English Dictionary

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 under under /ˈʌndɝ/


  1. () Located below or beneath something else  ( nether , under )
    located below or beneath something else
     Nether garments
    nether garments
     The under parts of a machine
    the under parts of a machine
  2. () Lower in rank, power, or authority  ( under )
    lower in rank, power, or authority
     An under secretary
    an under secretary


  1. () Down to defeat, death, or ruin  ( under )
    down to defeat, death, or ruin
     Their competitors went under
    their competitors went under
  2. Further down  ( below , under )
    further down
     See under for further discussion
    see under for further discussion
  3. Down below  ( under )
    down below
     Get under quickly!
    get under quickly!
  4. Below the horizon  ( under )
    below the horizon
     The sun went under
    the sun went under
  5. Below some quantity or limit  ( under )
    below some quantity or limit
     Fifty dollars or under
    fifty dollars or under
  6. In or into a state of subordination or subjugation  ( under )
    in or into a state of subordination or subjugation
     We must keep our disappointment under
    we must keep our disappointment under
  7. Into unconsciousness  ( under )
    into unconsciousness
     This will put the patient under
    this will put the patient under
  8. Through a range downward  ( under )
    through a range downward
     Children six and under will be admitted free
    children six and under will be admitted free


  1. () At a position directly lower than (with the subject just above)  ( neath [Archaic] , below , beneath , under , underneath )
    at a position directly lower than (with the subject just above)