English Dictionary

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 wary wary /ˈwɛri/


  1. () Marked by keen caution and watchful prudence  ( wary )
    marked by keen caution and watchful prudence
     They were wary in their movements
    they were wary in their movements
     A wary glance at the black clouds
    a wary glance at the black clouds
     Taught to be wary of strangers
    taught to be wary of strangers
  2. Openly distrustful and unwilling to confide  ( leery , mistrustful , untrusting , wary , suspicious , mistrusting )
    openly distrustful and unwilling to confide
     He was leery of how the difficult situation would work out
    He was leery of how the difficult situation would work out
     Mistrustful personality disorder is rare in childhood
    Mistrustful personality disorder is rare in childhood
     He was suspicious of how the difficult situation would work out
    He was suspicious of how the difficult situation would work out