English Dictionary

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 odorous odorous /ˈoʊdɝəs/


  1. Having a natural fragrance  ( odoriferous , odorous , perfumed , sweet-scented , odiferous , scented , sweet-smelling , sweet )
    having a natural fragrance
     Odoriferous spices
    odoriferous spices
     The odorous air of the orchard
    the odorous air of the orchard
     The perfumed air of June
    the perfumed air of June
     Scented flowers
    scented flowers
  2. Emitting an odor  ( odoriferous , odorous , odiferous )
    emitting an odor
     Odorous salt pork and weevily hardtack
    odorous salt pork and weevily hardtack
  3. Having odor or a characteristic odor  ( odorous )
    having odor or a characteristic odor
     Odorous jasmine flowers
    odorous jasmine flowers
     Odorous garbage
    odorous garbage
     Fresh odorous bread
    fresh odorous bread