English Dictionary

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 threaten threaten /ˈθrɛtən/


  1. () Pose a threat to; present a danger to  ( jeopardise [British] , peril , imperil , menace , endanger , jeopardize , threaten )
    pose a threat to; present a danger to
     The pollution is endangering the crops
    The pollution is endangering the crops
  2. () To utter intentions of injury or punishment against  ( threaten )
    to utter intentions of injury or punishment against
     He threatened me when I tried to call the police
    He threatened me when I tried to call the police
  3. () To be a menacing indication of something  ( threaten )
    to be a menacing indication of something
     The clouds threaten rain
    The clouds threaten rain
     Danger threatens
    Danger threatens