<h2 class="nobreak" id="CHAPTER_XI">CHAPTER XI</h2>
<h3>LIFE IN OTHER WORLDS</h3></div>
<p>If life was not brought to the earth from another
planet, then life was created, or originated, on the
earth. Some of the conditions which attended its
birth have been considered, and they amount to this:
that the temperature of the earth, the elements of the
earth, the conditions of the earth's surface, oceans, and
atmosphere were exactly those which favoured the origination,
the continuance, and the development of living
things. The earth, among all the heavenly bodies which
we can examine at all closely, is probably the only one
on which life, as we know it, would have much chance of
<p>The Sun as an abode of life we may at once put out
of the question. Taking the planets in order of distance
from the Sun: of Mercury we know very little, but
astronomers like Schiaparelli and Lowell have pronounced
it to be an airless, dead planet with a surface cracked
in cooling untold ages ago. Venus is believed to be much
like the earth, not differing greatly in size, and probably
having an atmosphere of considerable extent;<SPAN name="FNanchor_10" href="#Footnote_10" class="fnanchor">[10]</SPAN> but its<span class="pagenum" id="Page_119">-119-</span>
appearance is so bright, viewed from the earth, that it
has been surmised that what we see is not the planet itself
but its atmosphere always charged with clouds or possibly
snow. Of Mars as an abode of life, and of the Moon,
which is the body nearest to us, we shall speak more fully
in the present chapter. Coming to the outer major
planets, the giant Jupiter—with a bulk more than a
thousand times as great as the earth—has a constitution
by no means so solid. For many reasons the belief seems
justified that Jupiter must be a still hot, and almost gaseous
body, without a solid crust. If Jupiter's comparatively
small weight for its size and its wonderful and varying
system of cloud coverings are evidence of an early stage of
development and a high internal temperature, still more
is this the case with Saturn. In bulk it is not far inferior
to Jupiter; but it is so much lighter than water that if
some of its fragments fell into one of the earth's oceans
they would float there. Its outer coverings or envelopes
must consist of heated gases in active circulation. Of
Uranus and Neptune, still farther off, we know very little,
and the progress of knowledge concerning them is very
slow; but it is more probable that they are in the early
stage of development attributed to Jupiter and Saturn
than in the solid stage of planets like the earth. So that
we may fairly dismiss the probability of the existence
of life as we know it on any of them—and neglect
incidentally, therefore, any possibility that life could have
been carried in a meteorite from them to us. Whether
there are other forms of "life" than any we know is a
question hardly needing discussion.</p>
<div class="footnote">
<p><SPAN name="Footnote_10" href="#FNanchor_10" class="label">[10]</SPAN> W. W. Bryant, <i>A History of Astronomy</i> (Methuen), 1907.</p>
<p><span class="pagenum" id="Page_120">-120-</span></p>
<p>There remains the question of the probability of life
on the Moon or on Mars; and the question of possible
life on the Moon is specially worth consideration, because
the earth's satellite was once part of the earth's mass.
We may first repeat briefly the explanation which
Sir G. H. Darwin has given of the Moon's separation
from the earth. If a flexible hoop or ring is spun very
rapidly it will be seen to flatten itself at top and bottom
(or, as we might say, at its poles) and broaden itself out
at its middle or equator. The semi-liquid earth once
rotated so rapidly that its swelling equatorial belt was
almost at the point of separation from the parent body.
Before this occurred, however, the tension was so great
that one large portion of the protuberance, where it was
weakest, broke away, and began to move around the
earth at a considerable distance from it. There are
several estimates of the bulk of the earth thus shot
off; but we may assume that about one-fiftieth of the
earth escaped thus. It must have consisted of a considerable
portion of the earth's solid crust, and a much larger
quantity of the molten rocks of the earth's interior.</p>
<p>The Moon is much lighter than the earth. The earth
taken as a whole weighs about five and a half times as
much as water. If we consider its surface alone, this
weighs rather more than two and a half times the weight
of water—from which it can be seen that the interior of
the earth is very much denser than the earth's surface crust.
<span class="pagenum" id="Page_121">-121-</span><SPAN name="FNanchor_11" href="#Footnote_11" class="fnanchor">[11]</SPAN>
The Moon weighs rather less than three and a half
times its bulk in water. This shows clearly that the
Moon is composed of material scraped off from the outer
surface of the earth, rather than of matter obtained from
a considerable depth. At the same time the layer of
material removed had an appreciable thickness. The
volume of the Moon is equivalent to a solid body whose
surface is equal to the area of all the earth's oceans, and
whose depth would be thirty-six miles. It seems probable,
therefore, that at the time when the Moon was torn off,
or shot off, from the earth, the parent body had a solid
crust averaging at least thirty-six miles in thickness, while
beneath this crust the temperature was so high that the
materials underneath were molten or liquid, and in other
places were only kept solid by the enormous pressure of
the material above them. When the Moon separated
from the earth three-quarters of this crust was carried
away. It has sometimes been supposed that the remainder
was torn into two parts, one of which formed the
great land area of the Eastern Hemisphere and the other
the great land area of which North and South America
are the relics in the Western Hemisphere. These two
great areas, at that time, floated on the semi-liquid
surface like two large ice-floes. But they were, of course,
a good deal heavier than ice, and the molten stuff on
which they floated was a good deal heavier than water.
Later on this liquid stuff cooled and hardened. But
its bottom was still a good deal lower than the surface
of the great areas of land which had "floated" on it;
and therefore it formed great depressions all about and
<span class="pagenum" id="Page_122">-122-</span>
surrounding them. Thus the depressions were there ready
formed, into which the waters of the earth, beginning as
rain and ending as rivers or lakes, could flow as into
reservoirs. On the whole scientific men incline to believe
that, according to a popular tradition, the Moon may
have been torn from the earth where the Pacific Ocean
now lies, and may have left that hollow behind it when it
<div class="footnote">
<p><SPAN name="Footnote_11" href="#FNanchor_11" class="label">[11]</SPAN> The figures are: earth's specific gravity = 5·6. The specific
gravity of the surface material ranges from, in general, between 2·2 and
3·2, with an average of 2·7. The specific gravity of the Moon is 3·4.</p>
<p>Many people, scientific men and astronomers among
them, have imagined the possibilities of life on the Moon.
In his clever romance, <i>The First Man on the Moon</i>,
Mr. H. G. Wells has gathered together all the more
reasoned speculations on the subject. They all turn on
one point—Is there an atmosphere on the Moon which
would support life? There are gases of some kind
on the Moon. There must be gases, for example, shut
up in the moon's rocks; there may be gases in the
Moon's interior. Mr. Wells imagined that there was a
good deal of gas inside the Moon; indeed, he went so
far as to suppose that the Moon was partly hollow.
If it were we should perhaps be able to accept that
as an explanation of the fact that the Moon is, bulk for
bulk, considerably lighter than the earth, and is, in short,
rather lighter than we should expect it to be. If the
Moon were hollow there might be an atmosphere and
water inside it, and a race of beings might live there—in
the underworld of the Moon. The "Selenites," as
Mr. Wells called them, would probably be not in the
least like human beings, though they might be immeasurably
more intelligent, because, seeing that the earth
<span class="pagenum" id="Page_123">-123-</span>
cooled at a later period than the moon, life might have
begun earlier on the Moon, and would have had, perhaps,
many hundreds of thousands of years in which to
develop. Mr. Wells therefore imagined the "Selenites"
to resemble in some respects a race of very large insects
with enormous brains. However, we need pursue these
romantic speculations no further, but must turn to
inquire not whether life might exist in the interior
of the Moon (which we can never see), but what would
be the kind of life that could exist on the part of the
Moon that we can see.</p>
<p>In the first place, we believe that the atmosphere
there would be very, very thin; as thin as the atmosphere
which is left in the bell-receiver of an ordinary
air-pump when the experimenter has done the best he
can to exhaust it of air altogether.<SPAN name="FNanchor_12" href="#Footnote_12" class="fnanchor">[12]</SPAN> In the second place,
the atmosphere would not be one of oxygen and nitrogen
as that of the earth is, but of some heavy gas like
carbon-dioxide (which will not support animal life). The
question is whether it would support vegetable life.
Several astronomers (no less eminent a one than W. H.
Pickering, of Harvard University, among them) have
supposed that it might, and they have imagined great
jungles of vegetation springing up on the surface of the
Moon under the influence of the Sun's rays—jungles which
are stricken down again when they are four days old
under the oncoming of night. For the Moon's day is
<span class="pagenum" id="Page_124">-124-</span>
equal to several of ours, and when night comes there
the temperature sinks to a level colder far than that
of the earth's Arctic regions; so cold, in fact, that even
gases would be turned to liquid and then frozen solid.
It is by no means certain that the gases we have mentioned
would support vegetable life, but assuming that
they would, we should then expect the vegetation to
spring up with extraordinary rapidity—because it would
be so little hampered by its own weight—when the
vertical rays of the Sun were beating down on the Moon.
When that was the case the temperature there would
be from 500° (F.) to 600° (F.) higher than during the
<div class="footnote">
<p><SPAN name="Footnote_12" href="#FNanchor_12" class="label">[12]</SPAN> The exhaustion produced by an ordinary air-pump is never a
complete vacuum. Exhaustion which leaves only <sup>1</sup>/<sub>2000</sub>th of the original
air is unusually efficient.</p>
<p>Perhaps we may here explain some of the reasons why
vegetation would be little hampered by its own weight
on the Moon. It is similar to the reasons why light
gases escape from the Moon. The mass of the Moon—that
is to say, the amount of matter it contains—is <sup>1</sup>/<sub>80</sub>th
that of the earth. Therefore since the weight of a
body means the measure of the force by which gravity
attracts it (to the earth or to the Moon), bodies on
the Moon's surface are much lighter than they are here.
The ratio is almost exactly one-sixth; consequently a
man weighing 180 lbs. on the earth if transplanted to
the Moon would find that he only weighed 30 lbs. there,
and could carry two men at once on his back for twenty
miles much more easily than he could walk that distance
without a load here. He could throw a stone six times
as far as on the earth, and jump six times as high.
Indeed, jumping over a moderate-sized house would be
<span class="pagenum" id="Page_125">-125-</span>
a gymnastic feat scarcely worth mentioning on the
<p>After consideration of all these facts; and despite the
belief of some distinguished astronomers that changes are
sometimes perceptible on the Moon's surface; and that
hoar frost can be perceived there; and perhaps volcanic
eruptions—the general conclusion arrived at by astronomical
authority is that organic life does not exist either on
the Moon or in it; and we may conclude this outline of
the speculations concerning it by quoting the American
astronomer, Professor N. S. Shaler: "It is naturally painful
to conclude that the Moon is and always has been
deprived of those features of existence which we deem the
nobler; that it has never known the stir of air or water
or the higher life of beings who inherit the profit of
experience, and thereby climb the way that has led upward
to man. That these large gifts have been denied to
the nearest companion of the earth has its lesson for the
naturalist. How vast are the effects arising from the interrelation
of actions.... If the gases could have been
retained in the Moon (by its attractive force) there is no
reason why it should not have had the history of a
miniature earth. As it is, from the beginning it appears
to have been determined that the Sun should not warm it
in the same way as the earth; that rain should not fall
on it, nor the stirrings of life and energy be visible on
it. There is no imaginable accident that can alter its
state. Just as it is, our Moon is likely to see the Sun
go out."</p>
<p>This chapter may be ended by a brief application of
<span class="pagenum" id="Page_126">-126-</span>
some of these considerations to the case of the planet
Mars. Next to the Moon Mars is our nearest neighbour,
and the erection of great telescopes in America, one of
them at Flagstaff Observatory, Arizona, where the air is
extraordinarily clear and telescopic vision unusually penetrating,
has stimulated the observation of the planet to a
very great degree during recent years. Mars has an
atmosphere not nearly so dense as that of the earth, but
still dense enough in all probability to support some form
of organic life. It may, for example, support vegetation.
In some other respects Mars resembles the earth. It
has arctic circles; it has clouds, though whether these
are of vapour or of dust is not quite certain; and it has a
less variable temperature by far than that of the Moon.
There are, at any rate, some of the conditions to support
and perhaps to encourage life; and if we could be certain
that the atmosphere in Mars more nearly resembles that
of the earth, and that its temperature was such as to be
sometimes above that of our Arctic regions, then it would
be difficult to deny that life, and probably intelligent
beings, existed there. One very able and intelligent
astronomer is convinced that life and intelligent beings do
exist there. This is Professor Lowell, of Flagstaff Observatory,
who has devoted a number of years and a great
deal of money to the careful observation of the planet. He
has brought forward many cogent arguments to show that
Mars might be inhabited, and that great telescopes can
discover signs on it, and may discover further signs, which
are a reason for supposing it to be so. It is not, however,
within the range of this book to examine these reasons in
<span class="pagenum" id="Page_127">-127-</span>
detail; and we need only say that in the first decade of
the twentieth century most astronomers, despite the close
examination of Mars and its markings, which had been
conducted for more than a generation, were still not
convinced that life as we know it could exist there.</p>
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