English Dictionary

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 aquatic aquatic /əˈkwætɪk/


  1. Operating, living or growing in water  ( aquatic )
    operating, living or growing in water
     Boats are aquatic vehicles
    boats are aquatic vehicles
     Water lilies are aquatic plants
    water lilies are aquatic plants
     Fish are aquatic animals
    fish are aquatic animals
  2. Relating to or consisting of or being in water  ( aquatic )
    relating to or consisting of or being in water
     An aquatic environment
    an aquatic environment


  1. A plant that lives in or on water  ( aquatic )
    a plant that lives in or on water
     The lotus is an aquatic plant that thrives in ponds and slow-moving water bodies.
    The lotus is an aquatic plant that thrives in ponds and slow-moving water bodies.