps
that rain down what is called honey-dew. In
localities where the common willow grows, I
found the most. On the Missouri river bottom,
which is literally covered with willows, I find in
June and July they are covered with small
insects, which at a certain age get wings and
fly off in large swarms, going for miles. Sometimes
they will stop in the air, over some trees,
and fly around in a circle for an hour. If you
get them between your eye and the sun, you will
see them discharging the so-called honey-dew.
They will stop in one place, the same as gnats or
mosquitoes, which you have often seen about as
high as a man’s head.</p>
<p>Now, if any person really wants to test the
correctness of this, let him go to a willow grove
and he will find those insects (or willow lice)
just before sun-down; and getting the willows
between him and the sun, he will see them
rising from every part of the tree, in small
squads, and collecting till they form a large
swarm. Then they will be seen discharging continually
a fluid which resembles a fine sprinkle of
rain. I have often seen those same insects discharging
a fluid on a limb, where they were
hatching; and then saw large ants, wasps, and
yellow jackets working on it. And I often
wondered how it got on the very tops of the
trees, where no insects were to be found. I
think this observation will settle the matter
about the origin of honey-dew.</p>
<p>Bees have done very poorly here until now.
The golden rod is in full bloom, and the bees are
doing well.</p>
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">H. Faul.</span></p>
<p><i>Council Bluffs</i>, Sept. 6, 1870.</p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p class="author">
[For the American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="Caution">Caution.</h2>
<p><span class="smcap">Mr. Editor</span>:—Through the columns of your
indispensable Journal, allow me to say to my
brother bee-keepers, and “all whom it may concern,”
have nothing to do with a hive called the
“Multilocular Protoplastic Protean Hive,”
though it is no doubt superior to any or all you
have in use. Let us not step upward only one
step at a time to the use of this hitherto excelsior
hive; but let us take at least two steps at
once, to that hive and those new principles that
“beat” <i>all</i>. Yes, all the long and toilsome labor of
a Huber and a Dzierzon is totally eclipsed; and
entirely snuffed out are such lights as Langstroth,
Gallup, Quinby, Wagner, and many
others, who formerly shone so brightly as “instructors.”
Your theories, gentlemen, are forever
“cast in endless shade.” The great revolution
of nature that moves all things, has thrown
before my vision this wonderful apistical domicile.
I have scanned it closely, and now let me
say to you, Rev. L. L. Langstroth, talk no more
of laterally movable frames, since this great
hive has “a place for every frame, and every frame
in its place.” And you, “far-famed Gallup,”
say no more of division boards and economy of
heat. ’Tis useless, as these frames are made extra
large, and small frames for surplus set in the
top of the large ones, which space is left in free
communication with the brooding apartment,
till again filled with surplus. Speak not, Mr.
Wagner, of compactness of form, as this marvellous
habitation stands erect, human like.
And now the sturdy German (Dzierzon) must
yield the palm and transfer it over into Indianapolis,
(Ind.) the centre of bee-gravity—the place
where one hundred colonies are made from one
in a single season! Can we not plainly see the
dawning of a day when “the land shall flow
with honey,” and each and every individual will
supply himself freely with this “sweetest of all
sweets,” and the apiarian turn his attention elsewhere
for a livelihood?</p>
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">James Heddon.</span></p>
<p><i>Dowagiac, Michigan.</i></p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p class="author">
[For the American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="Correction_Requested">Correction Requested.</h2>
<p><span class="smcap">Mr. Editor</span>:—My attention has been called
to an alleged error of statement in my article
on page 72, Vol. VI., of the Bee Journal, wherein
I say, “Mr. Langstroth was among the first to
introduce to the notice of the bee-keepers of
America the invaluable honey extractor.” Now
I claim that the statement is strictly true. Mr.
Langstroth was <i>among</i> the first to introduce the
honey extractor to the notice of the bee-keepers
of this country, taking upon himself the responsibility
of manufacturing from a bare description,
and extensively advertising the machines for
sale; thus risking pecuniary loss in case it
should prove unpopular, before any other person
in this country, except the editor of the American
Bee Journal, spent a single dollar upon
<p>Still, in order to give every man due credit
for any assistance given to bee culture, I will
here, with pleasure, state a fact in this connection
that had escaped my recollection at time
of writing the previous article, namely, that the
first <i>mention</i> of the machine of Von Hruschka
in the English language was made in the American
Bee Gazette,<SPAN name="FNanchor_4" href="#Footnote_4" class="fnanchor">4</SPAN> page 85, September No., 1866,
edited by Rev. E. Van Slyke, in an article translated
from the German, by the editor. And to
this article, Mr. Langstroth was most probably
indebted for his first idea of the honey extractor,
as Mr. Van Slyke writes me as follows—“Mr.
Langstroth himself, who visited me at my office
the very next month after the publication,
spoke in terms of the highest enthusiasm of the
article, and said that from my description as
published he was about to construct a machine
for honey extraction.” &c.</p>
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">R. Bickford.</span></p>
<p><i>Seneca Falls, N. Y.</i>, Oct. 5, 1870.
<span class="pagenum" id="Page_115">115</span></p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p class="author">
[For the American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="Why_are_Two_Queens_Sometimes_Found_in_One">Why are Two Queens Sometimes Found in One Hive?</h2>
<p><span class="smcap">Mr. Editor</span>:—Mr. A. Green, in the October
number of the Journal, gives an account of finding
two queens in one hive. Other correspondents
have also given us their knowledge of similar
facts; but none have, I think, given us any
reasons for such exceptions.</p>
<p>Last fall I bought an Italian queen from a
reliable breeder. She came recommended as A
No. 1. I received her on the 8th of September.
All the workers sent with her were dead, except
two; and she was herself so benumbed by cold
that I had quite a time of it bringing her back to
vitality. Finally I succeeded in getting her quite
lively, and introduced her to a tolerably weak
swarm. On the 10th of October finely marked
Italians were flying in front of the hive. I
spared no pains in wintering. (I winter out-of-doors.)
In April she had filled three cards of
brood. I then gave her a card of drone-comb.
She would not look at it, and I moved it back
and put in its place a card of worker-comb,
which she filled with eggs almost instanter. I
then put the drone-comb in the middle of the
cluster, and got about fifty drones. Of course I
was stimulating, and kept plenty of honey in the
hive. I put in other worker-comb, but she refused
to lay any more. I then took out a frame
to start a nucleus, and in about a week after, when
examining the old stock, I found queen cells
started and the old queen on the comb, apparently
all right. In due course a young queen
was hatched, and after destroying the queen-cells,
she remained with the old queen ten days before
she was fertilized, and at least a week after she
was laying. At the end of three weeks the old
queen was gone.</p>
<p>Now, what does this prove? Simply that the
queen was chilled in coming by mail, which
interfered with her prolificness, rendering her
supersedure a necessity for the future welfare of
the colony. She was tolerated in the hive by
the new queen and bees, having lost that distinct
individuality peculiar to the queen bee, and consequently
become to them (the workers and
young queen) no more than a common bee. I
cannot help but conclude that when such exceptions
occur, the course relatively is the same.</p>
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">Frederick Crathorne.</span></p>
<p><i>Bethlehem, Iowa</i>, Oct. 9, 1870.</p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p>It cannot be too deeply impressed on the mind
of the bee-keeper, that a small colony should
be confined to a small space, if we wish the bees
to work with the greatest energy, and offer the
stoutest resistance to their numerous enemies.
Bees do most unquestionably “abhor a vacuum,”
if it is one which they can neither fill, warm,
nor defend. Let the prudent bee-master keep
his stocks strong, and they will do more to
defend themselves against all intruders, than he
can possibly do for them, even though he spend
his whole time in watching and assisting them.—<i>Langstroth.</i></p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p class="author">
[For the American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="The_Coming_Convention">The Coming Convention.</h2>
<p>Mr. <span class="smcap">Editor</span>:—We would like to attend the
prospective convention of bee-keepers, which is
to assemble the coming fall or winter, and to
take by the hand some of the many correspondents
we have followed through the columns of
your Journal, and hear their opinions by the
word of mouth, but we must forego that pleasure
at present. We are poor and have not straightened
up yet the ravages of war. We are rebuilding
as fast as our means will admit, and hope in
a few years more to see our once desert looking
country “blossom as the rose.” We have lost
our substance, the toil of years, and in bee parlance,
though driven out and robbed of comb
and honey, are allowed to return in a bad season,
to recuperate.</p>
<p>When these bee conventions become yearly in
our country, (and I hope they will,) we will be
sure to attend, if within the range of our flight.
We would be delighted to see the different specimens
of honey and bees which should be in attendance,
and ahead of anything to see except
the phiz of Novice, Gallup, Grimm, and their
ilk, side by side the different hives in working
order. A great majority of the hives with movable
frames are patented, many are not, and we
would like to see them on exhibition, opened,
and the points of excellence each contains,
shown. We don’t mean the sub-venders of different
patents, who are travelling over the country,
and attend at the different fall fairs, who
never kept or owned a hive of bees, know nothing
of the nature and habit of the insects, and
who move up to you and talk as learnedly on the
bee as Langstroth or Dzierzon could; but men of
experience and veracity, who have tried and used
for several seasons the hive on exhibition, through
poor as well as rich harvests; and hives of different
forms and capacity, which you could
criticise, and the good qualities, or the real or
imaginary defects of which a man might point
out, without danger of being called a mutton-head
and ignoramus. There are several different
patents in our country, and if they are not thrown
over the fence the first season, they are sure to
go the way of all trash the second. Some unfortunate
purchasers try to get their money back
by transforming the hives into troughs to feed
the cow in; others convert them into boxes for
hen-nests. In many of these cases, however, it
is through the ignorance of the keepers that they
do not succeed.</p>
<p>One year ago, Esq. Boring, a Justice of the
Peace from one of our rural districts, thought to
outstrip his neighbors in honey and bee-keeping,
and ordered a hive with which you could control
swarming, catch the drones, keep out moths, and
the Lord only knows what its owner didn’t claim
for it. Draw out the chamber, take out honey
enough for supper, and replace the drawer, and
all is right, nice, and snug! I believe they call
it the Buck-eye, patented by Mitchell. Esq. Boring
was eager to have bees in, and couldn’t wait for
a natural swarm, but drove in a fine stock. He
was so well pleased with it and its workings, that
<span class="pagenum" id="Page_116">116</span>
he Buck-eyed his whole apiary; and upon inquiry
a few days since, he informed me that he would
lose nearly all his bees. The first time he drew
out the chamber everything worked fine. The
second time it was rather tight and glued up. A
month after that he thought it would take a small
yoke of steers to pull out the chamber of frames,
and during the summer nearly the whole fell a
prey to the moth-miller. However, he should not
condemn the hive after this slight trial. It has
been an unusually poor season, and none but the
strongest stocks stored any surplus.</p>
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">W. P. Henderson.</span></p>
<p><i>Murfreesboro, Penna.</i>, Oct. 6, 1870.</p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p class="author">
[For the American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="The_Queen_Nursery">The Queen Nursery.</h2>
<p>Under the above heading, Mr. Gallup, in the
Journal for October, gives his experience with
the queen nursery, which, with him, appears to
be a perfect success. I wish to give my experience,
and ask Mr. Gallup and others why it is
so different from his.</p>
<p>I made fifty cages 1½ × 1¾ × 1¾ inches, four
sides of very thin wood, and one side covered
with wire gauze, and the other with a piece of
glass slipped in grooves in the two wooden sides,
so as to be moved up or down for a door. In
each of these cages I placed a piece of honey in
comb (unsealed), with the cells in natural position;
and then placed the cages in frames, on
slots inserted across them, so as to hold three
tiers of six each, or eighteen to a frame. I then
took out two centre frames from good, strong
hives, and put one of these frames containing
cages in their place. Some very strong colonies,
some were medium. To some I gave upward
ventilation, by leaving off the honey boxes and
raising the cap. On others I left the honey
boxes. I then awaited the result. Some queens
hatched in fourteen days from starting the cell;
some in sixteen days; two or three in twenty-four
days; and some <i>never</i> hatched.</p>
<p>Many of the young queens died in the cages
in from twelve to twenty-four hours after
hatching; very few lived to be five days old—the
time given by many writers for them to mate
with the drones; only six or seven out of about
one hundred lived two weeks. The queens,
when first hatched, were put in fertilizing cages
such as described by N. C. Mitchell, but <i>never</i>
were fertilized.</p>
<p>Now Mr. Editor, will Mr. Gallup or some one
else tell me why my experience differs so widely
from that of Mr. G.?</p>
<p>Sister cells, cut from the same comb as some
of those that were put in the cages, hatched in
from fourteen to sixteen days, were duly fertilized,
and are now alive and well. Hence it
could not be any defect in the stocks they were
raised from. In some of the cages, I put two
or three workers, to feed the young queens; but
still the latter would die, and leave the workers
to eat the honey left in the cages.</p>
<p>If queens require any other food than honey,
why did not the bees give it to them through the
wire gauze on which they clustered in great
numbers? Some of the cages were put in colonies
that had fertile queens at liberty, but most
of them were put in queenless hives.</p>
<p>The cells were mostly put in on the ninth day
from starting the cell.</p>
<p>I shall be pleased to see replies to this in the
next number of <span class="smcap">American Bee Journal</span>.</p>
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">H. Nesbit.</span></p>
<p><i>Cynthiana, Ky.</i></p>
<p class="author">
[For The American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="Do_the_Right">Do the Right!</h2>
<p>Friend Bickford, I wish to shake your honest
<p>Your matter is <i>sound</i>, your argument <small>JUST</small>!!</p>
<p>To render substantial aid to our “venerable
Tutor” is an imperative duty. Let us see to it
then, <i>at once</i>, and
<span class="x-large table">DO THE RIGHT!</span></p>
<p>I don’t feel at liberty to enlarge on the subject,
being “only an Englishman.”</p>
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">Walter Hewson.</span></p>
<p><i>Wickham-breaux, Kent, England</i>, Sept. 28, 1870.</p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p class="author">
[For the American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="The_African_Honey_Tree_Inquiry">The African Honey Tree.—Inquiry.</h2>
<p>In the “<i>Poultry Bulletin</i>,” J. M. Wade, of
Philadelphia, writes—“A man, I can hardly say
<i>gentleman</i>, came into the store yesterday, with
seventy-one humming birds, which he had shot
the day before in his own yard. He said some
years ago he brought a honey tree from Africa,
and thousands of humming birds would come to
it in one day. Where did so many come from?”</p>
<p>As it may be in the interest of bee culture
to know what can be learned about the honey tree
of Africa, will some one who is informed give
the readers of the <span class="smcap">American Bee Journal</span> his
knowledge of it? stating its growth, whether bees
visit it, its uses, whether it is hardy, length of
time in flower, in what month and at what age it
blooms, and how it is propagated?</p>
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">E. Parmly.</span></p>
<p><i>New York.</i></p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p>Early in October, I examine carefully all my
hives, to see that they are in suitable condition
for wintering. If any need feeding, they are fed
at this time. If any have too much vacant
room, I partition off that part of the hive which
they do not need. I always expect to find some
brood in every healthy hive at this time, and if
in any I find none, and ascertain that it is queenless,
I either at once break it up, or if it is strong
in numbers, supply it with a queen, by adding to
it some feebler stock. If bees, however, are
properly attended to, at the season when their
young queens are impregnated, a queenless
colony will seldom be found in the fall.</p>
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">Langstroth.</span></p>
<p><span class="pagenum" id="Page_117">117</span></p>
<p>Washington, Nov., 1870.</p>
<p>👉 The residence of the Rev. Mr. Semlitsch is
not at Gratz, in Styria, as, in consequence of a slight
omission, was erroneously stated in our last issue;
but at Strasgang <i>near</i> Gratz.</p>
<hr class="tb" />
<p>The attention of those who are unfortunately
suffering from the prevalence of foul-brood in their
apiaries, will doubtless be arrested by the communication,
in this number of the Journal, from Dr. <span class="smcap">Abbe</span>,
of New Bedford (Mass.), announcing that he has
succeeded in curing that disease, as it existed in
several of his colonies; and that an efficient and
easily applicable remedy has at length been devised
for the dreaded and devastating evil. Dr. <span class="smcap">Abbe</span> deserves
the cordial thanks of bee-keepers, both in this
country and abroad, for so generously and promptly
making known his remedy and the mode of administering
<hr class="tb" />
<p>Last fall we suggested to those who found it necessary
to supply their bees with winter food to add a
portion of glycerine to sugar syrup or dissolved candy,
to prevent crystillization; and we learn that it was
advantageously used. We have since learned that
gum tragacanth is now employed for the same purpose,
by some of the German bee-keepers. This gum,
dissolved in water, forms a thick mucilage, which
may not mingle so readily with the food as glycerine
does; and the latter is hence a more manageable and
probably cheaper article, especially as it forms besides
an excellent spring stimulant, though still too high-priced
to be freely used.</p>
<hr class="tb" />
<p>A bee-keeping friend has procured for us a quantity
of seed of the Partridge Pea (<i>Cassia chamæcrysta</i>)
mentioned by one of our western correspondents,
(Mr. Ingels, of Oskaloosa, Iowa,) as an excellent
honey plant. It was in bloom here from the middle
of July to the middle of October, and frequented by
that bees, in crowds, all the time.</p>
<p>This plant is usually classed among weeds, and
where it occurs, is regarded by some as one of the
<i>pests</i> of the farm; but as it is an annual, it ought not
to be difficult to get rid of it by proper management,
when its presence is undesirable. Blooming during
the interval between spring and fall pasturage, it constitutes
an important resource for bees, here and in
other districts, at a period when the native vegetation
fails to furnish supplies.</p>
<p>In the third volume of the Transactions of the
American Philosophical Society, Dr. Greenfield of
Virginia speaks of the Partridge Pea as furnishing
means to recruit worn-out lands, by its decomposition
in the soil when plowed under. It was, we understand,
originally introduced for that purpose, in the District
of Columbia, by the Hon. Benjamin Stoddert, while
Secretary of the Navy; and it would probably answer
well as a substitute for red clover, where from poverty
of soil, the latter could not yet be grown.</p>
<p>We hope to be able to make satisfactory arrangements
for the distribution of the seed among bee-keepers
desiring to make trial of the plant, and if
successful, will state particulars in our next.</p>
<hr class="tb" />
<p>We learn from Mr. Adam Grimm, of Jefferson
(Wis.,) that his crop of surplus honey, this year, is
over 15,000 lbs., and that he “could take at least
10,000 lbs. more from his hives, and still leave the
stocks heavy enough to winter well.” Such a result
as this must be calculated to unsettle the notions of
those who “have kept bees many years, and <i>know</i>
there is nothing to be made by it!”</p>
<hr class="tb" />
<p>We intended to give a brief history of the opposition
to the meeting of the National Convention of
Bee-keepers at Indianapolis, showing when and where
it originated, and what were the obvious motives and
objects of those most active in the business. But as
it appears to be a “fixed fact” now that the Convention
will be held at the time and placed designated,
we shall save ourselves the trouble of hunting up
musty records in the limbs of things forgotten.</p>
<hr class="tb" />
<p>👉 Since the above was put in type we have
learned incidentally that it was resolved at Utica by
the N. E. Bee-keepers Association to hold another
Convention elsewhere, though particulars have not
reached us. We sincerely regret this proceeding on
various accounts.</p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p><span class="smcap">Trenton, Ills.</span>, Sept. 12, 1870.—The forepart of
this season I think was the poorest I ever saw in this
neighborhood. Last winter was a very warm and
open one, and the bees dwindled down very much, so
that nearly all stocks were quite weak before spring.
Then we had a severe snow storm on the 17th of
April, with two or three freezing nights, that killed
nearly all the peach blossoms; and this was followed
by a period of cold high winds through May. The first
two weeks of June there was cloudy, drizzling, chilly
weather, so that bees could not fly more than about
half the time. The consequence of all this was, late
swarms and very few of them. Not more than one-sixth
of the stocks swarmed, and many of the latest
of them starved. It was very dry from the middle
of June to the 13th of August. Then, for a week, it
rained nearly every day; at the end of which some
of my hives had not more than a pound of honey
remaining. Since that time they have been doing
very well. Most of my hives were filled up, so that
<span class="pagenum" id="Page_118">118</span>
they commenced working in the surplus boxes about
the middle of last week, and some of them have now
as much as fifteen pounds in the boxes.</p>
<p>I would like <span class="smcap">Novice</span> to tell us how he gets his
board and frame into the top of his hive, if his hives
are all of one size. I have a few of the two-story
hives made by the National Bee-hive Company at St.
Charles, Illinois, and I cannot get a frame into the
top story in any other way than perpendicular, as the
top bar of the frame is longer than the inside of the
hive. I have tried one to see how it would work.—<span class="smcap">C.
T. Smith.</span></p>
<p><span class="smcap">Dowagiac, Mich.</span>, Sept. 12—We have had just half
a surplus honey harvest, here, this season. Since I
have been in the bee business, I have learned that the
surplus harvest depends entirely upon the clover and
basswood blossoms, in this vicinity; which is probably
the case all over the State. When we have a wet
season clover fails, but basswood produces well; and
when a dry season, <i>vice versa</i>. Reverses from
abundance to starvation take place within a few miles
of each other. I am located now in the midst of
clover and basswood, together with the best spring
and fall pasturage I have ever seen. After losing
seven-eighths of my bees last winter, you can easily
guess the condition of the remaining six colonies.
Four of them were merely skeletons, and the other
two very inferior stocks. Yet, with the aid of a
three cent feeder of my own invention, (which works
to perfection,) and one and a fourth dollar’s worth
of sugar, I have succeeded in marketing five hundred
and twenty-three (523) pounds of box honey; and
with the aid of old combs have increased my stock
to twenty-two (22) colonies, all strong and heavy—too
heavy I fear, for their own good; and I have as
yet no emptying machine. This, I think, is doing
very well (see Langstroth’s “<span class="smcap">Hive and Honey Bee</span>,”
page 177) for a bee-keeper of only two years’ experience.—I
came near forgetting to mention that I have
Italianized all my new stocks. I use top-bar hives
mostly. Am using four or five frame hives on the
sly!—<span class="smcap">J. Heddon.</span></p>
<p><span class="smcap">Winchester, Iowa</span>, Sept. 13.—The season of 1870
has not been any of the best here, nor of the poorest
either, as swarming and honey gathering has been
moderately good. The American Bee Journal well
deserves the support of bee-keepers.—<span class="smcap">I. N. Walter.</span></p>
<p><span class="smcap">Rochelle, Ills.</span>, Sept. 17.—This has been the
poorest season that we have had here for some years.
I got only five new swarms from forty stands, and
merely one hundred pounds of honey. Since the buckwheat
came into blossom the bees have done well. They
will average about fifty pounds to the stand; and that
is doing very well, in such a year as this has been.
Alsike clover is now in blossom, and the bees are
working very busily on it.—<span class="smcap">R. Miller.</span></p>
<p><span class="smcap">Breesport, N. Y.</span>, Sept. 20.—My bees have done
well in gathering honey, this season; but gave me
no swarms during swarming time.—<span class="smcap">J. H. Hadsell.</span></p>
<p><span class="smcap">Oskaloosa, Iowa</span>, Sept. 28.—I have one hundred
and ninety colonies of bees that have done well this
year, and are in fine condition for winter. I stored
away one hundred and twenty-nine colonies in my
cellar last fall, and the same number came out in
good order in the spring. I sold them off to about
one hundred, from which I came on to winter with
the above number (190), principally Italians.</p>
<p>Enclosed please find specimen of a bee plant.
What is it? It blooms from first of July to last of
August profusely and is visited by bees thrice as much
as buckwheat. I have tried borage, melilot, alsike,
mustard, and find nothing to equal it. I calculate to
cultivate it, in order to give it a fair and full trial.
I have secured about a peck of seed. The great
advantage is that it blooms at a time when most
needed in this country. I grew it this year alongside
of buckwheat that bloomed at the same time.—<span class="smcap">S.
<p>[The plant enclosed is the <i>Cassia chamæcrista</i> or
Partridge Pea. It is an annual, growing in most
sandy soil, and is common in the south. It grows
here on the eastern branch of the Potomac (the Anacostia),
and bees derive plentiful supplies of forage
from it during eight or ten weeks in summer, and
it is then almost their only resource. They gather
pollen from the blossoms, but the honey is secreted
by a small cupshaped gland situated below the lowest
pair of leaflets, and is supplied abundantly for a long
period.—Some of the farmer’s here-abouts affect to
consider it a pernicious and ineradicable weed; but
as it is an annual and known to be an excellent fertilizer
when plowed under, it would seem to indicate
slovenly management not to be able to subdue it
readily where not wanted.—<span class="smcap">Ed.</span>]</p>
<p><span class="smcap">Vervilla, Tenn.</span>, Sept. 24.—I consider the Journal
cheap at any price for the bee-keeper, and wish it
could be published oftener.—<span class="smcap">Dr. J. M. Bell.</span></p>
<p><span class="smcap">Warsaw, Minn.</span>, Oct. 3.—This has been a poor
season for bees here, except in basswood time.—<span class="smcap">L. B.
<p><span class="smcap">Cedarville, Ills.</span>, Oct. 5.—My bees have done
well this season.—<span class="smcap">Robert Jones.</span></p>
<p><span class="smcap">Meredith, Pa.</span>, Oct. 4.—Bees did very well on
white clover in this section this season, but very
poorly on buckwheat. My sixty stocks did not give
me sixty pounds of buckwheat honey surplus, all
told; although they are all in good condition for
<p>I do not think that alsike clover has been over-estimated
for bee pasturage. I had three-quarters of
an acre of it this season, and I never saw a piece of
land so covered with bees as that was while it was in
bloom, and they gathered honey from it very fast.—<span class="smcap">M.
<p><span class="smcap">Orchard, Iowa</span>, Oct. 6.—It is raining heavily to-day,
yet the weather is warm and we have not had a
particle of frost yet. Bees have done storing surplus
honey for the season.—I shall give the result of the
season’s operations as soon as I can get the time. At
present I am up 4 A. M., and do not get home till 8
and sometimes 9 o’clock P. M. I must have a little
relaxation from such excessive hard labor, before I
can confine or control my thoughts sufficiently to
write for publication. From the past season’s operations
with the honey extractor, I can endorse all that
Novice claims over and above the old mode of getting
surplus in the comb—<span class="smcap">E. Gallup.</span></p>
<p><span class="smcap">New Bedford, Mass.</span>, Oct. 6.—The season for bees
has been remarkable. Commencing well, the dry
weather soon made forage very scarce during the
blooming of clover and basswood, so that by the first
of September there was little or no surplus stored, and all
the colonies were very light. But during that month,
mostly after the fifteenth, the bees gathered honey as
fast or faster than they ever do in this locality in
June. It was obtained from the wild aster; and the
stocks are now heavy and in fine condition for winter.
Even now there seems to be no cessation of their
labors. This is true of all the neighboring towns;
nearly every hive in them having been examined by
me during my professional drives.—<span class="smcap">E. P. Abbe.</span>
<span class="pagenum" id="Page_119">119</span></p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p class="author">
[For The American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="How_May_Progress_be_Taught">How May Progress be Taught?</h2>
<p><span class="smcap">Mr. Editor</span>:—As the columns of the Bee
Journal are made the medium of disseminating
apicultural knowledge, by asking and answering
questions, I have this question to ask in reference
to the class of bee-keepers who use box
and gum exclusively. How shall we reach
these, and dispense the necessary knowledge
among them? Let us endeavor to devise some
effective means. Your Journal is doing the
work as far as they can be induced to take and
study it; but the number is comparatively limited.
Many of these people, when they see an
improved bee-hive, unconsciously exclaim to the
owner, who happens to be a practical bee-keeper:</p>
<p>“Mr. B.—What do you call that?”</p>
<p>B. “That, sir, is a bee-hive.”</p>
<p>Q. “What do you have so many sticks in it
<p>B. “Those are what we call <i>frames</i> for the
bees to build their combs on; each frame separately
giving them the means by which the combs
may be removed from the hive, for the purpose
of making artificial swarms, furnishing honey
from the rich to the poor colonies and strengthening
weak ones.”</p>
<p>Here the querist exclaims in perfect amazement:
“What will the bees be doing while you
are lifting their combs out?”</p>
<p>B. “If you treat the bees right they will not
harm you; besides we can have a protection,
made of wire cloth, or what is more handy, a
piece of bobbinet to place over the face; and by
keeping the hands wet, the bees will not sting,
unless they are badly treated.”</p>
<p>Q. “What a fool I have been. I have kept
bees all my life, and never before knew what I
needed. I suppose if you can lift out the combs,
as you say you can, you could find the king’s
house and perhaps the king himself?”</p>
<p>B. “There is no such bee in the hive.”</p>
<p>Q. “What! no king bee! Why I always understood
that a colony of bees without a king
and ruler, whose mandates are strictly obeyed,
will not be worth anything.”</p>
<p>B. “The bee you allude to is the mother of
the colony and is called the queen; but she has
no house or particular spot in the hive in which
she dwells. The worker-bees, however, construct
what are called queen-cells, in which
queens are reared; but they never remain in
them, except only while in embryo.”</p>
<p>Q. “Why, Mr. B., you seem to know as much
about bees as the man I heard a neighbor speak
of. He said there was a man living in Iowa that
reared king bees (perhaps you would call them
queen bees) of a superior and different kind from
the common bee, and brought from some other
<p>B. “Yes, we rear our own queens, or in other
words we cause the bees to do so, by our artificial
process. This we do for the purpose of
furnishing fertilized queens to old stocks, when
their queens are taken away, as is the case in
producing artificial swarms.”</p>
<p>Q. “Then you can make bees swarm, and rear
queens at your will?”</p>
<p>B. “Yes.”</p>
<p>Q. “But do you never find a hive that is not
in the notion of swarming? I always thought
that bees knew when they wanted to swarm,
better than man did.”</p>
<p>B. “Bees have only instinct, and were not intended
in the beginning to produce their own
swarms. They were created for the benefit of
man, and if that had been the way swarms were
intended to be made, they would be made in
conformity with natural laws that govern them,
and swarming would always be successfully performed
in perfection. Man was given knowledge,
by means of which it was intended he
should manage his bees in his own way, independent
of any will they may have. The penalty
for man’s neglect in this respect is the loss of his
bees in various ways—such as swarming and
departing to parts unknown, loss of queen, extermination
by robbing, &c. Man, therefore,
endowed with knowledge and judgment, knows
more of the management, for his benefit, of the
internal parts of the hive, than the bees, with
mere instinct, can possibly know.”</p>
<p>Q. “I perceive, sir, that these are the days of
our ignorance spoken of in Holy Writ, though
I was never able to see it till now. Some of my
neighbors, a few years ago, purchased bees which
were in common boxes and gums. They brought
them home and set them down in a remote corner
of the yard or garden, to live or die, as they
might or could, with no attention whatever, except
when the time came to secure some of their
delicious stores, which, with shame I confess, is
the practice in all the neighborhood now.”</p>
<p>B. “Your statement is only too true, if indeed
the facts are not worse.”</p>
<p>This is a fair specimen of the questions asked
by common bee-keepers.</p>
<p>While the inventive genius of the age has
given power to water in the form of steam,
causing the face of the earth to be alive with
machinery and wheels that are almost daily circumscribing
its surface at lightning speed—yea,
the lightning itself has, as it were, been snatched
from the heavens and made to do the bidding of
man—yet the bee-hive, till within the last fifteen
years, has in a measure remained as it may have
been in the garden of Eden. The invention of
the frames was the dawn of a new era in bee-keeping,
by means of which we have advanced
step by step up the hill of science to the present
advanced stage, while progression still looms up
and fades away in the distance. The mysteries
of the hive that remained hidden from the beginning
till now, are, many of them, solved and
being solved, and all the various causes of the
destruction of colonies plainly disclosed. The
practical man, properly informing himself, need
not lose a hive; while, in the old way, twenty-five
per cent, of all the bees kept in the country
are lost every year. While we have reached
these advances, there are many things yet in
embryo, that will be reached by and by—such
as the control of fertilization, which enables the
bee-keeper to select both queens and drones, and
secure the purity of the race we prefer to cultivate.
<span class="pagenum" id="Page_120">120</span>
We also expect a forcing-box, hiver, and
swarmer, all combined; and means which will
enable the bee-keeper to compel a plurality of
queens in every colony, without division, in the
same apartment.</p>
<p>But I am wandering from my purpose, which
was simply to start the inquiry—how shall we
reach, and dispense the necessary knowledge
among those who still keep their bees in unimproved
hives? The State governments should
foster bee culture as they foster other agricultural
pursuits. Why not have a separate department
for bee culture in every State, under the
charge of a man qualified to superintend it and
diffuse its advantages in the community? In
some of the German States the number of hives
will average hundreds to the square mile, and
that too in soil comparatively sterile. How was
this brought about? Simply by encouraging and
fostering the business. And cannot the American
States produce the same results? Millions
of barrels of honey go to waste annually in this
country, merely from the want of bees to gather
the nectar of flowers. What, say you, bee-keepers
of Iowa, shall we not make a united
effort to secure the means by which those who
have bees in our beautiful State shall be furnished
with power (knowledge) to effect the
gratifying change? The bees of every hive now
in the State, producing ordinarily ten, twenty,
or thirty pounds, may be made to produce annually
from one hundred to two hundred pounds.</p>
<p>Mr. Gallup will please accept our thanks for
his practical and instructive communications in
the Journal. Will he not favor us with an article
on this subject. Let Iowa be the first to
take a stand in favor of promoting bee culture.</p>
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">J. W. Seay.</span></p>
<p><i>Monroe, Iowa.</i></p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p class="author">
[For the American Bee Journal.]</p>
<h2 id="Argos_Puzzle">Argo’s Puzzle.</h2>
<p>R. M. Argo has found a job for Gallup.</p>
<p>That bees will sometimes build worker-comb
when there is no queen present is a positive fact,
but the rule is almost invariably drone comb.
The fact that they built one-third drone comb is
no proof that they did not have an old queen. If
they are gathering honey abundantly, they are
very apt to build too much drone comb; and
sometimes they do so in such cases, even with
a young prolific queen. But with such a queen,
when they are gathering just sufficient to build
comb and store but little honey, the rule is almost
invariably worker comb exclusively.</p>
<p>That bees will frequently make preparations
for swarming immediately after being hived is
another positive fact, especially when the season
is good and the newly hived swarm is large.
The first case of the kind that came under my
observation, occurred a number of years ago in
Canada. I hived an extra large swarm for a
neighbor, sometime in the forenoon. About four
o’clock in the afternoon the shout came across
the mill stream, “my bees are going off!” I
left all, and followed them to a large pine stub.
I cut down the stub, split it open, took out the
bees, put them in the same hive. That night
they were sold as an <i>unlucky</i> swarm, removed 3½
miles, and in just eight days from the time they
were replaced in the hive, they sent out a large
swarm, which left for the woods. The bees then
belonged to my cousin. They left on Saturday.
On Sunday I went to church close by my cousin’s,
and he informed me that his bees had filled their
hive and swarmed, and the swarm left for parts
unknown. I was rather incredulous, but after
church went and made an examination. Sure
enough, the hive was completely filled and several
sealed queen cells were in sight, with several
more unsealed near the bottom of the comb.
The hive was a box twelve inches square by
fourteen inches high, and when the swarm was
hived I had to put on a large box before the bees
could all be got in the hive. That box was nearly
filled with comb, but the bees that went off took
the honey with them. On the fifteenth day they
sent out a second swarm. So much for purchasing
an <i>unlucky</i> swarm!—Since then I have
had several cases of the same kind come under
my observation; one in the summer of 1868, and
another this summer. The one in 1868 was not
a large swarm, and they did not fill their hive
before sending out a swarm. The case this season
was a large artificial swarm made by putting together
bees from several hives, with a queen.—I
should be strongly inclined to think that, in
your case, they started queen cells for the purpose
of superseding the old queen. When a
queen has begun to fail at about swarming time,
and forage is abundant, they cast a swarm. In
my case, in 1868, it was no doubt caused by the
bees superseding the old queen. I had a case
this season, where the first swarm came out with
a young queen, leaving the old queen in the hive,
with plenty of sealed queen cells. In another
case, when making an artificial swarm, I found
the old queen and a young one both, fertile, with
several sealed queen cells.</p>
<p class="author">
<span class="smcap">E. Gallup.</span></p>
<p><i>Orchard, Iowa.</i></p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p>The amputation of <i>one</i> of the antenna of a
queen bee appears not to affect her perceptibly,
but cutting off both these organs produces a
very striking derangement of her proceedings.
She seems in a species of delirium, and deprived
of all her instincts; everything is done at random;
yet the respect and homage of her workers,
towards her, though they are received by her
with indifference, continue undiminished. If
another in the same condition be put in the
hive, the bees do not appear to discover the difference,
and treat them both alike; but if a
perfect one be introduced, even though fertile,
they seize her, and keep her in confinement, and
treat her very unhandsomely. “<i>One may conjecture
from this circumstance, that it is by those
wonderful organs, the attennæ, that the bees know
their own queen.</i>”</p>
<p class="table"><ANTIMG src="images/hr.png" alt="" /></p>
<p>That which is profitable only to the speculating
business, though it be theoretically plausible,
deserves not to be recommended or accepted, if
it be not calculated to produce beneficial results
to the practical bee-keeper.</p>
<div class="footnotes"><h3>FOOTNOTES:</h3>
<div class="footnote">
<p><SPAN name="Footnote_1" href="#FNanchor_1" class="label">1</SPAN>
My method and the use of Dr. Davis’ <span class="smcap">Queen Nursery</span>.</p>
<div class="footnote">
<p><SPAN name="Footnote_2" href="#FNanchor_2" class="label">2</SPAN>
Oranges, bananas, pineapples, and other tropical fruits
are forced in hot-houses; but they never reach the size,
flavor, or perfection of nature.</p>
<div class="footnote">
<p><SPAN name="Footnote_3" href="#FNanchor_3" class="label">3</SPAN>
In a subsequent communication in Vol. V., No. 10, Mr. B.
says that in place of old woollen garments, he covered the
frames last winter “with a sort of cotton batting comforters
made precisely like a comforter for a bed; and that he likes
these much better than old carpeting or old clothes.” He
had one made for each hive, costing about twenty cents
a piece. “By lifting one corner of these comforters, the
condition of the hive can be seen at a glance. The bees are
always found clustered up against these warm comforters,
and communicate over the tops of the frames, instead of
through the winter passages.”</p>
<div class="footnote">
<p><SPAN name="Footnote_4" href="#FNanchor_4" class="label">4</SPAN>
Shortly thereafter merged in the American Bee Journal.</p>
<div class="transnote">
<h3>Transcriber’s Note:</h3>
<p>Obvious printer errors corrected silently.</p>
<p>Inconsistent spelling and hyphenation are as in the original.</p>
<SPAN name="endofbook"></SPAN>
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