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 sentimental sentimental /ˌsɛnəˈmɛntəl, ˌsɛntəˈmɛnəl, ˌsɛnəˈmɛnəl/


  1. () Effusively or insincerely emotional  ( bathetic , drippy [Informal] , hokey [Informal, N. American] , kitschy , maudlin , mawkish , mushy [Informal] , sappy [Informal] , schmaltzy [Informal] , schmalzy [Informal] , sentimental , slushy [Informal] , soppy [Informal, British] , soupy [Informal] , cutesy [Informal] )
    effusively or insincerely emotional
     A bathetic novel
    a bathetic novel
     Maudlin expressions of sympathy
    maudlin expressions of sympathy
     Mushy effusiveness
    mushy effusiveness
     A schmaltzy song
    a schmaltzy song
     Sentimental soap operas
    sentimental soap operas
     Slushy poetry
    slushy poetry
  2. () Given to or marked by sentiment or sentimentality  ( sentimental )
    given to or marked by sentiment or sentimentality