affect /əˈfɛkt/
The conscious subjective aspect of feeling or emotion
the conscious subjective aspect of feeling or emotion
Have an effect upon
, touch on
, bear upon
, affect
, bear on
, touch
have an effect upon
Will the new rules affect me?
Will the new rules affect me?
Act physically on; have an effect upon
act physically on; have an effect upon
The medicine affects my heart rate
the medicine affects my heart rate
Make believe with the intent to deceive
, dissemble
, feign
, affect
, pretend
make believe with the intent to deceive
He feigned that he was ill
He feigned that he was ill
He shammed a headache
He shammed a headache
Connect closely and often incriminatingly
, regard
, involve
connect closely and often incriminatingly
This new ruling affects your business
This new ruling affects your business
Have an emotional or cognitive impact upon
, move
, impress
, strike
have an emotional or cognitive impact upon
This child impressed me as unusually mature
This child impressed me as unusually mature
This behavior struck me as odd
This behavior struck me as odd
He was dumb-struck by the news
he was dumb-struck by the news
Her comments struck a sour note
her comments struck a sour note